Saturday, August 31, 2024

9/15/24 Through 9/21/24

 9/15/24 Through 9/21/24

How willingly He suffered much
And through our pain, we feel His touch
For each, a cross has been prepared
That through our pain, His Cross be shared.

What good is faith when all is well?
It's tested when we deal with Hell.
Adversity is where we show
Just what of Christ we truly know.

Though many fall amid the pain,
A few will on the cross remain
To suffer there with Christ our Lord
And find abundant grace out-poured.

Be not afraid to follow through
Just act upon each word to you.
He's right beside you on the way,
Your guiding light for come what may.

For where could one ere see such love
Save 'neath the Cross with Him above.
His all He gave for love of you
And all He asks is ALL of you.

Oh Lord I am not worthy
That Thou should come to me
And though it may be nervy
I ask this good of Thee

A healing for my household
A restoration bring.
For me a fortune of gold
For You a little thing.

In need of every holy gift
The Spirit gives for strength and lift
The building up of all within
And turning from the stains of sin.

The gifts abundant, well-disbursed
Can quench the sinner's inner thirst.
But each must use what's given them
To find within the hidden gem.

He nudges each to have belief
And not let fear become a thief.
The body thrives when parts are well
And uses gifts within that dwell.

So, use and share what's given thee
I pray we all on this agree.
Each has a vital role it's true,
Don't let the lacking piece be you.

Born for a world quite different from this
Born for a world that's not run amiss.
Born for a world of patience and love
Born to be trusting of Him from above.

Born to be giving of all that we own
Born to be nourishing seed that was sown
Born to be grace from the time of our birth
Born to spread love over all of the Earth.

Who but our Maker, knows what is best?
Who but our Maker, so richly has blest?
Who but our Maker, knows all that we need?
Who but our Maker, Himself gives to feed?

So, why do I falter and why do I fail?
Why is my nature so fallen and frail?
So, why is the way of this world so wrong?
Why can't we find where the pieces belong?

The will must be free for love to be true
And only the best He wanted for you.
So, freedom He gives us, to love or reject
And all that you have is from what you select.

It's not from our Maker this wrong that we see,
But sins of the people like you and like me.
But this too can change if we only repent
And start acting in ways that our Maker had meant.

He's loving and kind and forgiving of man
If we just turn around in the time of our span
But oh, what a fire of torments await
If pride we let rule 'till the time is too late.

By grace alone, I am what I am
A sinner forgiven by way of the Lamb
The tears that I shed are in sorrow of sin,
How I pray for a change to begin from within.

The way of my part is a faltering road
The weight of my sin is a tiresome load.
No more to be spiraling deeper in debt
I pray by Confession, forgiveness I'll get.

The haughty, self-righteous, in pride, never know
The gracious forgiveness the Father will show
To those who are humble, confessing their wrong
Who sing with the joy of repentance their song.

When much is forgiven, the greater the joy
With love overflowing to prideful annoy.
But just look and see  how with love all is done
And gaze on the Cross at the love of the Son.

Our Christ was raised, you can't dismiss
For everything is changed by this
This life is now the proving ground
Where life is lost or life is found.

Though some deny what Christ has proved
And many souls remain unmoved,
Come see the evidence so true
And know He died and rose for you.

Without this fact all life is nil
So we must search His holy will
Conforming all we do to love
To find our home with Him above.

For resurrection is the key
That changes life for you and me
Eternal life begins at death
Let Christ be praised with every breath.

(To the tune of "Take Up Your Cross")

Be worthy of the call received
By other loves be not deceived
But bear the cross that you may be
A one that brings to unity

So, grow in your maturity
Equipping ones to work for Me
And build the body that we need
To sow abundantly the seed,

He came to call the sinner home
And not to leave them all alone
But call them to the banquet feast
The greatest sinners and the least

In mercy found, not sacrifice
Is love more potent to suffice
For all have sinned and mercy need
So come and with the sinner feed.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

9/8/24 Through 9/14/24

 9/8/24 Through 9/14/24

Alone and empty in the world
No sound of seas or wind that swirled
No voice to share my heart's desire
No chance of singing in the choir

But then You came and touched my ears
No sound in them for many years
Until Your cry, "Be opened" heard
And now each morn a precious word.

