Sunday, December 30, 2018

1/13/19 Through 1/19/19

1/13/19 Through 1/19/19

That day He cleansed what water flows
Between the banks that Jordan knows
Forever holy found is thee,
Which flows from Sea of Galilee.

And flow it must, if life be found
In trees that flourish all around.
For when it fails new life to spread,
What's left are waters, simply dead.

So too the baptized life must be
A vessel clean and flowing free.
To water well the thirsty earth,
And spread the gifts of our new birth.


Come follow Me, the call of Christ,
Who's invitation seems high priced.
Abandon nets that feed you well,
And listen to the words I tell.

Those nets can just, your belly fill
But if with me, you just be still,
I'll fill your heart and satisfy.
Then grace, in you, I'll amplify.

Such humility unknown
As by the Lord of Lords was shown
To condescend to human form
That men could sinful lives reform.

To show the pow'r of love prevails
Where haughtiness and malice fails.
To bring forgiveness of our sin
And teach us love, to welcome in.

The healing He desires to give
Would teach the multitudes to live
In faith and total trust each day,
And follow on the narrow way.

All sickness that assails my heart
Would fade away and then depart,
If in His presence I would call,
Upon His grace to stop my fall.

Blessed are those along the way
Who learn to listen and obey.
Who harden not their sinful hearts,
But learn to love what grace imparts.

For those who turn disdainful eye
To simple words for living by
May never know the promised land
Of love and peace that God has planned.

Their casual defiance of 
His call for self-restraint
Is really just rejecting love,
And choosing that which aint.

Four friends whose faith was strong that day
Would carry him along the way.
They found no way to get him in, 
Nor thought his need, forgiven sin.

So through the roof they let him down
Before the Lord, and then they found
A controversy taking place
O're blasphemy, or holy grace.

But when He made it plain to see,
The Son of Man's authority
Was that of God's in flesh below,
One stood and grabbed his mat to go.

The crowd astounded, glorified!
Yet one stood there just horrified.  
While all were giddy and aloof,
He wondered, who would fix the roof?

Grace will come when need arises
Wisdom, font of love advises.
In obedience, Christ amassing
Grace on grace with love surpassing.

To the ones who hear His voice
He grants the grace to make a choice,
To follow Him in ways unknown
Until we find our final home.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

1/6/19 Through 1/12/19

1/6/19 Through 1/12/19

If answered well when ere He calls
The grace of wisdom then befalls
The docile and the pliant one
Who comes to greet the newborn Son.

But wicked and defiant men
Who plot their evil once again
Are filled with pow'r and yet afraid
Of just a little newborn babe.

In darkest valley light has dawned
And all are called now to respond
Repent!, for now is close at hand
The day, at last, the Father planned.

The love unlike we ever knew
Would cure the blind and crippled too.
The call went out to all the land,
Behold redemption near at hand!

Love is not mere tolerance,
Or spoken words of elegance
Not dutiful endurance
Or gifts of great expense.

All of love that I have known
Is superficial, time has shown.
For self has kept to self the time,
That should be spent in making rhyme.

Imperfect in love because of my fear,
Unable to love the one I hold dear.
Unwilling to give whatever it takes,
Now shown as one of my biggest mistakes.

So where do I go from this awful place,
In hope to again receive the embrace?
Pray for perfection of this sinful soul
In hope, one day, that it be made whole.

Love so little understood
By one purporting to be good.
The stamina found lacking where
Reciprocation is quite rare.

The holy ones could pass the test,
But what about the average rest,
Who long for consolation known,
But only find indifference shown?

If love is truly their desire,
They must accept the holy fire
To burn away the sinful dross,
And count such gain as only loss.

For love is not conditioned on
 The pleasure once, that now is gone.
True satisfaction only comes
To persevering, holy ones.

A sickness fills the body now,
That must be cleansed and purged somehow.
So bowing low, and bending knee
I ask if He would set me free.

A weak and weary man am I,
Whose looks for other folks belie,
A man of appetites untamed, 
Who begs the Lord to be unchained.

Be on guard against the idol.
Know the One whose word is true.
Make His love, your passion's bridle.
Let His love increase in you.

