Sunday, March 31, 2019

4/14/19 Through 4/20/19

4/14/19 Through 4/20/19

No words to say but, Mercy Lord,
For all that we have done.
In love the blood of life out-poured
From Your most holy Son.

Aromas of the costly nard
Still waft within the air.
In alabaster, what was jarred
And dried up with her hair.

Anointed now, prepared to die,
His journey nearly through.
Forever we may wonder why
He died for me and you.

But love was shown to have no bound
In life or death we see.
And in the broken jar is found
The way that we should be.

The simple crowing of the cock
Can speak a multitude
In simple ways we hear the knock
Inviting us to You.

Exposing how we fall away
Or just ignore the call.
The failings of the witless clay
Or shameful foolish gall.

Make us attentive to the Word
You speak to us this day
And may each syllable be heard
To keep us in Your way

Tuesday  (random thought)
Cleanse me Lord, I must be freed
Of all my sinful ways.
Of selfishness and foolish greed
To offer up Your praise.

Betrayal in the heart today,
Just need to find the perfect way.
Without defenders near at hand,
Within the garden it was planned.

With cover of the dark of night
And torches as their only light.
They need a sign they cannot miss,
The thief betrays Him with a kiss.

The gift you gave that holy night
Our sustenance this day,
Our strength within the daily fight
To follow in Your way.

Your body true and blood aright
Are given us this way
That every man and woman might
Be helped along the way.

The Eucharist this precious gift
Is offered us each day.
If only those who've gone adrift
Would come and learn to pray.

So near You draw to every soul
Prepared to wash them clean
Forgiveness as the final goal
Your mercy Lord to glean.

The One whom they have crucified,
He suffered well before He died.
Through agony of agonies
While friend and ally quickly flees.

The horror of that cruel sight
Which brought about in day the night,
Could not but wrench the heart of all
Who hearken to His loving call.

For shamed and naked on the tree
While friends and followers would flee,
Forgiving those who did the deed
To break the pod and scatter seed.

Lifeless body cold and dead
Thorns that crowned the sacred head
Nails that pierced the hands and feet
All signs of love's immense defeat.

Now where to go or what to do?
For all seems naught when lacking You
Is it done?  Are graces gone?
Without Love, can life move on?

Give me hope and trust in You
That somehow all would make it through
To find the sunny Easter morn
Where life and love will be reborn.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

4/7/19 Through 4/13/19

4/7/19 Through 4/13/19

The dead among the rocks will rise
And radiance will fill the skies
The day when Christ returns to find
The fruit upon His holy vine.

No more will secrets here be kept,
The house all clean and neatly swept.
We'll see quite clear our every deed,
And earnestly, His mercy plead.

Each breath of life he gives to man,
Another step within His plan.
An offering for us to wed,
And every sinful action shed.

For on that day our fate be sealed,
And all our sinfulness revealed.
Just how we've turned away from Him
To follow every sordid whim.

Have mercy!  Mercy!  Mercy, Lord!
And stay Your terrible swift sword.
Grant repentance while there's time
To save these wayward souls of Thine.

Suppressed by lust, a conscience gone.
To evil actions quickly drawn.
A lie convenient for this time,
To cover up another crime.

The elders in that former day,
Much like our politics today,
Where truth is what's convenient now,
And sin will just, new sin allow.

To heaven now, our eyes must turn
If we, the truth, attempt to learn.
Then in humble supplication
Plead His blood upon our nation.

Our folly then be clear exposed
As to a life of love opposed,
And then repentant hearts can stand
Within a place like God had planned.

Contemplate the cross today,
And if you've followed well His way.
Has the Father's will been done?
In you, do people see the Son?

Has the cross been lifted high?
Are hearts renewed and transformed by
A life so closely kin to His,
They see what truth and beauty is?

If on the cross we daily gaze,
He lifts the cloudy, evil haze,
And shines a healing truthful light
Amid the dark and sin of night.

Three saints of old would be so bold
As to defy the king.
Their crime would prove his heart to move,
And then salvation bring.

But first they came to burning flame
For such a crime as this.
Yet cowered not, although so hot,
When cast in the abyss.

Then in the flame, One with no name,
That seemed a Son of God.
And then, once bound with fetters found,
The three to freely trod.

Amid the flame, a singing came
To glorify the Lord.
A coolness blew, as morning dew,
While conflagration roared.

Though only three who faithful be,
Their acts were multiplied.
The king's heart changed, things rearranged,
And God now glorified!

I AM, the One who made all things.
I AM, to us, salvation brings.
I AM, the Way, the Truth, the Life,
I AM, your refuge in the strife.

My God, my God, Your love so fine.
Forgiving sins of such as mine.
So far I've strayed from Your sweet love,
And from Your paradise above.

The Lamb of God, would I too stone?
Or leave Him on the cross, alone?
I see myself the face of sin
Yet still You beckon me within.

Your heart afire with love for man.
A burning flame which evil can
Dispel and purify as gold,
Until at last, true Love behold.

Unthinkable with Him not here,
To celebrate the feast this year.
They didn't know the Paschal Lamb
Would be, in fact, the great I AM.

Anticipating Him to rise
To bring about the reign's demise.
They thought it better one should die
To save the nation grief thereby.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

3/31/19 Through 4/6/19

3/31/19 Through 4/6/19

Show me one who trusted God
Was ever put to shame.
Instead the righteous path they trod
Led to a lasting fame.

