Saturday, September 30, 2023

10/15/23 Through 10/21/23

 10/15/23 Through 10/21/23

Why refuse the banquet table
Well prepared with all delights
More than just a storied fable
Here are slaked all appetites.

Yet invited guests refuse Him
Each with duties pressing more
Thinking trifles well excuse him,
But condemn him evermore.

Come and don the wedding raiment
Leave what's plain and base behind.
Lo, the Groom has made the payment
For His bride to be refined.

There's something far greater than Solomon here.
So, why do you not carry out what you hear?
Why do you listen and fail to obey?
Why must you always be going astray?

Your chances are many, but not without end.
Don't think there will always be time to amend.
At a time unexpected, Judgment will come.
All our deeds then displayed in the light of the Son.

Repent as in Ninevah ages ago
When all through the city the prophet would go
Giving light in the dark and calling for change
Our ways of the world we must all rearrange.

It's simple enough just to hear and obey
By giving Him time in the morn of the day.
By training to act at the sound of His voice,
Making always His will, the will of our choice.

Philosophers who cannot see,
So stupid they refuse to see
What's plain and simple, clearly seen
That Christ, our saving Love has been.

He shows us all what must be clean
The heart within is what I mean.
Far more than ritual can do
To make a worthy gift of you.

If you persist He'll grant your way
And let you sink in deep decay
Until at last all glory's gone
And all is darkness, never dawn.

Wake up and cleanse what's deep within.
Remove the stain of graft and sin
Repent and find His healing rays
Which light our everlasting days.

Wednesday (Feast of St. Luke)

Luke's Gospel of love and mercy so kind
The place where a Prodigal Son we can find.
Zacchaeus the traitor was taxing the Jew
But Jesus took time to create him anew.

A Samaritan neighbor with generous heart
Exalted as one who was doing his part.
A thief on a cross who surrenders his soul
Becoming the first to in Heaven enroll.

A Gospel for sinners, for lost and astray
A Gospel that all can use on their way.
For mercy he shows as our Lord's greatest gift
To rescue the sinner and downtrodden lift.

The saints we honor here today
Gave witness to God's love each day
Their testimony rang so true
That many towards the Father drew.

Within their lives, they did not see
Much fruit upon their planted tree
But as they watered it with blood
The barren tree began to bud.

For faithful to the call were they
We honor on this special day.
In time, their perseverance showed
The many graces God bestowed.

And still we honor them today
For how they'd listen and obey.
The total gift of self they made,
A bounty for the Church has paid.

No more secrets, all be known
Let the truth for all be shown
None are righteous, all have sinned
Priest and penitent chagrined.

From the housetops there proclaimed
Every mortal now ashamed
Deepest secrets known to all
Evidence that all men fall.

Those the body only kill 
Let no doubt or fear instill
Fear a just and Holy One
Fear the Father's only Son.

A loving father try to be
Who always seeks what's good for thee
Who always shows the righteous way
And teaches others how to pray.

Lead not by force or way of whim
But draw the others close to Him
Then honor God in every case
And every cross from Him embrace.

Turn not away when challenged here
And face accusers without fear
For you that honor Him on earth
Will find in Heaven joy and mirth.

Remembered will each witness be
Who on the Earth spoke well of He
For there in Heaven on that day
Will hear our Jesus proudly say,

This one bore witness down below
So here in Heaven I would know
So welcome him with open arms
Where nevermore the evil harms.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

10/8/23 Through 10/14/23

 10/8/23 Through 10/14/23

The vine is trained within a frame
To maximize its fruit
For like a child, if left run wild
In vain is the pursuit

With careful pruning, watered well
A harvest comes our way.
Untended though, but leaves will grow
And sour fruit our pay.

The Master gives the all we need
To fruitful branches grow.
It's up to us to then succeed
Or to the sluggard, woe.

Mother Mary, lead and guide me
Christ my Savior, feed and chide me
All my ways so crooked, bent
Lead far away from where I'm sent.

I rather seek for calm and still,
For comfort and my pleasure fill,
But just like Jonah find instead
That to the monster I am fed.

Come and spend some time with Me
All your daily cares let be
Just sit and listen, let Me speak,
There you'll find the peace you seek.

Worries all will melt away
If you listen and obey
My word will calm your greatest fear
If you'd be quieted to hear.

A merciful and gracious Lord
His depth of love quite unexplored.
We rarely understand His ways
For retribution fills our days.

He calls for man to be like Him
Not be the one so sad and grim.
Rejoice when blinded see the light
Give welcome then instead of spite.

For each of us has fallen too
And walked on Evil's Avenue.
Our debt could never be repaid
But Mercy has our debt allayed

Lord, give me eyes to see beyond
The boundaries of time.
For deep within the heart has spawned
A mountain there to climb.

To see You answer every prayer
In ways beyond us known.
That show how much for each You care,
And none are left alone.

The thorns I pray to be removed
You say are thorns of love.
And many times before you've proved
Your ways so high above.

