Saturday, February 24, 2024

3/10/24 Through 03/16/24

 3/10/24 Through 03/16/24

Call upon call that never we heard
Our sight was so dim, our vision so blurred
We scoffed at the warnings, ignoring the signs
Our action, but foolishness, only defines.

'Till one day it came like a thief in the night
The wrong we had done would at last be set right.
The pain and the anguish for seventy years
Would serve to improve the laziest ears.

I pray we don't need such a radical change,
But just to obey, and our thoughts rearrange.
To see in the light what He offers in love
And turn from our slavery to freedom above. 

With desperation in his eyes
"Lord, come before my child dies."
No games of non-believing Jews
But simply life or death to choose.

He chose in faith to so return
And on his way in joy would learn
His son was healed by just the word
For well, the God of love had heard.

Fruit for food and leaves for healing
In this vision God revealing
That the water from His side
Would be for man a precious tide.

Ever deeper, wider flowing
In the hearts of faithful growing
Spreading life and healing waters
To the faithful sons and daughters.

Come and sample of the river
Let the King of kings deliver
Grace abundant, overflowing
Peace and joy and love all knowing.

A way through the mountains He makes for the flocks
The door to salvation the Savior unlocks
The people from near, and the people from far
Rejoice in salvation, for grateful they are.

Death has no sway, it's impotent you see
When the Son calls to life, to life it shall be.
Forgotten remembered when times are distressed,
Distresses forgotten when finally blest.

He does only that which the Father has willed
He judges by what with our lives we have filled.
Great mercy He offers to those who repent,
But obstinate souls to the Devil are sent.

Who will stand and plead for mercy,
Seek to end the controversy?
Justice calls for condemnation
Of this wayward, sinful nation.

Who will plead the Blood of Jesus,
Free, unbounded love that frees us?
None deserving of salvation
None with adequate oblation.

Yet His mercy stands at ready
Always loving, always steady.
Here to hold the hand of justice
To forgive and so adjust us.

Lord, help us turn and honor You
Make our nation strong and true
Bring all sinners to repentance
Pardon those You justly sentence

For Mercy is Your true delight
Not sentencing to darkest night
Help us abandon folly's ways
And live eternally to praise.

Obnoxious to  the wicked ones
Are found our God's adopted sons
They set themselves against our ways
And seek our lofty heights to raze.

Enduring them we cannot take
For rules of right and wrong, they make
Condemning things we wish to do
And claiming what they say is true.

Let's see if God will so defend
And keep them from a shameful end
With spit and blows, and thorny crown
We'll see who from the cross comes down.

If He be true, then God will save
If not, He'll rot in borrowed grave.
We'll teach His followers to fear
Then their reproach will never hear.

But oh, what fools they're shown to be
When from the grave He rises free
And followers are Spirit-filled
Each doing as the Father willed.

We're called another Christ to be
That all on Earth would come to see
That humble service wins the day
And Jesus Christ has shown the way.

None has ever spoken as He
His words with such authority
That penetrate the beating heart
And there unbounded love impart.

His eyes meet every empty gaze
And clear away the cloudy haze
When ere He speaks, my spirit quakes
My soul, to all my sin, awakes.

Yet somehow, there in eyes so kind
I fix on them and mercy find
He knows what no one else has known,
But mercy still His eyes have shown.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

3/3/24 Through 3/9/24

 3/3/24 Through 3/9/24

A cleansing of the Temple space
Can come from none but holy grace.
Upsetting of the tables there, 
The greed and lust for wealth to pare.

The whip to drive deceit away 
That one might truly learn to pray
He knows quite well the heart of man
Twas He who made it in His plan.

His plan for freedom, peace, and joy
That wickedness and sin destroy
But one repentant there may find
The will of God and man aligned.

Rebuild this temple clean and new
And make my will align with You
Forever humble, tried, and true
A change that's long been overdue.

Naaman, a pagan sign
Encountering God's love Divine.
One humbled so to do His will
Received his healing and his fill.

Obeying but a little girl
He finds the precious loving pearl
Of knowing that God cares for all
Who answer to His humbling call.

The self-sufficient nay will find
The healing comfort God designed
For lacking what the humble see
They fail to ever bend their knee.

Forgiveness far beyond all knowing
Jesus, every sinner showing
Debtors freed of all they owe
Mercy they must also show.

When I think of all I've done,
The debt amassed by only one,
I'm humbled He should ever care
And so, the Cross for such to bear.

Even now when Love is known
Indifference to the poor is shown
And though I well deserve His wrath
He shows me yet the narrow path.

