1/13/19 Through 1/19/19
That day He cleansed what water flows
Between the banks that Jordan knows
Forever holy found is thee,
Which flows from Sea of Galilee.
And flow it must, if life be found
In trees that flourish all around.
For when it fails new life to spread,
What's left are waters, simply dead.
So too the baptized life must be
A vessel clean and flowing free.
To water well the thirsty earth,
And spread the gifts of our new birth.
Come follow Me, the call of Christ,
Who's invitation seems high priced.
Abandon nets that feed you well,
And listen to the words I tell.
Those nets can just, your belly fill
But if with me, you just be still,
I'll fill your heart and satisfy.
Then grace, in you, I'll amplify.
Such humility unknown
As by the Lord of Lords was shown
To condescend to human form
That men could sinful lives reform.
To show the pow'r of love prevails
Where haughtiness and malice fails.
To bring forgiveness of our sin
And teach us love, to welcome in.
The healing He desires to give
Would teach the multitudes to live
In faith and total trust each day,
And follow on the narrow way.
All sickness that assails my heart
Would fade away and then depart,
If in His presence I would call,
Upon His grace to stop my fall.
Blessed are those along the way
Who learn to listen and obey.
Who harden not their sinful hearts,
But learn to love what grace imparts.
For those who turn disdainful eye
To simple words for living by
May never know the promised land
Of love and peace that God has planned.
Their casual defiance of
His call for self-restraint
Is really just rejecting love,
And choosing that which aint.
Four friends whose faith was strong that day
Would carry him along the way.
They found no way to get him in,
Nor thought his need, forgiven sin.
So through the roof they let him down
Before the Lord, and then they found
A controversy taking place
O're blasphemy, or holy grace.
But when He made it plain to see,
The Son of Man's authority
Was that of God's in flesh below,
One stood and grabbed his mat to go.
The crowd astounded, glorified!
Yet one stood there just horrified.
While all were giddy and aloof,
He wondered, who would fix the roof?
Grace will come when need arises
Wisdom, font of love advises.
In obedience, Christ amassing
Grace on grace with love surpassing.
To the ones who hear His voice
He grants the grace to make a choice,
To follow Him in ways unknown
Until we find our final home.