9/11/22 Through 9/17/22
The grief o'er one that's lost is great
So never stop or hesitate
To search for those astray and lost
And pray they find their Pentecost.
Encounter is the only way
To change the mind of those who stray.
So send, Lord, in their everyday
Your light to lead them on their way.
Oh Lord, I am not worthy
My life has none to show
That You should grace unworthy
And unto me to go.
A word is quite sufficient
No need to enter in
Alone it's beneficient
Your favor now to win.
Authority I've come to know
Extends beyond these walls,
And just a word from You will show
How evil, prostrate falls.
"Arise", He said, and life returned
Within the hearts of men there burned
A fire kindled by such love
That only comes from God above.
No power seen in mortal man
To execute so great a plan,
Restoring life to cold and dead
The Son of God, the Living Bread.
Let all men see such wonders here
Dispelling darkness, pain, and fear
Instilling love and mercy where
Had been but gloom and deep despair.
The cross be lifted high in me
That awful, deadly, rugged tree.
The source of my salvation bore
His agony, to me restore.
Pure love endured the cross and grave
To every sinner heal and save.
The sign of horror has become
The sign of life for everyone.
The seals there broken by the Lamb
Upon the wood, the Great I AM.
For flesh has conquered by a tree
As on a tree, man fell from Thee.
Either yes, or either no,
How simple can it be?
Choose to die, or choose to grow,
Becoming more like Thee.
Satan said, "I will not serve."
And Mary, "Let it be."
All he tried to thus preserve,
But worthless came to be.
Mary's "all" was offered well
Throughout her time below
We, in gloried visions tell
How Christ she came to know.
Here the choice remains the same
In all we say and do.
Offer all you have to claim,
Or Christ Himself eschew.
Mother pure and undefiled
Please intercede for me
Graces grant your little child
That I, like you, may be.
Always saying, "Yes, my Lord."
For all I have is Yours
All is Yours with none in store,
For I, Your will, adore.
The resurrection of the dead
Is truth, that lives of martyrs spread.
Forsaking all, for that beyond.
Where everlasting light has dawned.
We say that this we all believe
So why to temporal do we cleave?
If life beyond, we trust is good,
Then giving all on earth we should.
For all that's here will pass away,
But lives of souls are here to stay.
Eternal bliss the freed will share,
But damned will keep their earthly fare.
For everything that earth contains
Is but a drop where Jesus reigns.
So cleave not to the earthly good,
But cleave unto the rugged wood.
Dying well is my desire
Avoiding that eternal fire.
For all depends on how we die
And if, for holiness we try.
A simple servant, humble seed
That dies to fill another's need.
The old replaced by life anew
By total trust and faith in You.