Saturday, April 29, 2023

5/14/23 Through 5/20/23

 5/14/23 Through 5/20/23
We think of them as throw-aways
But none are such for Him we praise.
No matter where the poor have gone
His search for souls continues on.

So cross none off your list or say
For them, all hope is gone today
For they, like you can turn around
And withered branch, be fruitful found.

So listen when the prompting comes
The Father cares for all His sons
And let Him use your feeble skill
To bring about His perfect will.

Remember when the hour comes
That from the Spirit power comes
So draw on Him that feeds the soul
And let Him lead you to the goal.

The things our Blessed Lord revealed
Are things a life of sin concealed
The walks amid the cool of day
And comforts when we stop to pray.

So call on Him to lead and find
That following brings peace of mind.
His way, to many, seems absurd
But wise will find His way preferred.

When loved by God the man endures
The hardship that his faith matures
But first the truth within must grow
So this, beyond a doubt he'll know.

For many still is God unknown
For they assume His lofty throne
Believing they can make the rules
When they but show themselves as fools.

With pride, the worst of deadly sins
The downward spiral thus begins
For they that know it all can't learn
When truth from Truth itself they spurn.

Weep and mourn while world rejoices
Know the Lord anoints your choices
You that suffer soon shall be 
Reunited heavenly

Count the world's gain as loss
True love is found upon the cross
The chosen who will suffer long
Will soon be singing Heaven's song

Of praise to Him the King of kings
Who, on the cross, salvation brings
Reveal to humble souls below
What everyone on earth should know

That love and sacrifice are kin
And humble docile souls shall win
A prize beyond the mind of man
If trust and suffer well they can.

For the Lord, a vow is taken
So to inner man awaken
So to see the gifts He's given
So the chains of sin be riven

Without clear and firm amendment
All we do is build resentment
What is good must be retained
But evil tendencies restrained.

Ask the Father in my name
You too shall find your heart aflame
For when we ask within His will
Our every prayer He will fulfill

So ask with humble contrite heart
For this is just the very start
Then mold your will accord to His
And find the joy that heaven is.

Monday, April 24, 2023

5/7/23 Through5/13/23

 5/7/23 Through5/13/23
The Father, Jesus now reveals
As He the broken sinner heals
The lowly and the destitute
The blind, the lame, the deaf, and mute

How long must He be present here
To drive away the doubt and fear
That man would see the Way and Life
And count as naught their earthly strife?

Far greater work disciples do
When daily bread received from You
Is recognized as flesh and blood
To thirsty souls will Spirit flood

A kind of love beyond the lips
A love to gladly suffer whips
A love the world crucifies
A One that for the other dies

A love like this our savior showed
As blood and water freely flowed
From Sacred Heart pierced with a lance
So sinners gain another chance.

The mercy stream He sends our way
To wash our many sins away
And start anew when ere we fail
So love will then at last prevail.

In every trial persevere
And know the grace of God is near
Do not be troubled or afraid
But do with love what ere He bade

If truly, freedom is the goal
Remove attachments from the soul.
Be not deterred by hunger's pain
But firm unto the pledge remain.

Be disciplined in all you do
Let not your passions govern you
But move in ways that spread the news
And always best for others choose.

Endure what ere He sends your way
Each trial small throughout the day
For this is where you gain the strength
To follow calls to greater length.

The grace provided on the way
Is quite enough for every day
So learn to use it well and see
That always He provides for thee

Remain in Me and all is well 
Of this we hear our savior tell 
The branch is fed by living Vine
With Precious Blood in form of wine.

Attached, we flourish, full of fruit
Not so, alone in our pursuit.
For in the Vine alone, we find
The Way, the Truth, and Life combined.

Remain in His love by keeping commands
By doing as such, the heart now expands
To see all His teaching and find wisdom there
And rescue the masses from sin and despair.

The Vine is the source of the love that we need
It offers the Bread upon which we feed
And also the Wine that refreshes the soul
Giving joy to the broken and making them whole.

Every choice that we make that opposes His will
Leads us further away, by just standing still.
For onward He goes to the heavenly height
With obedient souls to the Father's delight.