A tongue, at last, that now can sing
The praise of such a mighty King
And share my heart with other men
Then offer praise to God again.

A little goes a long, long way
A grain of sand will foul the clay
The sour grapes will ruin wine
And so will sin this soul of mine.

A jealous heart, a greedy glance
The prideful nature's rigid stance
The yeast of scribe and Pharisee
Is still around as you can see.

Remove the leaven that infects
Replace with love the soul perfects.
Humility will raise the dough
And clear the way of love will show.

Lord, what's the call You have on me,
What healing there remains to be?
I want to serve and do what's right
But find that I have not the might.

Impatience plagues my every day
I gripe and grumble on the way
I want what ere I want, and now.
Entitled, think myself somehow.

I need to meet Your patient gaze
And let Your love remove the haze
So I may clearly see in Thee
The virtue lacking much in me.

I must begin to others see
Their needs have more import than me.
Or when my time as first has passed
I'll find I'm in the line as last.

Woe to you when all speak well
For this can be a sign of Hell
The prophets false found such acclaims
But none can now recall their names.

The humble poor who bear their cross
When faced with hardship, grief, and loss
Thought helpless, wretched, here on Earth
Will find their joy in second birth.

But woe to those in comfort now
Who poor and helpless disavow
For you shall be the weeping ones
When poor and sick He claims as sons.

Oh, how knowledge inflates us with pride
When love is lost as our guide.
We think that we know, but have nothing to show,
Except mystery further supplied.

It's the finger of God we should see
In the scale of this great mystery.
No man could ever avail, of such beauty in every detail,
To Him we must bendeth the knee.

The speck I see quite clear in thee
But nay the plank that lies in me.
So many sins in others seen
By one who still remains unclean.

The blind of pride is drawn, you see
And unrepentant, blind will be.
But humble raise the shade to light
To pull the plank and see what's right.

Let this sign be lifted high
Let Him be seen by passers-by
The One who came to save the lost
No evil plan could love exhaust.

Just contemplate what there you see
And know He suffered all for thee
His patient love is waiting still
For all to seek His holy will.

No hint of selfishness or pride
But every evil there belied
The perfect love of God for man
Restores that lost when time began.

The cross that reaches high and low
The love of God for man to know
Both far and wide the arms extend
The rift of God and man to mend

Saturday, August 17, 2024

9/1/24 Through 9/7/24

 9/1/24 Through 9/7/24

Your law, oh Lord, is truth and light
Your wisdom guards the darkest night
What nation here could ever know
How deep and wide Your rivers flow.

You lead Your people Israel
On heaven's path away from hell
You call us ever closer still
To perfect love within Your will.

That once obedient we find
Contentment and true peace of mind
As doers of the law You give
That we, with You, may always live.

The message is simple, no trickery found
But Jesus so humble and thornily crowned,
Beaten and bloodied for wrong that we've done
Then nailed to a cross was the Holiest One.

But Jesus is risen.  Oh yes, it is true
His passion was offered to save such as you.
To bring us the freedom and healing of love
And show us the care of His Father above.

Don't seek to destroy what is meant for your good.
Forsake all your pride and shoulder the wood.
The cross is salvation that pierces the night,
Our path to the land that's eternally bright.

His law brings prosperity, wisdom, and health.
Each word like a rushing fountain of wealth.
The gifts of His Spirit are life to the low
Far exceeding the wealth that is passing below.

For lo, we have the mind of Christ
A treasure rich, and highly-priced.
Where waters of the Spirit flow
The mind of God the people know.

But what a shame where all is dry
For we but hear the people cry
In search of One to slake their thirst,
Yet only by the wrong coerced.

In Sacraments the Spirit gives
The light that nourishes what lives.
But left in darkness who can thrive?
To only greater depths they dive.

Baptize these little ones and see
His Spirit works within to free
And writes upon each heart within
His laws to keep them safe from sin.

So, don't delay, let waters flow
For every child deserves to know
Their Savior, Lord, and King of kings
Who only their contentment brings.

Deserted places clear the mind
And this is where His will we find.
Not wand'ring in the desert waste
But seeking Him to come with haste.

