Sunday, June 9, 2024

6/23/24 Through 6/29/24

 6/23/24 Through 6/29/24

Just who do wind and sea obey,
But Him who over all holds sway?
He calms the sea with just a word
The heaving waves the winds have stirred.

So far beyond what man has known
The power that our Lord has shown.
In all the knowledge man has gained
The sea, by man, has not been tamed.

Fearfully and wonderfully made
Born to do what God Himself has bade
Too little that a servant you should be
But light so bright for all on Earth to see.

What e'er that men suppose this man to be
Far greater is the One, the Son of Thee.
The former may not even lace untie
Of He who comes at last from God on high.

The One must grow, the other fall
All hearing ears receive the call
Repent and learn to love all men
Then be restored to life again.

The parent's work is never done
To form a daughter, form a son
To teach in ever subtler ways
The word of God throughout your days.

The way is steep and narrow too
And those who find the way are few
Though difficult the way is found
It's no excuse to turn around.

It leads to life, but many turn
And never perseverance learn.
They walk the broad and easy way
Without a thought for "finals" day.

The Golden Rule must be your guide
For all the law has that inside.
We teach and train but never cease
To point the way to lasting peace.

A treasure buried in plain sight
The word of God that teaches right
The pages left unturned, unread
The souls of those around, unfed.

Without the word, the soul will starve
But daily reading it, we carve
A furrow where the grace can flow
And lead us to our Savior know.

Then nourished well, the thirsty seed
That on the word of God shall feed
Will bloom and grow to bear much fruit
And satisfy the soul's pursuit.

But left unturned, unread as most
With all the straw of which they boast
The wealthy with no need for You 
Find thorn and thistle all they grew.

When fire's kindled it's too late
For then is sealed eternal fate.
Unquenching flame for barren yield,
But joy and peace for fruited field.

This is the time each man must act
It's not a tip, but simple fact.
The words of Jesus point the way
That we must follow every day.

They're not just things to think about
Or pithy platitudes to spout
But ways that must be made our own
If everlasting peace be known.

Our sites too often aim too low
Avoiding work to make us grow
But Jesus gives a higher call
To be the great by being small.

Who wants to hear that sacrifice
Is what we need to pay the price?
But laziness is shifting sand
That won't withstand the storm's demand.

So we must ACT with firm resolve
To rightly this conundrum solve
It's not enough to hear the knock,
But we must ACT to build on Rock.

Sin is the blindness that reaches all men
Constrained as a captive in slavery again.
Not learning at all from the ways of the past
Without His protection, there's nothing to last.

History is clear that when evil's in bloom
There comes fast approaching, a time of great doom.
But man can be rescued from ruin and gloom
If there in his heart, for the King he makes room.

If humbly we ask that the Lord make us clean
Repentant of sin that our health will demean
He's faithful and true to restore what we lost
His mercy and love we can never exhaust.

A single day, two saints are dead
One crucified, one lost his head
A shock to shake the faithful few
But through their blood, the faithful grew

With leaders lost most armies fail
The troops, in chaos, soon derail.
But something here is not the same
For those who call on Jesus' name.

The blood of martyrs waters seed
And love unbounded, love will breed.
The worst that man can do matures
And sinner to the Savior lures.

Don't worry when the time arrives,
On total gift, the Giver thrives.
All grace He gives in time of need
That you might water well the seed. 


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