Sunday, October 18, 2015

10/11/15 Through 10/17/15

10/11/15 Through 10/17/15

How easy we attachments make
to simple temporal chattel
Forgetting such disorders take
Our eyes off of the battle.

Another trinket, toy, or tool
We simply must obtain
Another item blinds the fool
Obscuring heaven's gain.

Called by God to now become
The members of His body one.
To share with all, His gift of grace
In every village, town, or place.

We cleanse the outside all in vain
If on the inside part
Is found the stench, and awful stain
Of rotten, greedy heart.

Thursday AM
A servant's heart, what I desire
A heart of love, with flames of fire
A heart to always lead the way
From darkest night to endless day.

Thursday PM
How can You bear to suffer so,
To hear the constant sound of, No?
Rejected by the ones You made
Repentance evermore delayed.

Your Mother and some women too,
Beside the cross to weep with You,
But of the the twelve, there's only John.
The others all, in fear, have gone.

Each labored breath, each anguished sigh,
An offering to God on high,
In reparation for my sin
That salvation, I may win.

How can I bear You suffer so,
When every time I answer, No?
How can I fail to put You first
When, from the cross, I hear, "I thirst"?

A thirst for every human soul
A thirst to love and make me whole
A thirst to break the bonds of sin
A thirst we would salvation win.

There's nothing that we have concealed
That will not, one day, be revealed.
In darkness, whispered, things we say
Will be proclaimed, in light of day.

Fear not, my friend, the wicked one,
Who kills the body then he's done.
But fear the One whom love desires
May cast into eternal fires.

"Well Done!" is heard, the words of Thine
To martyrs dressed in robes that shine.
By wild beasts the wheat was ground,
And by this bread true life is found.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

10/4/15 through 10/9/15

10/4/15 through 10/9/15

Become one flesh as man and wife
A bond to last throughout your life
The flower opens to receive
The seed is planted to conceive.

A total giving from the two
With God becomes a life brand new
A sacred gift to one another
A precious soul that's like no other

Help me to listen and obey
And cease to follow my own way
For my way leads to troubled seas
But Your way leads to lasting peace.

St.  Bruno found in nothingness
The key that leads to happiness
In life devoid of things around
The fullness of our Lord is found.

Do I, like Jonah, care much more
For things that flower and fade
When I should have compassion for
Immortal souls God made?

Reluctant to proclaim the Word
To many sinners lost
I'd rather see God's wrath incurred
Than take the time it cost

To tell them all the story of 
Our God who came to earth
Enduring much in patient love
That we might have new birth.

Thursday AM
What father would give to his precious child
A dangerous gift, or one that defiled
The Father of all when put to the test
Will always be giving what He knows is best

Thursday PM
My progeny, to show the way
To follow Him throughout the day
To honor Him in what they say
And never from His leading stray

I make a meager, paltry guide
To lead such treasure to Your side
To You my weakness I confide
And You are with me every stride.

Though many are the traps and snares
Temptations and the daily cares
I keep them in my daily prayers
That life with You is someday theirs

I  wish Lord to this day repent
Of all my sinful ways
Of selfishness and time misspent
Throughout my many days

Oh happy womb that bore You
What blessed breast You nursed
Creation all adores You
The last as well as first.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

9/27/15 through 10/3/15

9/27/15 Through 10/3/15

Remove the part that leads to sin
Be cleansed and holy from within
Give up the constant search for wealth
Corrupted parts cannot give health.

It's funny how we fill our days
With noise and useless chatter
Rarely finding simple ways
To do the things that matter.

A patient ear, a loving touch
With pace of life decreased
We find, in those with little, much
The greatest and the least.

Great angel watching over me
Remove the blinders, let me see.
The conflict now, with eyesight pure
The Devil's wicked, tempting lure.

Give me the courage in the fight
To always seek and do what's right.
Strengthen now my weakened knees
Present before the King my pleas.

Announce a new and different day
The day the Woman dared to say:
"Salvation through your servant bring,
I am the handmaid of the King."

No reason you should look so sad
When favored by the King
The one who gave His life for you
Will grant you everything.

He never waters down the call
He always wants to have our all.
He promises sufficient grace
In every trying time and place.

Unless you come like little ones
No share can you receive.
The kingdom is for humble ones
Who listen and believe.

Though littleness we try to find,
A prideful whisper comes to mind,
And if we fail to shut the door
The demon gladly offers more..