Saturday, April 27, 2024

5/12/24 Through 5/18/24

 5/12/24 Through 5/18/24

What now?  He's risen, that we know.
What shall we do, where shall we go
He said to wait for power here
And then the mission shall be clear.

Few days from now the Spirit moves
And by His witnesses He proves
That Christ as King forever reigns
O'er all the universe contains.

So, look not up at clouds on high
He shall return here by and by.
But not until you spread the word
And all the men on earth have heard.

Today this seems too hard a task
But wait and pray then simply ask.
The Spirit shall abide in you
And guide the steps of all you do.

To those that love, the Spirit comes
And vibrant life on Earth becomes.
For when we see God's grand design
Our way must change, to there align.

We see the vict'ry in His way
And how He conquered every day
By trusting in the Father's love
And focusing on life above.

He showed in truth that man can be
As one within the Trinity
By giving all we have away
To let the Potter mold the clay.

Our Blessed Mother did each day,
"Let it be done," her words to say.
Complete and totally she gave
And through her gift came Christ to save.

Chosen by the Holy Spirit
One of twelve to lead and steer it
One to teach and well-proclaim
The glory found in Jesus' name.

One who there from the beginning
Witness to His rising winning
Freedom from the chains of sin
And life anew to live with Him.

Hear and answer when He's calling
No excuses, no more stalling.
Listen well and then obey
Then let the Spirit light your way.

Lord, consecrate us in the Truth
The rich or poor, the old or youth.
For lies abound in every sphere
That tempt to gloom, despair and fear.

But truth alone will light our way
If we but humbly act and pray,
And truth the Garden shall restore
With good and beauty evermore.

The work of each is, find a way,
To make Him known in every day.
That all might know and seek the King
To peace and joy, and oneness bring.

Success within the world's eyes
Is but a weak and poor disguise
For what the Father has in store
With unity brings so much more.

Our selfish chases here below
Will ne'er such greatness ever know.
For what we do in Him shall last
When what alone, aside is cast.

So when that little bit is gone
That store of straw we trusted on
You've naught that in the end shall last
And into Selfishness, you're cast.

Don't take that broad and foolish way
But seek His will in every day
Then do His will, become as one,
And find the greatest vic'try won.

Arisen now disciples know
The worst that evil has may flow,
But Christ has conquered o'er the grave
And so, the faithful soul will save.

What e'er that comes, the Spirit guides
And every needed gift supplies.
The docile ones that do His will,
Their great desire He shall fulfill.

I pray I may not cower then
But face the evil firmly when
I'm faced with temporal loss and pain
And look but to eternal gain.

So many times I've failed before
But now I've come to know You more
And though I still be frail and weak,
Your Spirit's love and strength I seek.

All the world could not contain
The books that try to Christ explain
So deep, so wide, so ever long
His praise an everlasting song.

Once encountered, understood
We see but Love upon the wood
The foolishness of that we preach
The humble and the wise will reach.

Yet pride refuses all He gives
Denying that again He lives
Though evidence is clear and plain
In ignorance, they still remain.

Be open and receive His word
Then others tell what you have heard
The news is good, there's room for all
Who wish to hearken to Love's call.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

5/5/24 Through 5/11/24

 5/5/24 Through 5/11/24

Love alone can bring us peace,
Love alone will never cease.
Loving self and neighbor too
Will bring us ever close to You.

Love is patient, love is kind,
Love's the greatest gift we find.
All the rest will pass away
But love eternally will stay.

In each heart and in each land
Love will answer His command.
Love unites and ne'er divides
Love our every need provides.

Love will calm a raging storm,
Love the coldest heart can warm.
Love the key to peace and joy,
Love the wisest wise employ.

Love makes rich, the poorest poor,
Love will life above secure.
Love, the sick and helpless need
Love the starving soul shall feed.

Love, our Teacher crucified
Rose on Easter glorified.
Heaven's where True Love shall reign,
Where none is loss and all is gain.

Remember He told you the hour shall come
When faith they attack and foe shall become.
Stand firm in the Lord, believe what He said
Take courage from Him who rose from the dead.

