9/9/18 through 9/15/18
The burning sand becomes a pool
The thirsty ground a spring
The word of God a precious jewel
To barren lands we bring.
My brothers and my sisters know,
The learned ones ignored.
His graces to the lowly flow,
To deaf and mute outpoured.
The poor He chose confounding wise
Good News to those who hear.
The humble given such a prize,
To God Himself endeared.
What part of me is leavened still?
In what way must I train my will,
To be a new unleavened bread,
One freed from sin, no longer dead?
What part of me is withered by
My sin of failing to comply
With what I know as good and true,
Each word of life that comes from You?
Make strong the knees that wobble so.
Repair the feet that wayward go.
Stretch out my hand and straighten spine,
Reform this broken will of mine.
Oh give to me true Sabbath rest
And make of me, a cripple blest.
Who now can function as he should
By following the true and good.
He spent the night alone in prayer
And then returned to people where
He chose from many, twelve to be,
The first within the Holy See.
These twelve He taught at greater length,
In clearer ways to gird their strength.
But still within the twelve was found
A traitor that was lurking 'round.
Be not dismayed that still there be,
But sinners in the Holy See.
For Christ will write with crooked lines
Just as His promised word defines.
What's in a name, this holy name,
Of Mary, Queen of Peace,
The fairest one of great acclaim,
Creator's masterpiece?
The purity of love sublime,
Unselfish to the last.
One untouched by sinful grime,
Who did as she was asked.
No hint of once recoiling from
The duties given her.
But always "yes" to then become
The sweetest smelling myrrh.
A "yes" at every turn or twist
That life would bring her way.
A trust that every trial kissed,
With "Be it as You say".
Now give to those who can't return
To then a valued lesson learn.
What good is it to give to they
Who pay you back another day?
The sinners do as well you see
So there's no merit there for thee.
But when you give without return,
The greatest blessings, then you earn.
This cursed sign of guilt and shame
For sinners everywhere became
A blessed sign of victory,
Won by Christ upon the tree.
The Lord most high became a man
To show that common sinners can
Control the passions of the flesh
And with His will, our lives enmesh.
No longer slaves of sordid whim
If we but focus eyes on Him.
The One who from the heavens came
To shoulder all our sins and blame.
He set aside His kingly state
To set His wayward people straight.
And show that in humility,
Is awesome credibility.
No other love like this e're known,
As that upon the cross was shown.
Lift high the cross though shamed I be,
The sign of Love's great victory!
The sorrows of that Mother blest
Swords that pierced the Virgin's breast,
Gave to us a love divine
From the spotless soul of thine.
Mother by His cradle knelt
None such sorrows ever felt.
Nursed Him in her quiet ease,
Lifeless Son across her knees.
Bearing every single pain,
For her Son's eternal gain.
Faithful to the last somehow,
Becomes for all, our mother now.