When no longer I am needed
As a prophet for the King
When the ground is firmly seeded,
Christ will come and healing bring.

He must increase, I must decrease,
So the world can plainly see,
I am but a simple mouthpiece,
He, the King to set you free.

Friday, December 21, 2018

12/30/18 Through 1/5/19

12/30/18 Through 1/5/19

The family forms the basic cell
Of culture and the world as well.
Societies are said to be
Reflections of the family.

So look around and see its true,
There's quite a lot of work to do,
If we would like a culture free
Of evil and iniquity.

So turn again and start today
To change the world in some small way
A well-completed daily chore
Could be the key we're looking for.

Before there was, there was I AM.
He came not for, the world to damn.
But came for life, that it be filled,
As first the Father's thought had willed.

Along with John we testify
He's not some prophet passing by,
But light, true light, that shows to all
The wonderous nature of their call.

A heart that ponders all He does
The heart of Mary always was.
And so she found the Father's will
Whose every wish she follows still.

We too could glimpse the Father's mind
If we became the pond'ring kind
And ruminated on the Word
Then acted on the voice we heard.

The key to hearing well His word
Is acting on each one we've heard.
For each is like a stair that brings
Us closer to the King of kings.

But if we hear and don't obey
It's like we stop along the way.
Then back again begin to slide
As we again succumb to pride.

We he comes, the Savior named
How could I help, but not be shamed,
To see the One who died for me
That came in such humility?

Our God who took on human form,
When in the lowly stable born.
The maker of the universe,
In flesh, took on the human curse.

And broke the chains that bind us in
Our lives of selfishness and sin,
To set us free in love to know
What God intended long ago.

If John had testified so clear
Why is it then, they did not hear?
Why listen and then circumvent
The clear and simple call, repent?

Our hope lies not in righteousness
But in our will to now confess
Our wickedness and haughty crimes,
Committed now so many times.

No hope is found in hanging on
To that in me that should be gone,
But hope is found in One who came
To shoulder all our sinful blame.

Behold the Lamb of God
Corrects in us what's flawed
So you must come and see
The gifts He has for thee.

No sinner can enjoy
The gifts that we employ
But come, and you will see
The gifts he has for thee

And bring the ones you know,
To them, Messiah show
For they must also see
The gifts He has for thee.

The way to know love is to look at the cross
Creator of all, counting all as but loss.
Esteem of the soul far surpassing all things
Through passion and death, to salvation, He brings.

What are we to know, but to love all we can,
And to humble ourselves to fulfill His great plan.
He works through the lowly, with love as their goal,
To guide, and to teach us just how to be whole.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

12/23/18 Through 12/29/18

12/23/18 Through 12/29/18

Fourth Sunday of Advent - Mary visits Elizabeth

There within the waters warm
Before I saw the light of morn
I heard the voice of one so sweet
Who traveled to my mother greet.

And then a presence strong and bold
I felt within my heart take hold.
For there within the womb I leapt
As all through me the Spirit swept.

Christmas Eve

The chains of sin, on earth, once loosed
Have every man, in time, seduced,
And bound him with their lust and greed
Creating such a Savior's need.

A helpless babe in stable born
To Mary on that Christmas morn.
Warmed by breath of ox and ass,
As starry hours of night would pass.

Our Savior humbly came to be,
That man might come to plainly see,
What satisfies the empty heart,
Is love that freely we impart.

Such love that every eye could see,
Reflecting pure humility,
That God should love each wretched one,
By sending us His precious Son.

Tuesday - Christmas Day
(This can be sung to the tune of  "Lo How a Rose Ere Blooming"

Amidst the cold of winter, 
The warmth of love arrives.
Our selfishness to splinter,
And change our sinful lives.
Humility unknown.
Before our blessed Savior,
Took manger as His throne.

There shepherds came to worship,
This King the angels hailed.
Before the swaddled baby,
All other lights are paled.
Our God in flesh behold.
With ox and ass to warm Him,
And save Him from the cold.

Feast of St. Stephen

Confound the enemy with love
And draw your strength from God above.
No weapon here on earth can stand
If we would love as God had planned.