Let me never forget You, Lord
And all the grace that You afford
For all that I have seen and heard
The gift of faith within me stirred.

So many unexpected ways
You spoke to me in darkest days
Or saved me from the snare of sin
When rash or foolish I had been.

I'm slow to see Your hand at work
Or where the traps of evil lurk
But then You speak or act in ways
Remembered well throughout my days

Yet still, oh Lord, I tend to sin
Forgetful of Your life within
Let not Your mercy cease to flow
But evermore Your love to know

Someday I pray, You'll cleanse within
My every stain or trace of sin,
And make of me a one like You
With love the key to all I do.

A sign they want when plain as day
They see the Life, the Truth, the Way.
No sign will ever change the mind
Of those who are the willful blind.

Gone from their vocabulary,
Faithfulness and truth they bury.
Men fabricating lies to be
A "truth" for them, but not for me.

When faithfulness and truth are banished
All that's good and pure has vanished
No sign for such a present age
When war on all that's good they wage.

But those with open, watchful eyes
Can see beyond the wilful lies
To see the truth in glory crowned
Where faithful followers are found.

How long until you act upon
The word you know is true
Expecting not the morning dawn,
Or what shall come to you.

The word is true, we must obey
For happiness to know
But still from true, we turn away
And to destruction go.

For love is total gift of self,
Not turning one away,
But leaving nothing on the shelf,
Or saved for rainy day

Our God provides the all we need
For those who listen well
And to His every word take heed
To so, the Gospel tell.

Convicting here with my own pen
The writer of the verse
A hypocrite among the men
Or something maybe worse.

A Pharisee, or tax collector,
Which am I today?
The Lord the only truth detector
Sees the clearest way.

If true repentance were at hand
I'd act on every word
Obeying quickly each command
Not shunning what is heard.

I wish to leave here justified
Not simply self-assured
For one could lead to suicide
And one to life procured.

In quandary so, I find myself
As both I see in me
Is that perhaps the truth itself,
That both are truly me?

What I hold back, Lord help me give
And turn away from sin
For giving all is how to live
And life with You begin.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

2/25/24 Through 3/2/24

 2/25/24 Through 3/2/24

The call of Abraham has come
The call to sacrifice his son
In faith he trusts what God has said
Believing He could raise the dead.

His son he burdened with the wood
Though urged to falter, he withstood
And placed him on the altar there.
His only son He did not spare.

On Tabor's height Apostles saw
What lies beyond the deathly pall,
The glory that awaits the just
Who give to God their total trust.

We see His glory every day
If we just look beyond the fray
And see the brightness of the cloud
Within the remnants of the shroud.

We too must shoulder well the wood
Denying self as Jesus would
And so to glory thus obtain
Without a wrinkle, spot, or stain.

What matters most is how it ends
On this the fate of all depends
The good or bad be washed away
By how we end that final day

The preparation matters too
For this is what will strengthen you
That final hour this life is done
And when eternity's begun

The measure we have measured out
He'll use to bring reward about
How well we listen and obey
Determines what's our final pay

How easy subtle pride takes hold!
That serpent from the Garden old.
His quiet, stealthy, winding way
Entangles those who go astray

How easy tempting pride can be
The most attractive thing for me.
So, like the Pharisee, I fall
And miss the Lord's repentance call.

We criticize with ease today
Their vast and formulaic way
Of laws to make them pure and clean
And so, the humble one demean.

But still this day we do the same
We look for honor, wealth, and fame
And fail to see the filth inside
Created by our evil pride.

Lord, purify and cleanse my heart
Remove the rotten, prideful part
And humble me that I might be
An offering of love to Thee.

My Lord, I fail to get it still. 
I read quite plain Your holy will,
But listen not to what You say
And go about my merry way.

Your prophecies of passiontide
I hear but gently push aside
To seek a pleasure here and now
And raise my status here somehow.

Thought of suffering bereaved me
And my ignorance aggrieved Thee
Hearing that You came for service
Makes a selfish one quite nervous.

When at last I understand Thee
Please don't harshly reprimand me,
Grace me with the will to love Thee
Putting nothing else above Thee.

Acursed be the man that strays from the Lord
Whose strength is in flesh, or the pow'r of the sword
A barren bush in a lava waste
A haughty one that's now disgraced.

True wealth is in humility
But often men will fail to see
They grasp for that which fades away
To find, in time, their wealth decay.

They turn away their greedy eyes
From all the poor and wretched cries
To dine in luxury and waste
And never give the poor a taste.

