Sunday, May 20, 2018

6/3/18 Through 6/9/18

6/3/18 Through 6/9/18

                                       Sunday  (sing to Stabat Mater)
In the bread and in the wine
Blood and body of divine
Christ our Savior we behold

Falling manna, precious tide
Blood and water from His side
Ancient story now retold

Only those that thus believe
Can become what they receive
Earthen vessels filled with gold

Living tabernacles make us
Unto new dimensions take us
Nothing does our God withhold

Fully fed and satisfied
By our Christ they crucified
Every captive now set free

Risen now and glorified
Seated at the Father's side
Spirit opens eyes to see

I thank You Lord for every grace
For each abandoned sin
You lead me to a better place
Where I, salvation win.

So many sins I did not know
Were leading me astray
For pleasure, and for pride although
They kept me far away

One by one You showed me why
My actions needed change
Why love for You could not deny
The need to rearrange

So many still, are found in me
That make the progress slow
I still have need to be set free,
That I may further grow.

Attachments long ingrained within
A harmful choice can be
For every seeming "little" sin
Keeps me away from Thee.

Teach me in Your school of love
Progressing every day
To daily grow in knowledge of
Just how I turn away.

To exercise some self-control
Enduring to the end
Devoted deep within my soul
To righteousness defend.

That swelling in affection for
My gracious Lord above,
I fill my life forevermore
With His enduring love.

Hasten the day of His coming
When fire consumes all that is
With faith every soul is becoming
Devoted, and totally His.

For wicked, a day of great terror
They thought that they never would see
For those that refuted their error
The time of the great victory.

Through ignorance we run astray
And work to make our separate way
Bemused we wander unaware
Upon the serpent's deadly lair.

We start believing stupid things
Self-centeredness and boasting brings
We see the narrow way for fools
And nothing more than silly rules

But we must see the writing clear
And learn at last, the God to fear
He gives to us the grace to know
If we, but to the scriptures go

We find in nearly every line
Refreshment from this holy vine
And if we act on what we read,
On milk and honey we shall feed.

To teach, at first, we well must learn
How rightly to, His word, discern.
And take to heart what He's revealed
Illuminating that concealed

Remove the plank and then we see
How well the word was meant for me.
The Truth will never lead astray,
But guide us on the narrow way.

Great sign of love, the Sacred Heart
To man, abundant grace impart
Contained within this holy sign
The greatest depth of love sublime.

As spring awakens plants and trees
The eye that's opened clearly sees
His justice and His praise abound
Wherever docile souls are found

A heart immaculate conceived
A heart inflamed by grace received
A heart to mother all mankind
A heart in which true peace we find

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