9/15/19 Through 9/21/19
The many times that You forgive
Allowing sinners yet to live,
Is baffling to mortal mind,
And part of greater plan entwined.
Only You can judge the heart
And play the Father's loving part.
Forgiveness feeds our journey too
And makes our likeness more to You
Help me not to prideful be
And see in every sinner, me.
A weak and wand'ring foolish son
Whose wand'ring days are finally done.
Offer prayers for those who lead.
On their behalf, to Jesus plead.
That they would govern in accord
With ways established by our Lord.
As shepherds true who guide the sheep
Who comfort those who mourn and weep.
As guides who lift the little ewes
And teach the young ones how to choose.
Have faith and trust His every word,
Obeying once His voice is heard.
And such a master you will find
So peaceful, prayerful, wise, and kind.
Not everyone who died was raised
Not every healing act was praised.
Some met disdain from Pharisee
For showing that the wise can't see.
But those whose faith was pure and free
Were granted what they asked of Thee.
And even those who knew You not
Were grateful for the gifts they got.
The fear that struck the little town
Was spread to those for miles around.
for when His mighty deeds were done,
They knew they met God's only Son.
Exquisite joy and sorrow sure
Will come to all whose hearts are pure.
One cannot feel the depths of these,
Who from the source of Truth, but flees.
The anesthesia granted by
A foolish pride and daily lie
Will drown the sorrow, dampen joy,
And tepidness of will employ.
Blind to tragedy of sin,
The worldly wounds sink deeper in.
Placating flesh a little while,
Succumbing to the serpent's guile.
Suppressing sorrow, maybe so,
But making hard the truth to know.
The sorrow comes from evil known,
But joy can come from God alone.
Wisdom will enter your heart.
The place where conversion will start.
There love will be born, as the selfish is torn,
Revealing there, God's work of art.
The wisdom of following well
Exceeds what mere words ever tell.
They who answer the call, and have given their all,
Will forcefully, evil expel.
What mercy our Maker has shown
For the ways of the wicked we've known.
Before we were drowned, sweet repentance we found,
And darkness was thus overthrown.
Naked I came and Naked I go
That left behind, a legacy show.
Not piles of riches, or copious hoard,
But family devoted to loving the Lord.
Once the call has broken through
The jingle of the coins,
We recognize that only You,
Can satisfy the loins.
The weight of love so hard to lift,
Such burden that it brings.
But those who answer to the gift
Are given heaven's wings.
To make the burden sweet and light,
And taste the gift of love.
To fly up to the highest height,
To endless light above.
I see and hear the truth, I know,
Yet often turn around
To where the flesh and greed will grow,
And worthless coins are found.
Lord call me each and every morn,
Your burden to accept.
That every day I be reborn,
And in Your graces kept.