5/14/23 Through 5/20/23
We think of them as throw-aways
But none are such for Him we praise.
No matter where the poor have gone
His search for souls continues on.
So cross none off your list or say
For them, all hope is gone today
For they, like you can turn around
And withered branch, be fruitful found.
So listen when the prompting comes
The Father cares for all His sons
And let Him use your feeble skill
To bring about His perfect will.
Remember when the hour comes
That from the Spirit power comes
So draw on Him that feeds the soul
And let Him lead you to the goal.
The things our Blessed Lord revealed
Are things a life of sin concealed
The walks amid the cool of day
And comforts when we stop to pray.
So call on Him to lead and find
That following brings peace of mind.
His way, to many, seems absurd
But wise will find His way preferred.
When loved by God the man endures
The hardship that his faith matures
But first the truth within must grow
So this, beyond a doubt he'll know.
For many still is God unknown
For they assume His lofty throne
Believing they can make the rules
When they but show themselves as fools.
With pride, the worst of deadly sins
The downward spiral thus begins
For they that know it all can't learn
When truth from Truth itself they spurn.
Weep and mourn while world rejoices
Know the Lord anoints your choices
You that suffer soon shall be
Reunited heavenly
Count the world's gain as loss
True love is found upon the cross
The chosen who will suffer long
Will soon be singing Heaven's song
Of praise to Him the King of kings
Who, on the cross, salvation brings
Reveal to humble souls below
What everyone on earth should know
That love and sacrifice are kin
And humble docile souls shall win
A prize beyond the mind of man
If trust and suffer well they can.
For the Lord, a vow is taken
So to inner man awaken
So to see the gifts He's given
So the chains of sin be riven
Without clear and firm amendment
All we do is build resentment
What is good must be retained
But evil tendencies restrained.
Ask the Father in my name
You too shall find your heart aflame
For when we ask within His will
Our every prayer He will fulfill
So ask with humble contrite heart
For this is just the very start
Then mold your will accord to His
And find the joy that heaven is.