He sends you His Spirit to strengthen and gird
Recalling the words from the Savior you heard.
So, be not afraid when you testify well
For Jesus has conquered the powers of Hell.

Their power is but in the temporal time
But after they fall to the depths with the swine.
So, speak and behold that the Spirit will lead
Supplying the words that the hungry will feed.

Your death may be used in a mighty good way
To soften the hearts of the ones who astray.
Whatever the outcome, His offer remains,
Those doing His bidding have Heavenly gains.

Send the Spirit, Lord I pray
Give me strength for every day.
Be my Counselor and guide
Always ready at my side.

Be my comfort, be my will,
Be my animating fill.
Grant me courage, grant me strength,
Be my help to any length.

Let me sing when suffering,
Let my faith a healing bring.
Shake the bars and loose the chains,
Let me see what Heaven gains.

Grant me knowledge of Your ways,
Let my tongue with angels praise.
Wisdom reigns my daily plea,
Let Her not depart from me.

Help me understand what's good,
Help me pray the way I should.
Let me never part from Thee.
That, my greatest fear would be.

He gives to me the all that is
If I but add my all to His
Oh, help me to attachments break
And turn from satisfactions fake.

There's only One who's right and true
No other can compare to You.
All other gods are empty gourds
There's only One, The Lord of Lords.

When we see the light our grief becomes joy.
His praises and glory, then we employ.
For darkness so conquered can never destroy
The life everlasting the saints will enjoy.

The body is raised in physical form
Though different it be from its earthly norm.
Perfected in glory, unstained by the sin,
The death and the rising of Christ let us in.

To union with Father, Spirit and Son
To vict'ry upon Mount Calvary won.
Where darkness forever, eternally banned
And life is how Jesus so graciously planned.

Do not be afraid, but speak of My name
Be confident always, showing no shame.
My word must be taught, proclaimed to them all
He speaks to us now, as spoken to Paul

The worst of the worst are deserving to know
They're loved and invited to Heaven to go.
But first there must be a one willing to go
And love for the poorest of poor to them show.

A calling He has for each in His flock
If we will but listen, and answer His knock.
The key is to act as He prompts you to do
It makes of us saints, so how about you?

Ask the Father in My name
For this is part of why I came
To let you see the Father's love
And set your sights on that above.

The Father's will is my will too
We only want what's best for you.
We teach of ways beyond your mind
So happiness, at last you find.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

4/28/24 Through 5/4/24

 4/28/24 Through 5/4/24

How wicked man can grow to be
When love of Christ is gone from thee
When children taught to seek for gain
In selfishness and other's pain.

Revenge for wrongs the remedy
And nay the chance for clemency
A withered branch of death and sin
Is all we are apart from Him.

But even those so steeped in sin
Can new and loving life begin,
If they be grafted to the Vine
And follow well the will of Thine.

For there is peace and tranquil joy
When Christian teaching we employ.
When self is given up we show
How true the love of Christ we know.

Great wisdom is to love the Lord
This gift the poorest poor afford
For those who see and understand
Will join this apostolic band.

No man is God, no man is Lord
There's only One to be adored
Yet man can be His dwelling place,
Be filled with mercy, love, and grace.

Become a saint and follow Him
Not ways of evil, dark, and dim.
For one who's docile everyday
Will shelter gold within the clay.

In suffering the gold made pure,
The way is wrought with pain for sure
But over pain, the joy shall reign
And faithful servants, heaven gain.

The Father's will, the surest way
To find the path to trod today
For love will lead to sacrifice
But joy will come from His advice.

Lord, within my life's pursuit
Prune whatever bears no fruit
So, make my will align with Yours
And grant me grace that long endures.

Make this weakly heart of mine
Firmly grafted to Your Vine
Apart from You I wither, fade
Without the Vine, no progress made.

It takes a meeting of the minds
For Christ has come for many kinds
The tent must be one wide and deep
With practices that all can keep.

The simple rules our Lord expressed
To love our God and neighbor best
Admit all men of favored will
And yet present a challenge still.