But still I beg for strength to bear
My little crosses well
To always make me well aware,
In weakness, You excel.

Lord, drive the demons far away
Then teach my soul to weep and pray
Repentance be my soul's desire
Then fill my soul with holy fire.

Swept clean of evil, filled with love
And modeling the best thereof
Oh, keep me safe forevermore
That evil be my path no more.

Your finger on me ever be
That evil, far away would flee
And place your Spirit deep within
To keep me ever far from sin.

How blest are those who just obey
The ones whom Love has shown the Way
How pure and simple life becomes
When to His will, our will succumbs.

Love, who made our very being
One all-knowing, One all-seeing
 Knows quite well just how to fill us
What will bless, and what will kill us.

All He seeks for man is good
So, obey Him each man should
There all blessings shall be shown
There true purpose shall be known.

Sinful seek for only one
But the Father's only Son
Showed how love will conquer all 
If we but heed His daily call.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

10/1/23 Through 10/7/23

 10/1/23 Through 10/7/23

The irony, not lost on me
That learned are such fools.
For pride is blinding what they see
And what they learned in schools.

The Lord of all we see and know
Has clearly shown the way
To where on earth that we should go
To never go astray

The Church He gave to be our guide
And with us on our way
Forgiving when we fall to pride
And teaching us to pray.

Her Sacrament, a refuge for
A sinner such as me
Who wants to love and wants to soar
Yet turns from being free.

Oh, angel present all my days
Give light in darkness, lift the haze.
Protect and guard each step I take
Receptive to His will, mine make.

In ways I should have recognized
You prompted soul, and will advised
From many snares, you saved my soul
Fulfilling well your given role.

But often too, I've turned away
When all too hard I found the way.
Then you would lead me to return
And always something more I'd learn.

So good He is who made us all
His "Come to Me." that blessed call.
And you my precious holy guide
He charges, "Bring him to My side."

I pray to follow well your lead
And all your subtle promptings heed.
That nevermore, astray I'd go
And only truth and goodness know.

In resolute determination
Jesus works to save each nation
All are precious in His seeing
Every single human being.

If we too, adopt His thinking
Not from pain or trial shrinking
Men will recognize the sweetness
And in Him find their completeness.

Lost will beg, "Let me come with you."
Foreigners as well will wish to
When they see that God is guiding
And your every need providing.

Even when in desolation
Steadfast for the whole duration
Love's incredible assurance
Always there to grant endurance.

The charge, "Rebuild." is made to man
To what was there when time began
A unity profound and deep
Between the Shepherd and His sheep.

But sin destroyed the temple there
For men were walking unaware
That every little turn from Him
Made prospects ever grow more dim.

Until they looked around to see
Such ruin for their destiny
And try to turn before too late
To change their dark and awful fate.

To reach the soul that's sick with sin
And bring a healing deep within
Among the wolves, you send the sheep
And many with afflictions steep.

Then somehow weak are made the strong
And winners, those who suffer long
For when we trust in You alone
Our finest seeds of love are sown.

The fruit may not be ready seen
But in their minds the many glean
A morsel there to ponder well,
An maybe later, one to tell.

So many times we've turned away
So many times we've gone astray
So much You've given all mankind
And yet so little love can find.

Released from Egypt's fetters bound
Unfaithful in the desert found
With plenty blessed in Promised Land
But disobeying Your command.

Your Son not spared to save our race
Yet still our sin brings great disgrace
Your patience far beyond our own
A love like Yours was never known.

So once again Lord, please forgive 
With You, your servant wants to live
I wish to leave my sin behind
And so, Your peace and wisdom find.

Purgation may I undergo
Then only pure and holy know
With spot and wrinkle gone from me
To spend with You, eternity.

Turn ten times more to seek Him
Let every heart remain
No need to sing a bleak hymn
Arisen, Lamb once slain.

As captives gone, in joy returned
Remembered by our God
Those smitten so, but never spurned
The cold, by love are thawed.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

9/24/23 Through 9/30/23

 9/24/23 Through 9/30/23

So high above the ways of man
Who knows not how his life began
Who sees not as His Maker sees
And knows not how himself to please.

To know the Master and His love
A greater gift than all above
A wage no laborer deserves
Regardless of how long he serves

So whether working long or short
I know the wage, and now report
It far exceeds what man deserves
No matter of how long he serves

The privileged are the ones who see
That serving is a gift from Thee.
The truly blest, the ones are those
Who early on, to serve Him chose.

Yes, all that's hidden shall be known
The light of truth is clearly shown
That day will come when all our sin
No longer shelters deep within

For truth illumines all that lies.
Excuses gone with alibis
That day of fear approaches nigh
No longer can we sin deny

Defenseless, naked, all exposed
To Perfect Truth now juxtaposed
But washed away are sins confessed
With robes of white, the humble blessed.

Not so for prideful locked in sin
The terrors now will just begin
Eternity with lust and greed
No way to truly hunger feed.