Each act of love will blaze a path
Away from selfishness and wrath
And toward a place of peace and joy
If we, this strategy, employ.

Feast of St. John the evangelist

Incarnate in flesh, yet incredibly true,
Our God came for people like me and like you.
He dwelt on the earth, and we heard and we saw,
Great wonders that filled us with love and with awe.

He ate and He drank, and He taught us each day,
Of loving each other, and just how to pray.
We touched Him and felt in the warmth of His heart,
Each beat a new burst of His love would impart.

You too have encountered this fountain of love
Who set aside glory with Father above,
To teach us and show us the path to His peace,
So share it with all that the joy may increase.

Feast of the Holy Innocents

In love and innocence are born
The faces of the coming morn,
But many never see the day
For wicked men have had their way.

To innocence no thought they give
Though little ones all want to live.
Convenience!, their battle cry,
As babe is torn from mom to die.

How have we let such wickedness,
Our hearts and souls and minds possess?
In shame we must repent and see
What God intended us to be.

Prophecy of Simeon - Sorrows of Mary

And you, a sword shall pierce your heart,
The prophet spoke that day.
For soon, with child, you must depart,
To Egypt, on your way.

For three days lost, a foretaste of
His time within the tomb.
A call to ever greater love,
That you may fully bloom.

His passiontide, a grief beyond
What mind could ere conceive.
But graces won when morning dawned
You children now receive.

A mother's sorrows long endured
That we could plainly see,
And all her children be assured
Of love she has for thee.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

12/16/18 Through 12/22/18

12/16/18 Through 12/22/18

The only Son of God most high
To sinful men on earth draws nigh
If you would just repent you'd see 
The difference Christ would make for thee.

So do your duty and be sure
If motive and intent are pure,
The holy fire will come to you 
And sanctify the things you do.

With saints and sinners in the line,
We see the roots of One divine.
Akin to every man on earth,
Our blessed savior comes to birth.

The ones remembered most of all
Are those who answered to the call,
And trusted to the bitter end
To good and righteousness defend.

Each generation takes a stand
To do as God, or they have planned.
With action as their loudest voice
Each generation makes their choice.

To serve, or not to serve, the poll.
Eternal happiness the goal.
In plain humility we find
The heart becomes, with Him aligned.

So take a stand and don't look back.
He'll give you strength for each attack,
And pick you up when e're you fall,
If you but hearken to the call.

To live according to His plan,
And not the ways of sinful man
Will bring contentment, peace and joy
That trial and trouble can't destroy.

For God has chosen every man
To play a part within His plan
To carry forth a life of grace
In every time and every place.

Lord, help me answer well the call
With You the large, and me the small.
Help me turn my back on sin,
And make me with the saints akin.

The life of many children proves
That age is not why Spirit moves, 
But to the willing heart He comes,
And saint or prophet it becomes.

For Samson, John and David too
Were all obedient to You
And if they fell would e're repent,
Then on another task be sent.

For Samuel and Mary too
The both, in youth, were called by You.
Their greatness found in being small
And answering when e're You call.

At Fatima the children three
Were chosen as the ones to see.
Their littleness would breed despite,
Yet none would cower in the fright.

Let many young now answer well,
And see the ranks of faithful swell
To turn the tide of sinfulness
Into a tide of righteousness

Put not the Lord to any test
Or else your land will not be blest.
But when He bids you, ask a sign,
Be sure your will and His align.

Blest who heeds the spoken word
By others, in the noise, not heard,
Who takes the time to speak to You,
And follow what You ask to do.

For graces flow within Your will,
Your voice be heard in quiet still.
Like Mary may I straightened be,
That grace would freely flow through me.

What a wasted emptiness
Before the Savior came
A sad and dreary hollowness
With only me to blame.

Without a hope, and in despair
Mere pleasure as the goal
A wanderer yet unaware
Of what would make me whole.

But lo, beyond the darkness came
A morn with brighter skies
One who shouldered all my shame
And opened up my eyes.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

12/9/18 Through 12/15/18

12/9/18 Through 12/15/18

Mountains shaved and valleys filled
Ancient prophecies fulfilled.
Height and depth are made to meet
Sinners now their Savior greet.