For love requires giving all
And listening for every call
So, when our will is one with His
We'll understand what Heaven is.

Many have seen, and many have heard
Many have also studied His word
Far fewer have known Him and seen eye to eye,
But those that once did, were ready to die.

We talk a good game, but when push comes to shove
We likely deny Him rejecting His love.
We listen and hear, but don't understand
Our minds He must open to let them expand.

The finite to the Infinite, "Oh Lord, I want to see."
With all I've given you so far, you still not knoweth Me?
The Father, Son, and Spirit, a triune Godhead be.
A unity beyond the mind, but that you see in Me.

If you are hated for loving the Lord
Rejoice and be glad, for great the reward
The world doesn't know what they're missing in Him
Preferring the darkness, they live in the dim

A glimmer of light they may see once a while
But often the darkness again will beguile.
The pain of transition may govern the will,
But love and forgiveness we offer them still.

His work alone is the changing of hearts
But Christians must all be fulfilling their parts
Speaking the truth and illuming the night
In hope that someday they will move to the light.

Our Master much suffered, no less we expect
Now clean are the souls with blood He has swept.
Ascended once more to the Father above
He charges disciples to now spread the love.

All knowing that pain will belong to the chore
But seeing beyond to the joy evermore
He calls His disciples to follow His way
Searching always for those who have fallen away.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

4/21/24 Through 4/27/24

 4/21/24 Through 4/27/24

Good Shepherd save Your little ones
Your feeble daughters, sinful sons
Astray we go each time we sin
A foolish lot Your flock has been

Yet still, You cherish every soul
Desiring to make us whole
Your very precious life You give
So simple wayward sheep might live

Such love as this we've never seen
Enduring cross and passion keen
To save a lost and helpless lamb.
In truth, You are the Great I AM!

Astonished that He came to save
Both mighty and the humble knave
Distinctions made by earthly men
By Christ, the cart upset again.

The Gentile too, He calls to learn
And by the Spirit to discern
His call to turn away from sin
And be with Christ one welcomed in.

His gifts were meant for all mankind
The Jew and Gentile here will find
Their sins forgiven, spirits blest
When Christ our King, as Lord confessed.

Your voice I know, the always good
Directing as I always should
Attune my ears to bend Your way
And follow well what ere You say.

So many times Your blessings seen
But oh, how lazy I have been
The easy way I've often trod
And shunned the path of Mighty God

What foolishness I now can see
To ever turn away from Thee
In even ways that seem so small
For happiness is giving all.

A humble sheep within the flock
Who answers every time You knock
Then acts at once to do Your will
And let You well, my coffers fill.

Set aside a special way
Each with a task to do each day
A word will come to open ears
And bless the docile one who hears.

The Voice may take some time to hear
In quietness to Him draw near
Allow Him room within your heart
Then on your sacred journey start.

Each day afresh and new He speaks
A little more of you He seeks
Until the all you have is His
And there you'll find the all that is.

On this feast, my patron's day
For zeal and wisdom here I pray
To spread the word per His command
And join the apostolic band

Within my world so small and tame
I wish to kindle there a flame
To warm the hearts of all I meet
That they might too the Savior greet.

A place prepared for only me
A place for all eternity
His love so far above my reach
But daily He will coach and teach.

He'll show me how the little ways
Of faith and trust should fill my days
And let me see no kindness turned
Within His plan is ever spurned.

As prophets spoke so long ago
And those who search the scripture know
The things that once appear mundane
A wealth of riches may contain.

When resurrection light is shown
All good and bad will then be known
And then in clearest light I'll see
What purest Love prepared for me.

The Word arrives in varied ways
He speaks to us throughout our days
We must attune our ears to hear
And then we'll find Him very near.

The wicked stop their ears and say
There is no use for man to pray
The truth upsets their status quo
And change they have no wish to know.

But if we listen well we see
The Spirit's ever close to thee
The Father and the Son abide
Where humble love replaces pride.

Don't turn away from truth and good
But let His word become your food
Your eyes will then begin to see
How much, in truth, He cares for thee.