To join the family of our Lord
We act upon His holy word
Attentive to the words of He
Who gave His life and died for me

The offerings of bull and sheep
Which priest and people then would keep
Were just foreshadowing the Lamb
Our King of kings, the Great I AM

No greater gift of love to find
Nor greater way with man to bind
Than offering unblemished Lamb
Our King of kings, the Great I AM

In spite of wickedness and shame
The Lord protects His sacred name
Commanding that His house be raised
And then His Holy Name be praised

Enslaved, He brings a little joy
To turn the hearts, and then employ
The enemy to help restore
The Temple lost by sins before.

By placing all our trust in Him
We see things turn to light from dim
He wants the all we have to give
So we might then, in freedom live.

A drink that never quenches thirst,
A food that never satisfies,
A life within the self immersed,
Shall never find the wanted prize.

In ruin lies the Lord's abode
In comfort there, His people dwell
Not thinking of the debt that's owed
Or how they pave a path to hell.

A place for God must be restored
The purse with holes be mended well
No longer here the Lord ignored
But let His praise from mortals swell

For there alone, true food is found,
The drink to never thirst again.
Through sacrifice, our King was crowned
The First, The Last, The Great Amen.

Graces and mercy, compassion and love
All shine through the angels stationed above
Reflections each one of the glory of God
A small little facet, by which we are awed.

A message, or healing, or guidance they give
To show men on earth just how they should live.
One placed over each as a guardian guide
To shield and defend, and help us decide

To serve the Creator, our Master, and Lord
His love without end, ever deeper explored.
Such honor in service, the goal of each man
Fulfilling in detail the work of His plan.

The ones that have chosen the easier way
Have traded their gold for a bundle of hay.
But fire is coming and woe to the dry
The gold in the fire, will just purify.

Afraid to question Him again
Were all the good, but coward men.
His words betrayed a bitter end
To far beyond their thought transcend.

So high above our ways, the King
Who came, to man, salvation bring.
So lost in sin, we fail to see
The cost of our eternity.

But circled round within a blaze
His sacrifice will lift the haze
So, clear at last will love be seen
And wide the gap to sin between.

The path to where Messiah leads
Is narrow yes, but free of weeds
His sacrifice has made it clear,
In Him we have no need of fear.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

9/17/23 Through 9/23/23

 9/17/23 Through 9/23/23

Holding tight to wrath and fury
Hugging that which brings us pain
They become the judge and jury
Of the fact your sins remain

If you harbor deep resentment
Peace and joy cannot survive
Never shall you find contentment
Nor a sense of peace derive

Mercy and forgiveness only
Can a peaceful heart provide
Otherwise, be sad and lonely
Firmly to your anger tied

See the Cross and know forgiveness
Sinless who became our sin.
Making love the only business
That by which the sinners win.

Authority we all must know
for in authority, we grow
And One who far exceeds His slave
Is One our every gift that gave.

There's nothing of our own to claim
Not even body, mind, or name
For all has come from God above
And all is given by His love.

The gift of will, His precious grant
To in the souls of mortals plant
The image that was meant to grow
In likeness to the King we know.

Humility comes first of all 
For those who choose to hear His call
They recognize the truth and light
And humbly come to join the fight.

Subjecting all to God above
Whose motive is but purest love
Then healing comes if we but ask
His will in every daily task.

The mouths of wild beasts were closed
When death by mauling was proposed
The sword must sever frame from head
To thus insure this saint was dead.

But those who ordered such are gone
And centuries have rolled along
Still praised is one with severed head
While long ago the others dead.

The faithful are rewarded so
For they, to heaven's glory go
But wicked fade in milky haze
As they descend to Satan's blaze

Within our fickle world today
Some think the truth is what they say.
They think repeating makes it so
But prove how little Truth they know.

The Truth is in His holy word
But far too few on earth have heard.
They stop their ears, should truth assault,
And back to chanting lies default.

Thank God He came for sinners' sake
And not the righteous horde.
The trouble is, we must awake
To sin to find reward.

Sobriety in all we do
Must be the path we choose.
For that is what is best for you
For not your soul to lose.

So, thank you Lord, for seeking me
Until it's You I found.
I pray to always seeking see
Your love which has no bound.

The crown should be the ornament
A delicate apportionment
To add the beauty, form, and grace
To give the piece a higher place.

But how confusing it can be
For simpletons akin to me.
We cut it once, and then again,
Or five or six, or nine or ten.

But revelation comes at last
To put confusion in the past
It's like the ways of worldly fame,
Turn upside down to win the game.

You have to cut it upside down
For in the worldly ways are found
Confusion and befuddlement,
Bewilderment and puzzlement.

But if you turn them upside down,
Some clarity will then be found
For there your measure's firm and true,
And now mistakes are far and few.

The brier too, finds fertile ground
But fruit in there is rarely found
For cares and worries of the day
Have choked the chance of fruit away.

So, trim the brier's wild frond
To find the open earth beyond
There's always more to cut away
To keep us moving on our way.

Keep trimming in your life's pursuit
Until at last, you reach the root.
With branches burned and root removed,
Your harvest shall be much improved.