Repentance is the word today
From all our sins, must turn away,
And know we've found in Him the one
The persevering precious Son.

The chains of sin will paralyze
And hide salvation from our eyes.
Then all we see is desert waste,
And find quite soon despair embraced.

But One who made the desert bloom
Prepares for us a special room
If we, in haste, confess our sin,
And then a life of faith begin.

Lord, ninety nine have gone astray
And only one remains.
It seems a hopeless cause to pray
Where pride and boasting reigns.
But you have said to cry aloud
From every mountain height
That all the lost may be allowed
To turn towards future bright.

We chase the flow'r that quickly fades,
And shun the lasting word.
Foolishness, in man pervades
For only few have heard.
The voice among the wilderness
Or cry in desert land,
And thought it more than silliness,
That God is near at hand.

Humility surpasses pride
And mercy comes in flowing tide.
The fragrance and the song portend
That love will bring the evil's end.

In my desert, plant Your trees
See that dreary darkness flees.
Make this dry deserted place
A source of love and purest grace.

Fasting, prayer, and giving alms,
All are precious healing balms.
Make me one detached from sin,
One of steadfast love within.

Many know that God exists,
Yet still their obstinence persists.
They wish to craft the rules to say
What e're their fancy be that day.

The great are those that hear the call,
And then decide to give their all.
Refusing comforts of the day
To stay the course upon His way.

Not haughty towards the least of men,
But loving every one of them,
And helping others see the path
To righteousness instead of wrath.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

12/2/18 Through 12/8/18

12/2/18 Through 12/8/18

The dry and barren land will bear
Great fruit in days to come.
The parched and desert land is where 
The seed of life is from.

Our sin has made this land a waste
Where nothing can survive,
But Christ shall come that day with haste,
And show that He's alive.

The grass shall grow, the steppe shall burst
To verdant pasture where, 
Clean water flows to quench our thirst,
No longer land is bare.

Forever seated on the throne
Of David is our King.
The One, the source of life alone,
To whom our homage bring.

Imagine how the world would be
If all would live in harmony
If peace would reign in every heart
And none, from love, would e're depart.

Each soul infused with grace divine,
And firmly rooted in the Vine.
Prosperity in every home,
And everywhere His word made known.

When peace and harmony shall reign
The bear and lion be made tame.
The child and the cobra play
Together on that coming day.

The eyes are blest of those that see
The truth contained in mystery.
For prophets saw in dimmest light 
What's there before us in plain sight.

So now we see and understand
The wonder of what God has planned.
And though it still be far away,
Can taste the sweetness of that day.

We hasten when that day will come
If we will follow with the Son,
And love until the bitter end
To then, in glory, rise again.

All who come shall see,
And all who come shall hear.
The captives all set free,
And lost are all drawn near.

We see Him on the mount,
And flock to where He goes,
A teeming endless fount,
From Him, of mercy, flows.

Foundations must be solid rock,
And we must sure obey
In order to withstand the shock,
And stand that fateful day.

All other walls will crumble down
And fall amidst the dust.
The only way to wear the crown,
Is follow as you must.

So listen well and then obey,
And follow close His word.
Be careful what you do and say,
And act on what you've heard.

Brighten eyes and open ears.
Dispel the darkness and the fears.
Grant us understanding when
Our minds are but of mortal men.

Let us see Your ways above,
And marvel at Your depth of love.
Let us hear the sound quite clear
When ere You call us to draw near.

Grant that we might taste and know
The Eucharist, the place to go,
To find what ere on earth we need,
And water well His precious seed.

The sin that opened eyes to see
Our nakedness and fraility,
Has blinded us to better things
With pride and selfishness that clings.

But as a woman first was fell,
Another woman broke the spell.
In all humility she prayed,
Let it be done, as You have bade.

Obedience her only goal 
In answer to the Father's knoll.
A path to freedom only known
To those docility has shown.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

11/25/18 Through 12/1/18

11/25/18 Through 12/1/18

Blessings come from Christ the King
The one to whom our praises sing
No earthly ruler can compare
To Him on whom we cast our care.

