Saturday, February 10, 2024

2/25/24 Through 3/2/24

 2/25/24 Through 3/2/24

The call of Abraham has come
The call to sacrifice his son
In faith he trusts what God has said
Believing He could raise the dead.

His son he burdened with the wood
Though urged to falter, he withstood
And placed him on the altar there.
His only son He did not spare.

On Tabor's height Apostles saw
What lies beyond the deathly pall,
The glory that awaits the just
Who give to God their total trust.

We see His glory every day
If we just look beyond the fray
And see the brightness of the cloud
Within the remnants of the shroud.

We too must shoulder well the wood
Denying self as Jesus would
And so to glory thus obtain
Without a wrinkle, spot, or stain.

What matters most is how it ends
On this the fate of all depends
The good or bad be washed away
By how we end that final day

The preparation matters too
For this is what will strengthen you
That final hour this life is done
And when eternity's begun

The measure we have measured out
He'll use to bring reward about
How well we listen and obey
Determines what's our final pay

How easy subtle pride takes hold!
That serpent from the Garden old.
His quiet, stealthy, winding way
Entangles those who go astray

How easy tempting pride can be
The most attractive thing for me.
So, like the Pharisee, I fall
And miss the Lord's repentance call.

We criticize with ease today
Their vast and formulaic way
Of laws to make them pure and clean
And so, the humble one demean.

But still this day we do the same
We look for honor, wealth, and fame
And fail to see the filth inside
Created by our evil pride.

Lord, purify and cleanse my heart
Remove the rotten, prideful part
And humble me that I might be
An offering of love to Thee.

My Lord, I fail to get it still. 
I read quite plain Your holy will,
But listen not to what You say
And go about my merry way.

Your prophecies of passiontide
I hear but gently push aside
To seek a pleasure here and now
And raise my status here somehow.

Thought of suffering bereaved me
And my ignorance aggrieved Thee
Hearing that You came for service
Makes a selfish one quite nervous.

When at last I understand Thee
Please don't harshly reprimand me,
Grace me with the will to love Thee
Putting nothing else above Thee.

Acursed be the man that strays from the Lord
Whose strength is in flesh, or the pow'r of the sword
A barren bush in a lava waste
A haughty one that's now disgraced.

True wealth is in humility
But often men will fail to see
They grasp for that which fades away
To find, in time, their wealth decay.

They turn away their greedy eyes
From all the poor and wretched cries
To dine in luxury and waste
And never give the poor a taste.

The day of reckoning will come
A day for all, not just for some
A day when wrong shall be set right
And all our deeds are seen in light.

In ways mysterious and deep
The will of God will always keep
The chosen ones alive and well
And plans of wicked men repel.

But often we don't see the plan
When looking with the eyes of man.
It's only when we turn around
In retrospect, the plan is found.

Our God is faithful, true, and good.
Obey Him always as we should
And then we'll see with clearer eyes
How safe He leads us to the prize.

Lord, mercy is Your greatest gift
One offered often, offered swift.
You let us languish, not for long,
But swiftly wash away our wrong.

Though consequences of our sin
Remain a scar that's deep within,
They also serve to help us see
How great Your love for man can be.

From depths of all perversion led
To pasture green, and fully fed.
From slave of swine and one ignored,
To precious son and one restored.

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