Sunday, April 9, 2017

4/16/17 Through 4/22/17

4/16/17 Through 4/22/17

Early in the morning
They rose to see the tomb.
Disciples all still huddled
Within the upper room.

When lo from in the heavens
There came a holy light
That shook the earth around them
And filled the guards with fright

Behold the Son is risen
No more among the dead
While women were conversing
The guards stood as if dead

Go tell to His disciples
To Galilee He goes
For now and all eternity
The font of Mercy flows

A tidy sum may quell the word
For them to play their game
When resurrected Christ is heard
Their story comes up lame

The truth a clarion to call
The poor, lame, and oppressed
His saving grace goes out to all
If sins are now confessed

Dear Mary called the Magdalene
Recalled to all where she had been
And that she saw in risen flesh
The Lord upon the morning fresh

Oh let me see with morning dew
The face of all I meet as You
And somehow come to understand
The love You have for every man

With blatant root of jealousy
The Pharisee and Saducee
 Condemned to death the righteous one
And crucified God's only Son

But now upon the third day hence
Some women from our group dispense
A word of angels sitting there
But not a body anywhere

How slow we are to see His hand
To grasp His way and understand
But when we break the holy bread
Somehow our hunger there is fed

He waited there upon the shore
With breakfast and a whole lot more
The catch of fish was great this time
But from now on, it's souls they find

In privilidge I was raised with these
The Pharisees and Saducees
The law I know in great detail
It can't be wrong.  It cannot fail!

So how then can these lowly ones
Declare themselves adopted sons
And make the crippled man to walk
Ther must be something to their talk.

Doubt no longer, but believe
The grace for faith now all receive
But some reject it out of pride
And thus begin a downward slide.

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