Alone, he cares for every man 
Within His holy, righteous plan.
He suffered for each wayward soul
That each would one day be made whole.

So do your best, but have no fear
The Lord is always dwelling near.
And though the sky be darkened now,
Love will triumph o're somehow.

I want to sing the newest song.
I want to praise and join along,
But I can't sing with ransomed ones,
It's only those unblemished sons.

Where can I go.What can I do,
To rest at last with those, and You?
I must be cleansed and purged of sin,
In hope that I may enter in.

Please take away what binds my soul.
In poverty, You make me whole.
Then teach me how to sing along
With that eternal, heav'nly song.

Beware at any day,
If the sickle comes your way
For we know not time or place,
But our need for saving grace.

Can we boast with clarity 
Of our love and charity,
Or must we sink inside,
For our avarice, and pride?

Our work is seen quite clear
When the fateful day draws near,
So begin at once to show
That you know the way to go.

The problems here begin with me.
Although I'm blind, want them to see.
There may be right upon my side,
But I must use it as my guide.

Not pick and choose the piece I like,
Or inconvenient parts, just strike.
If we're to reach a brighter day,
We all must listen and obey.

Every end begins anew
And draws us closer yet to You.
Trust and follow where He leads
His precious flock He tends and feeds.

Stand erect that final day,
Your vindication's on the way.
Mercy for the humble names,
For pride and lust, eternal flames.

No suffering was too high priced
For Andrew leading souls to Christ
For he embraced with joy the cross,
And other gains he found as loss.

The first evangelist that led
A boy with loaves and fish that fed
Five thousand on the grassy shore,
But one who searched for still yet more.

He brought so many souls to know
The joy of Christ and letting go
Of nets that bind and thus restrict
Disciples that the Lord has picked.

To stand before the Son af Man
No crass and sinful mortal can.
It's only in humility
That strength is granted there for thee.

The proud have not the eyes to see
Nor haughty ones the might to be
How blessed a servant is for He
Who claims the final victory.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

11/18/18 Through 11/24/18

11/18/18 Through 11/24/18

Lord, how to stand that final day
When earth and heavens pass away?
So many things on earth revered,
Such base attachment then is feared.

Will I but have the fortitude
To change my selfish attitude,
And sacrifice each worthless thing
To greet my Lord, and Savior, King?

I want to see with clarity
And have conviction deep in me
To break the chains and turn away
From all that leads my soul astray.

To many things, attached I've grown,
But each of them has always shown,
This longing can't be satisfied
Except by him they crucified.

Blind unto my nakedness,
I ask You Lord, to see.
In shame, I daily must confess,
I fell away from Thee.

Come and dine with me today,
Remind me of the time,
I climbed to see You on the way
And You forgave my crime.

Give me the courage and the grace
To trust You once again.
Let me look upon Your face,
Becoming strengthened then.

Lord, how you work, I do not know.
We only get, when we let go.
And when we put to work the gift
We often see the spirits lift.

The treasure You have given me
Must not be saved, but given free
To those in need I'm called to serve
For what is saved is not deserved.

Let my eyes become a fountain
When I look upon the mountain
And regret each passing day
That Your people fail to pray.

For the greatest gift bestowed
In a stream of love that flowed
From a heart of perfect love
One the same with God above.

Came to you in humble way
To expose the light of day,
But you rejected Him as loss,
And placed your King upon the cross.

How I long for thunder's roll
When He opens up the scroll
And reveals to every man
Stunning wonders of His plan.

But too late it then will be
For the ones who fail to see.
So please listen now and hear,
So that day you have no fear.

Have I hungered for Your scroll,
Let it change, and make me whole;
Found in there a taste so sweet,
Contentment sitting at Your feet?

Have I hung on what You say,
Cleansed my heart and changed my way;
Have I found the precious prize, 
Or just another cheap disguise?

Is Your word to me, a treasure,
Gold and silver cannot measure;
Have I yearned for your command,
To rule my heart, and all the land?

In Your ways do I rejoice,
Follow You in every choice;
Find Your law as my delight,
Great counsel in the darkest night?

At first there's sweetness in the scroll,
The words that make the sinner whole.
But when digested, bitterness,
For all the sins I must confess.