So many in their wickedness,
Forgotten over time.
But good and holy righteousness
Is shown the fame sublime.

The wonders and the many signs
He offered in His grand designs
To rescue man from sinful chains,
And offer him what heaven gains.

A peace and joy before unknown,
The look of love when fully grown.
The total gift of self, like His,
The way to joy in heaven is.

A sprinkle of the water stirred
Brings new life, of which I've heard.
By just a touch or simple spray,
All our sins are washed away.

Just how is it our God is man?
Who would conceive of such a plan?
No god would ere  so humble be
Assuming flesh, to be like me.

But He is not like other gods
For they are all but useless frauds.
To sickly flesh he grants the grace
To every grief and hardship face.

For He revealed what sin did hide,
The folly of our sinful pride.
And showed the way that we should be,
A servant in humility.

When ere I cry to You 
You answer me oh Lord.
Akin to morning dew,
Your love again out-poured.

When more than I can bear
You lend a helping hand,
And bring Your child where,
Your providence had planned.

Let me not reject You Lord
For in Your love is my reward.
My gain is not from others loss,
But only Yours upon the cross.

Let me not see dark as light
But let me see Your future bright.
Help me, lowly ones, to raise,
And give to You the rightful praise.

None before like Him have spoken,
Order and convention broken.
Words of great authority
Pierce the heart and speak to me.

One who knows my every deed,
My selfishness and sinful greed,
Yet loves me with a burning flame,
And gently calls to me by name.

A random thought...

The near occasion comes to us
As simple and as pure,
But evil lurk among what was 
Okay to you, for sure.

Be gentle, yes, but very wise,
In everything you do.
Do not be fooled by his disguise
Or he will conquer you.

3/24/19 Through 3/30/19

3/24/19 Through 3/30/19

Scrutinize my heart this day
Draw me close within Your way.
Cleanse me with Your holy fire
Make Your will my heart's desire.

Walk me through the parted sea
Share the angel's bread with me.
Bend and shape the thoughts I think
Split the rock and give me drink.

Grant repentance for my sin
For children and my other kin.
Counting gain as none but loss,
Bring us all to love the cross.

The wonder of a child conceived
The Virgin Full of Grace received.
No spot or wrinkle on her soul.
Fulfilling words upon the scroll.

Forgiveness in the eyes of men
Is blotting out our sins, but when
It comes to passing on this gift
Our charity is not so swift.

This stinginess will not avail
If our own debtors we assail.
For Master wishes all to be,
His ministers of clemency.

In many ways we look to law
To justify a blatant flaw.
We look to laws proclaimed by man
To do what only God's law can.

The voice of many makes not right
When they persist in dark of night.
The shades of sin obscure what's true,
And make a shameless fool of you.

The only way to justify
Is with the one true law comply.
And teach the young to follow well
The word of God, that we heard tell.

Let me listen well today,
Following the words You say.
Taking heed where I am wrong,
And placing You where You belong.

Often strayed by selfish whim
Losing my clear sight of Him.
Hearing not His precious call
To love enough to give Him ALL!

With heart and soul and mind and strength
Our love must reach to any length.
When neighbor's loved as self, you see,
The Kingdom is not far from thee.

The answer comes within the storm,
The way to love, and thus reform
Our lives to meet the great command,
And take His love to all the land.

He whom wind and sea obey
Provides the surest loving way
To reach the end for which we seek
Among the humble and the meek.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

3/17/19 Through 3/23/19

3/17/19 Through 3/23/19

When the rough has been removed
And every surface sanded smooth,
A shine appears so rich and clear
To prove the Lord is dwelling here.

They saw upon the mountain high
The glory of the Lord pass by,
And heard the words "This is My Son"
The good and holy, Chosen One.

So let Him now remove the dross,
And count your gain as none but loss.
When gazing at the Holy One
Who offered up His only Son.

Condemnation takes us where
There's judgment and complete despair,
But mercy and forgiveness bring
Quite a different sort of thing.

Give and thus receive the gift
To raise the soul and spirits lift.
A measure packed to overflow
For when we give, is when we grow.

St.  Joseph, man of quiet strength
Protecting Christ at any length.
Spouse of grace and purity
Grant such faithful love to me.

Let me love as well you did
While Christ within your home you hid.
Make me to love your docile way,
And grant a happy death I pray.

Lord make of me a humble saint,
And deep within my spirit paint
A love forgiving, kind, and true
So many see, in me, is You.

Though weakness oft befalls my will,
Thy cup, to drink, I beg Thee still.
And pray Your grace within that time
Provide the ladder I must climb.

A good and holy thing I ask.
For You, a simple little task.
To keep me always next to You,
And guide me in what ere I do.

Trust in Him and make it known,
Rely not on the things you own.
For when the day of judgment comes,
Your money looks like useless crumbs.

The riches each of us receive
Will not be with us when we leave.
Except the riches of the heart,
That never will, from us depart.

A vineyard planted by the Lord
Should yield a just and rich reward.
But those He set as tenants there,
Refuse to give the Master's share.

Rejecting time and time again,
The messengers He sends, and when
They see the Master's precious Son
They crucify this Holy One.

Not far from this our average day
When we refuse to walk His way,
And with contempt we treat the Son
In spite of all the Lord has done.

Mercy in the Father's plan
The greatest gift He has for man.
A welcome home with robe and ring,
If we but our repentance bring.

A love we cannot comprehend
Forgiving those who oft offend
A prodigal and wasteful way
To love a flock that often stray.