Saturday, March 4, 2017

3/5/17 Through 3/11/17

3/5/17 Through 3/11/17

In the desert we can see
How truly wretched we would be
Without the One who gave us all
And answer to His loving call

The desert is a lonely place
But also it can fill with grace
If we, in our temptation's hour,
Rely upon His strength and power

Be holy, as our Holy Lord
Abundant love by Him out-poured
Now feed and clothe the one in need
And know you feed the Lord, indeed.

Oh, that like the Word could be
Accomplishing a work for Thee
And not a one returning void
But one returning overjoyed

Partaking of the daily bread
For each day's journey, well am fed
Helping forth Your kingdom come
That in me, Your will be done.

Far more than just a Jonah here
God's only Son to cast out fear
The Ninevites were ill-behaved
But they repented and were saved

What of this generation now
That sees such signs and then somehow
Refuses boldly to repent?
The flames of Hell shall not relent!

Embarrassed by how much You give
And still the selfish way I live
Your hand has saved so many times
My voice again, to You, now climbs.

Be reconciled and repent
Make peace before you come
Or far away you will be sent
And prisoner you become.

Such simple things destroy the bond
That love was meant to be
A careless word that goes beyond
What humor now can see

So easily we turn our thoughts
Against the careless one
Resentment adding to the knots
So hard to be undone.

Forgiving now the only way
To stop the cycle short
To choose to love at each new day
And Satan's plan to thwart.

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