A thrashing there by whip and cord,
From justly angered God and Lord. 
A driving out in utter shame,
Of all the things, in me, profane.

It's all about the after-life
The things we do today.
For then there is no man and wife
In that eternal day.

Our world here reflects but such
a dim and cloudy view.
But if we have the Spirit's touch,
We know what Moses knew.

He's Lord of living, not the dead.
We're only passing through.
But here on earth the Lamb has fed
His flesh to make us new.

And though we die and all appears
Our hope was but in vain,
All the snears will turn to cheers
The day we rise again!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

11/11/18 Through 11/17/18

11/11/18 Through 11/17/18

For the prophet, a little cake
The poor old widow had to bake.
A final offering by her
Compassion from on high did stir.

And then a year and maybe more
The oil from the jug would pour,
And flour in the jar supply 
Bread sustaining three thereby.

The widows mite a meager thing
To thus before the altar bring.
But given all her livelihood
A ransom there before them stood.

The unity the Lord desires
Forgives the wrong and thus inspires,
A oneness in both heart and mind
That one with pride can never find.

For we are ones that oft offend,
And on forgiveness we depend
That we might share His dwelling place
Of love in His abundant grace.

A useful servant does his task
What ere the master please or ask.
No special praise to come his way
For doing duties of the day.

Now we must recognize our place
To serve the Lord of  peace and grace.
And servants to the Master be
His servants bound, yet fully free.

Gratitude for all we own
Is how we grow the seed that's sown.
Renewed in love the Spirit grants
New life to seeds that Jesus plants.

To change and grow and richly flower
Death must come to Satan's power
That hoards in selfish sin and lust,
And life to simple love and trust.

As lightning flashes in the sky
We glimpse the world around
A light enough to then supply
What's needed to be found.

In darkness, Christ will be our light
To show us clear the way,
That leads us through the dreary night
Unto the light of day.

How wrong we'll see the ways of man
We thought so wise and sure,
When we can see in Truth, His plan
to make us strong and pure.

The end is coming for us all
And we should surely know
That day we hear the frightful call
And earthly things let go.

The voice of love that day will sound
Above all other din
For then is truth and folly found
About our evil sin.

We must prepare to let it go
And follow in love's call
If we expect to Jesus know
We have to give our all.

Random Thoughts
The whisper of the garden,
Oh no!  Like gods you'll be.
With pride begins to harden
The heart so we can't see

The truth that's there before us
Becomes as fantasies
We never see the forest
Because of all the trees.

We swallow many camels
But strain the gnats we see.
And listen to the babbles
Of fools with some degree.

Learned the philosopher, 
But what a fool can be
If one can't look before her 
And tell a he from she.

The ruler and the measure
Of all there is to be
One day will end the pleasure
Of all this fallacy.

I pray His hand of mercy
Will reach beyond His wrath
And end the controversy
To put us on His path.

To join the work along the way
We must begin to fast and pray
To find the road to Paradise
We must join in the sacrifice.

Co-workers on a common road
In joy who share a heavy load.
To reach our high resplendant goal
By sacrifice we cleanse the soul.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

11/4/18 Through 11/10/18

11/4/18 Through 11/10/18

If He is Lord, our every move
Should be in love, and firmly prove
Our faith and trust in Him we claim
Can cure the sick and heal the lame.

For love of God and neighbor will
A life of sacrifice instill
And bring to bear humility
Within a firm docility.

So, have I listened well today,
Or made it just another day?
Have I heard the Master's voice,
Before I jumped and made a choice?

It's easy to distract the mind
With drivel of near every kind,
But listening to know  His will
requires that my spirit still.

The poor are those with everything,
For their provider is the King.
Their every need, by Him supplied
To those without the sin of pride.

Lord let me see how poor I am
Within my daily self-exam.
Then grant the grace to love you more
And clearly see You in the poor.

Invited to the Master's feast
Apologies of rich increase.
Excuses and regrets abound
Where calls to give of self are found.

To share a meal with Him who made,
The man, and never from him strayed.
The gift of splendid daily bread,
Rejected, rather than be fed.