Delighted with the exhortation
Formed to be a holy nation
For all He draws within the fold
So every man on earth be told

To love another He did ask
And make of this our single task
For love alone can do no harm
And love shall be the luring charm

For when they see the love we give
They too may choose this way to live
and so, will bring the Kingdom here
Where light and truth dispel all fear

If loved by all then you must be
Conformed to what the world would see
As one of them that's praised today
For following their sinful way

The way that makes the truth their own
In spite of what the facts have shown
Who guards the flesh as that alone
To which be every favor shown

But those that choose the narrow way
Face persecution every day
But though the road be fraught with strife
It leads us to eternal life,

Sunday, April 16, 2023

4/30/23 Through 5/6/23

 4/30/23 Through 5/6/23

What must I do to be saved?
What hope for the poor and depraved?
This Jesus who lives, a great gift that He gives
Is forgiveness that ages have craved

The day of redemption is here
The One who casts out all our fear
Arose from the dead, just as He said
And will never again disappear

So, repent and be washed in His blood
Be free of the grime and the crud
Let the Spirit come in and wash away sin
With the grace of a Baptism flood

Athirst my soul for the living God
Though broken, humble, and many-flawed
He chooses not the strong and tall
But chooses them that give their all

No hired hand that runs away
But one that with the sheep will stay
When danger threatens all around
A one resourceful there is found.

May Joseph my example be
For in that humble one, I see
A man in tune with God alone
Who followed well the pathway shown

I told you but you don't believe
You see, but still do not perceive
My works all testify what's true
But still, a faith is lacking you

Take a step and test to see
Then tell me what's supporting thee
Is it the work of brick and stone
Or just My hand and that alone?

I know far more than ere you know
And I will lead where you must go
It shall be difficult at times
For all who on this mountain climbs

But if you trust in Me you'll see
A banquet there awaiteth thee
And all I asked you to endure
Was meant to happiness ensure.

If only men would this believe
The risen Christ they would receive
Though many years ago He came
He works this very day the same

The heart He draws to what is true
And then He picks a chosen few
To trust in ways that others spurn
To greater depths of love to learn

The few, in turn, the flock shall lead
And with the blessed scripture feed
Then daily bread shall be the fare
For all who come and worship there.

We see in Him the Great I AM
Redeemer, Savior, God and Man
The One to make the waters part
The One we see with flaming heart.

So humble to become a man
The God who made when time began
He reached so low to save the soul
Whose innocence the Devil stole.

So hard for man to fathom love
The One of wealth, so giving of
That He would stoop to be a man
One crucified within the plan.

Amazing Love, how can it be,
That You, my God, should die for me?!
Thy mystery astounds today
And this is why I wake to pray.

To speak with One who fashioned me
And try my best that I should be
As He envisioned long ago
A one that truest Love would know.

How close our Lord would like to be
We rarely ever get to see
For time to sit and ponder such
Our busy world is lacking much.

But in a quiet, holy time
I ponder such and pen a rhyme
For there I see He loves me so
And there my soul is wont to go.

Come with me too, and rest awhile
And let His heart, your heart beguile
For there in quiet stillness bides
Our God whom every good provides.

Have I been with you all this time
And still you do not know?
The One to whom the children climb
Is Me to whom they go.

For though as Three, a One are We
Come ponder that awhile
And maybe then, a glimpse you'll see
Of Godly union style.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

4/23/23 Through 4/29/23

 4/23/23 Through 4/29/23

Hearts afire with flaming love
For God came down from up above
And opened minds to understand
The beauty of what God had planned

That Christ would die, and rise again
No mind imagined there and then
For when they saw Him crucified
Upon the cross, all hope had died.

But this fulfilled the Father's plan
Of making God those merely man
The price of sin was paid that day
To show to man the holy way.

In every day the food we eat
 Is changed into the mortal meat
But when the Eucharist consumed
The man is changed. Divine assumed.

Just because your belly's full
You feel a basic earthly pull
But not because the signs are there
That Christ is One beyond compare

Beyond the earthly, we must go
To Christ as King and Lord to know
To share His great humility
And serve the least to set them free

To love and sacrifice are one
But such in me has just begun
The pull of all that wastes away
Is firm in me until this day

I beg You Lord to set me free
As Stephen and the martyrs be
That all this world I would forsake
To just with You, an hour partake.

A one that naked ran away
In darkness on that fateful day
Returns in robes of glory bright
To preach the way and truth, and light

The lion signifies his name
When in the light of Gospel fame
A war-like one to preach the way
Of peace, if we would Christ obey

The Bread of Life, eternal food
Was given for this sinful brood
That those in hunger come and feed
And here receive the all they need

Not all of merely getting by
But all to stretch beyond the sky
And watered well by running streams
Fulfilling all our hopes and dreams

Oh, never let me stray from Thee
Betraying Him who set me free
But let me always humble be
Obeying what He asks of me

For there eternal rest is found
With Christ as King, forever crowned
Hunger thirst and strife are gone
For Christ has risen with the dawn

In Bread is where the Life is found
Of One to all the world astound.
True flesh He gives for man to eat
And so, the Lord of lords to meet.