For when His word is spoken clear
The quiet heart will surely hear
And though His will be not our own,
What must be done is clearly known.

So cower not in busy's shroud
But leave the large rambunctious crowd
To hear His voice in quiet still
Then act upon His perfect will.

Deep in the water you'll finally see
The wisdom of man is quite foolish to me.
For all is my own, but I offer to thee
The all that you need to be totally free.

The cares of the world and the trials of the day
May seem quite a burden you carry this way
But do as I say and a blessing you'll see
I give all you need to be totally free.

You cling to what's temporal and passing away
Although it does naught to help show you the way
My word is a beacon, a light to your path
Repent and be free of the burden of wrath.

My love is abundant in all that I do
I offer my life to creation renew
Come see that My mercy is waiting for thee,
\Repent and give all to be totally free.

No room in the old for expanding of new
The stretching that comes from the freshness of dew.
The heart must be pliable, ready to grow
If one is expecting our Savior to know.

So, freshen the wineskin, prepare for the must
The growth will be coming in knowledge and trust.
Some teaching is hard and requires belief
But wine fully aged gives a sip of relief.

According to the Master's plan
A Sabbath rest is good for man.
When all was made He called it good
So, honor Him with rest we should.

When all was good He rested well
But love's destroyer came from Hell
With pride to foul the Garden's spring,
To death as man's destruction bring.

The beauty lost was man's demise
But our Creator, far more wise;
Another's coming as He said
To crush the evil serpent's head.

One pure and spotless, undefiled
Full of grace and Godly styled
His Sabbath rest He took within
The Virgin's womb that's free from sin.

It's clear this One is Lord of all
One here to remedy man's fall
Our Sabbath Lord from far above
Who rules with sacrificial love.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

8/25/24 Through 8/31/24

 8/25/24 Through 8/31/24

Lord, to whom shall we go?
No other with life that we know.
Your teaching is hard, and our senses are jarred,
But to You our allegiance we owe.

We've seen enough by this time
To know it's a new paradigm.
And the message You told, goes beyond all the old
Presenting new heights we must climb.

Woe to the ones who are lacking in love
Who turn not their hearts to the gifts from above
\Who seeking forever the wealth of below
True joy and true happiness never will know.

For ones who with eyes of their faith plainly see
There is glory beyond, and that love is the key.
Each sacrifice offered, each pain that's endured,
Will strengthen the bond to the Rock that they're moored.

The sheep hears the voice of the Shepherd that calls,
The goat just ignores and eventually falls.
Blinded by avarice, money, and fame
The goat ignores goodness, the worthless to claim.

Don't dance with the fools in their revelry raised
But come to the pasture where docile are grazed.
Enduring each trial for love of the Lord,
And purchasing graces no wealth can afford.

Woe to the blinded who will not to see.
The ones who are selfish and prideful, like me.
So easy to see there's a gnat in my drink
While swallowing camels of pride now, I think.

De tail' is what matters in all that I do
But oft overlooking what's crucial to You.
I focus on dust while the stains still abound
The splinter removed, but the plank never found.

The outside may shine, but the inside You see
Is a much different picture, repulsive to Thee.
I beg for Your mercy and ask that someday
My will be conformed to whatever You say.

Then clear as a crystal on bright sunny days
The inside and out will reflect all Your rays.
No more be I blinded or deaf to Your word
Obedient always to all that I've heard.

Here I am on every morn
Inviting love to be the norm.
But oft you simply turn away
And look unto a selfish way.

It's not enough to look the part,
My love must be within your heart.
So, turn to Me and never sway
Then learn to love throughout the day.

When we see through eyes of hist'ry
Clearer see what was a myst'ry.
Oft it seems that evil sinning
Is the side that's always winning.

But when seen through eyes eternal
Far more's seen than what's external.
All will come to death as wanting
Some for glory, some for haunting.

Truth and goodness lead to glory,
Lies and evil, diff'rent story.
After death comes life forever,
Good to glory... evil never.

Lies may bring a pleasure now
But full of emptiness somehow.
They promise much, deliver nil
But fools persist, believing still.

Be wise and listen for what's true
The God of LOVE created you
For glory in eternal light
And not to languish in the night..

Here the simple fool the wise
Tearing down their thin disguise
No eloquence of human mind
Can top what pure and simple find.