The day of reckoning will come
A day for all, not just for some
A day when wrong shall be set right
And all our deeds are seen in light.

In ways mysterious and deep
The will of God will always keep
The chosen ones alive and well
And plans of wicked men repel.

But often we don't see the plan
When looking with the eyes of man.
It's only when we turn around
In retrospect, the plan is found.

Our God is faithful, true, and good.
Obey Him always as we should
And then we'll see with clearer eyes
How safe He leads us to the prize.

Lord, mercy is Your greatest gift
One offered often, offered swift.
You let us languish, not for long,
But swiftly wash away our wrong.

Though consequences of our sin
Remain a scar that's deep within,
They also serve to help us see
How great Your love for man can be.

From depths of all perversion led
To pasture green, and fully fed.
From slave of swine and one ignored,
To precious son and one restored.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

2/18/24 Through 2/24/24

 2/18/24 Through 2/24/24

Forty days of humble fasting
Through the worst temptations lasting
Conquering the flesh He gave us
Showing all the path to save us.

Focused on the Father's willing
Key to life and love distilling
In the desert there belying
Every ploy the Devil trying.

Angels there with grace providing
For the way of God deciding
We must too, be ones accepting
So to be with God connecting.

Few have understood the measure
Of this freely offered treasure
With grace to be one in control,
And grace to master well the soul.

What wonders that the will would find
If only Grace's well were mined.
With humble heart, courageous will,
Our every need He would fulfill.

Who will stand that fateful day
When on the clouds He comes our way
And says, "The least of these was Me,
Now how you fare, just let me see?"

I'll turn in shame, no doubt for me
For many times I've turned from Thee
And looked away from wanting eyes,
My Savior in the poor's disguise.

The prisoner in wanting cell
In lonliness, whose spirits fell
For no one came and rarely wrote
So much as but a little note.

Absorbed in all I want to do
I often fail to notice You
Forgive me Lord, and help me be
A one with eyes that notice Thee.

No word of His is ever void
A wealth in it contained
A consolation well-enjoyed
A blessing now obtained.

Correction when we need it most
Admonishing for good
Rebuke for sin and prideful boast
Bring shame, as well they should.

How well we listen and obey
Determines where we stand
Will we become one cast away,
Or join the banquet planned?

Something greater here than Jonah
Humble One with thorned corona
Preacher, Healer, Lord of Love
From the Father's throne above.

Listen to the Humble Healer,
Nay the word of wheeler-dealer.
Turn from selfish ways of sin
Allow the Light to enter in.

Light a candle, darkness flees
Love, the cure of death's disease.
He that turns will Mercy find
But not who chains of sin still bind.

Shame, remorse, and irritation
Plague a wicked sinful nation
But the hand of wrath be stayed
If just the Holy One obeyed.

Upon the rock so frail and weak
The very word of God we seek
The fallen one, restored to be
The leader of the Holy See.

The centuries have proven well
They can't prevail, those gates of Hell.
No matter how inept we be
That office holds a special key.

A key to Holy Spirit pow'r
To meet the challenge of the hour.
As ages of the past have shown\
Full truth is here, and here alone.

Without the shepherd, sheep will stray
And follow on a different way.
A way divergent from the true,
Whatever way the wind that blew.

But on the rock the Church shall stand
Through torrent, flood, and shifting sand.
The tossing sea and mighty gale
O'er One true Church, shall not prevail.

One away from full damnation
To the dregs of all creation
All our good is wiped away
If freely now we choose to stray.

The ending matters most of all 
For this is when we hear the call
To spend eternity with God
Or answer to the wicked fraud.  

I know I'm weak and pray dear Lord
I'll not reject Your blood outpoured
But persevere until the end
And on Your mercy there depend.

Your angel shield me from such woe
For left alone, astray I'd go.
I need Your constant call to guide
Away from selfish, evil, pride.

I hope and trust that I may be
One totally in love with Thee,
One on the straight and narrow way
Who never ever turns away.

He loves the every one He made
And so to do the same He bade.
For bad or good no difference makes
His love for all is what it takes.

We pull aback when ere we hear
An enemy is drawing near
But in His wisdom, we must love
For that's the choice of God above.

He showed us how upon the cross
To count all other gains as loss
To love in spite of all they do
To reach their hearts and make anew.

The heart will change no other way
But seeing love amid the fray
And knowing there the answer lies
For on the Cross, love testifies.

So, pray for those who do you wrong
And all the wicked evil throng
For change could come on any day
And they, like you, could find the Way.