The poor and lame will share the feast
If not the greatest, then the least.
The ones who recognize in bread,
The body of our Lord, are fed.

Pick up the cross, He bids to me.
Seek not, the ease and luxury.
For those who would disciples be,
Must learn to follow well with Me.

To be poured out as I have been,
An offering for sordid sin,
All drained of human energy,
And filled with Father's love for thee.

Repentance brings a joy to life,
A triumph here amid the strife.
A sign of hope, we found the way,
That leads us to a brighter day.

The flock includes the lost and strays,
The ones who follow crooked ways.
For all are valued in the eye
Of our Good Shepherd in the sky.

He searches for the hapless stray
Who thought he knew a better way,
But found at every novel turn
Another lesson there to learn.

The Shepherd's crook is not so mean
It leads us to the pastures green,
And to the valley where there flows
The restful water of repose.

A wasteland of utility
Is all our eyes would ever see,
Without the spaces made for man
To worship God within His plan.

The beauty of the temple grand,
A mere reflection of that planned
By God when all are one in Him,
And sing their never-ending hymn.

The place where offered bread and wine
As blood and body of Divine.
The place where earth and heaven brush
should be a palace rich and plush.

When we give, we both receive,
Is what the holy ones believe
To have the wealth creates the need
To quench a thirst, or hungry feed.

Blessing comes as wealth is shared,
Pains relieved and lives repaired.
The giver gives and poor receive.
Both are blessed when both believe.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

10/28/18 Through 11/3/18

10/28/18 Through 11/3/18

Son of David have pity on me,
Grant the grace that I may see.
My heart's desire to follow You 
And learn to love the way You do.

I've seen enough the other way
where sin has darkened every day
I want to see in clearer light
What sin obscures in darkest night.

Let me share a word with you,
Shine a light and change the view.
Let me show the beauty where
So many eyes just see despair.

In purity is found a gem
Passed over by the likes of them.
And generosity will breed
Contentment there instead of greed.

Idolarty can have no place
Amidst a life of lavish grace.
Be not decieved, the day will come,
When all will hear the final drum.

So separate yourself from sin.
Step out of darkness and begin
No more to wander in the night,
But live as children of the light.

Within a mustard seed that's sown
Are mysteries no mind has known.
Unthinkable that one should find
Within that tiny seed designed,

A shelter for the little birds
Or metaphor of holy words. 
As both will grow, become mature
To be a haven safe and sure.

So feed and water tiny seeds
Give them fulfillment of their needs
To flourish and to be transformed
That many other hearts be warmed.

The scary thought that I should hear
Upon that final day...
"I know you not!" my greatest fear
That He, to me, would say.

I want no less than life within
The everlasting day
I want to hear, "You're welcome in,
My Father's house today." 

May I but be obedient,
Submissive to Your will.
The single main ingredient
To with the Spirit fill.

That on that day You know me well,
And narrow way I find.
Far from the dreaded gates of hell,
With Paradise, aligned.

One day we all can hope to be,
Around the throne and praising Thee.
But now it seems so far away,
As we contend with each new day.

The troubles of the everyday
Can seem to cloud the holy way, 
But when we see in clearer light
These troubles beckon and invite,

To love in ways we never could
And follow Him the way we should.
To live as blessed holy ones
And thus become adopted sons.

The death of all the holy ones
A precious gift that often runs
Across the generation gap
Providing younger ones a map.

A way of life in harmony
With One in charge, that we can't see.
A way to fill the emptiness,
Through prayers, and love, and kindliness.

Examples of a living soul
With name engraved upon the scroll,
Who gave of self without regard,
And never kept a scoring card.

In the humble lowest place
Dwells our source of peace and grace.
Hung upon that awful tree,
There in bread and wine for me.

King of all who chose to come
As a poor and lowly one.
In a humble stable born
On that blessed Christmas morn.

As a helpless little child
From the virgin undefiled.
Though a young precocious one,
Still as an obedient Son.

Driven in His life to be
The perfect model there for me.
Nothing left, for all He gave.
Sinners He desired to save.

Risen then, and glorified.
King of kings, once crucified.
Jesus Christ, the lowly One
Savior, and exalted Son.