The Cross of Christ they cling to now
And through this foolishness somehow
Confound the wisdom of the day
And enter through the narrow way.

The wisdom of the world is blind
And never will their riches find
But stumbling blocks that hide the door
And ne'er the peace they're looking for.

Then lo, at last, that final day
When wealth and fame shall melt away
They're left with nakedness and shame
And shocked to find they lose the game.

For when the door is shut and barred
With mighty angels standing guard
The fool is seen to be the wise
For naught the earthly treasure buys.

Our choices, firmly made by then
With no more chance to try again.
The cries of bitterness and pain
Forever in that soul remain.

Don't wait another day to turn
And risk potential lasting burn
His mercy waits for truly wise
But foolish pride persists and dies.

Oh, so many talents given
But from good and wholesome riven.
Used for pleasure, graft, and sin
Instead of growing life within.

Where are good and faithful servants
With the kind of strict observance
That will use Your graces well
And cause Your purse of grace to swell?

Let me bury not Your treasure.
Use it to its fullest measure.
Multiplying all received
That Your approval be achieved.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

8/18/24 Through 8/24/24

 8/18/24 Through 8/24/24

True flesh is given for this meal
True blood we drink to live and heal.
No sign or symbol in this act
But flesh and blood in truth and fact.

What's seen is but a thin disguise
Beyond the bread and wine there lies
The blood and body of our Lord
In every time and age outpoured.

A gift of presence, always there
Substantial to the ones aware, 
But often felt by those who seek
And enter in for just a peek.

No words express the way I feel
When basking in His presence real.
It's not some manufactured bliss
But Christ Himself, and true is this!

We all have that to which we cling
And that's the "all" that we must bring
To place upon the altar for
An offering that offers more.

For freedom sheds the heavy chains
That keep us from eternal gains.
When all is focused on our Lord
He gives what none could e'er afford.

What have we gotten that's all of our own,
And what have we learned that wasn't made known?
All our accomplishments, all that we've done,
Was given as gift from Father and Son.

The Spirit that animates all that we do,
Not even this was created by you.
Every fiber of flesh, every hair on your head,
Without His anointing, is lifeless and dead.

The sights that we see and the sounds that we hear
Are a gift from the One who is always so near.
Understanding and reason, our thoughts from within,
Are gifts we receive to choose good and not sin.

The all that we have and can claim as our own
Are the choices we make and the seeds we have sown.
This freedom too, is a gift from above
The choice to be selfish, or others to love.

Whatever our choices, the end rushes near
We meet it with gratitude, praises, or fear.
The haughty will find at the end of their days
An emptiness clouded in darkness and haze.

But those who acknowledge the King of all kings
Will witness the bounteous harvest He brings.
The humble will see every blessing increase
And love overflowing that never will cease.

When shepherds work to fleece their sheep
Along the road to Hell, they creep.
They're set within their leading place
To be a source of love and grace.

But leaders bent on self-enriching
From that trusted role are switching
To a path of self-destruction
From their role of love instruction.

Oh. sprinkle me with water clean
That so my sins be never seen.
My soul be made afresh and new
One totally absorbed in You.

No more a selfish stony heart
But one of flesh which You impart.
A spirit willing to obey
The every word to me You say.

Not to spurn Your invitation,
But to join Your celebration.
Dressed in garments You provide
Your every word to be my guide.

The simpleness of giving all
In answer to His loving call
Is quite profound for those who do
And something good for me and you.

Amid the din of daily strife
The driest bones can come to life
With flesh and joints, and heart renewed
If with the Spirit so imbued.
And such will be an army strong
A holy everlasting throng
To praise and glorify the name
Of Him from whom all blessings came.

Come and I will show you truth
The things I learned as just a youth.
Apostles told me of the Lamb
The awesome, fearful, Great I AM.

Three persons clear, yet only One,
The Father, Spirit, and the Son.
A God of love for sinful men
Forgiving time and time again.

The cross, His greatest sign of love
He chose to offer proof thereof.
And bread and wine He turns to be
His flesh and blood for life of thee.

He's present here and now today
In this most sacred, holy way.
So, come and see, be quiet... still
And He, your heart, with love shall fill.