Sunday, June 9, 2024

Thinking of Dad on His Birthday

Thinking of Dad on His Birthday
(Thomas Hennessey 6/8/1915 - 12/22/1965 RIP)

I had a dad for nine short years 
That ended in a night of tears.
Twas on December twenty-two
He left to start his life anew.

I've always wished I knew him more,
But he was weakened in the war.
Disease and sickness took its toll
And many years of life they stole.

He taught me much in little time
And so, I pen this little rhyme
To show how much I miss that man
And try that empty void to span.

I wish I had another nine
To learn from him, and so align
My heart with his that loved the Lord
And lure of evil ways ignored.

But in my foolishness, I bit
And wandered in the thick of it.
Until the light again I saw
And conscience pricks began to gnaw.

The prayers of him, and mother too
For all their children, were not few
They opened doors for me to see
A glimpse into eternity.

I pray my children also see
That they are loved eternally
And shun the snares of evil pride
To always with our Lord abide.

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