Real food that hunger satisfies
And union with our Savior buys.
That blind no longer, man can see
The way He clearly marks for thee.

In water, washed and sanctified
By Bread and Wine all fortified
To spread the Kingdom far and wide
And be to wayward souls, their guide

If where the Spirit leads, we go
The Church, by leaps and bounds, will grow
And those in darkness then will see 
We only have our life through Thee

Give warmth to me dear Lord I pray
For chill befalls this very day
Though I have heard Your word so true
Yet still remain afar from You

I seek to know You every day
But still, do often, fall away
Concerned with comfort, pleasure, ease
I fail to Holy Moments sieze

Oh, make the scales to fall away
That I might see the light of day
And bear the cross that You provide
For You are always at my side.

How shall I make a return to the Lord
For graces and blessings, abundant outpoured?
Abundant He gives and abundant received
But often have I, in return, the Lord grieved.

His path is the way to the blessings we seek
But His path is no way for the timid or weak
The humble can see in the way that He calls 
How giving, receiving, and glory befalls.

But all I can give is all that I own
And do what I can to make the Lord known
His ways are all timeless, and worthy, and true
And worthy of knowing by more than a few.

If all men could see what I've seen and would know
His way is the way that all men should go
The way of the docile, and humble, and meek
Will lead to the happiness all men now seek/

Sunday, April 2, 2023

4/16/23 Through 4/22/23

 4/16/23 Through 4/22/23

Oh doubting Thomas, come and see
What joy and mercy wait for thee
Oh, praise Him, Alleluia! Alleluia!  Alleluia!

Come probe the wounds of hands and side
Then come within My love abide
Oh, praise Him, Alleluia! Alleluia!  Alleluia!

No longer doubting, blessed be
And even more who do not see
Oh, praise Him, Alleluia! Alleluia!  Alleluia!

Scripture tells of how it is
How all is born of what is His
How God is God, and man is not
How love is sold, and evil bought

But born anew, the man can change
And by the Spirit rearrange
All that once he thought he knew
To place his all alone in You

So Lord, begin that change in me
Instead of blindness, let me see
What's good and holy, pure and true
Then draw me ever close to You

Teachers without understanding
Many such we have today
More of useless things demanding
Never finding quite the way.

So listen closely, find in me
What no other teacher said
The Truth beyond what blinded see
Christ will rise from with the dead

Undeniably no fable
But a truth, that Truth be known
Martyr witnesses more stable
Than deceitful stories sown.

Now a second birth be knowing
Spread the news both far and wide
Feel the wind of Spirit blowing
Trust in Him, The Crucified

Come to the light receiving the glow
Speak to Him daily, and then all will know
You've encountered the glory of God that's on high
The glow that is showing will startle the eye

Prefer not the darkness, for darkness it be
That turns from the light and blinded can't see
The glory and splendor of love that He brings
Or the peace and the joy of knowing such things

It needn't be so for the worst of us all
If they would but listen, and answer His call
His love is forgiving and mercies abound
If one that's in darkness, at last turns around

So come and receive, make amends for the past
For darkness and light forever will last
Whichever you choose, in the end, will receive
Far better if now you begin to believe

The light will invade, dispelling the dark
Kindled to flame by a singular spark
And joy will arrive as a heavenly glow
For all who will turn, and allow light to show.

Obedience in every way
Is how the Spirit comes today
As in the ancient days of old
When martyrs were so brave and bold

The Lord confronts the evildoers
Challenging the open sewers
To leave behind the filthy waste
And live a life that's clean and chaste

The Easter joy that all men seek
Comes not to those of Spirit weak
But those who seek the will of God
And follow well where Jesus trod

For as we listen and obey
The Holy Spirit comes our way
Both strengthening the weakest knee,
And giving light for blind to see

So turn this day and feel the pow'r
Encountered in a Holy Hour
For there you'll hear Him clearly say
come walk the path I show today.

All men seek to have their fill 
But hungry yet remaining still 
As long as earth remains the bound
For God is where our fill is found

In every man a great desire
To somehow set the world afire
To make a mark that all might see
And somehow thus immortal be

But that on earth for which we strive
Eternally will not survive
For that which lasts for endless days
Are simple, loving, caring ways

The test of time can be withstood
By those who will another's good
The fleeting things of earth contrast
For love alone will truly last.

Far out at sea, in dark of night
The waves are strong and high
When there appears a fearful sight
Of Jesus passing by

Atop the waves in peace and calm
He brings them to the shore
The Master through the storm aplomb
As none were ere before

A sign to clearly show that He
Is Lord of all the earth
A way to let disciples see
What trusting Him is worth.