Sunday, August 28, 2022

9/11/22 Through 9/17/22

 9/11/22 Through 9/17/22

The grief o'er one that's lost is great
So never stop or hesitate
To search for those astray and lost
And pray they find their Pentecost.

Encounter is the only way
To change the mind of those who stray.
So send, Lord, in their everyday
Your light to lead them on their way.

Oh Lord, I am not worthy
My life has none to show
That You should grace unworthy
And unto me to go.

A word is quite sufficient
No need to enter in
Alone it's beneficient
Your favor now to win.

Authority I've come to know
Extends beyond these walls,
And just a word from You will show
How evil, prostrate falls.

"Arise", He said, and life returned
Within the hearts of men there burned
A fire kindled by such love
That only comes from God above.

No power seen in mortal man
To execute so great a plan,
Restoring life to cold and dead
The Son of God, the Living Bread.

Let all men see such wonders here
Dispelling darkness, pain, and fear
Instilling love and mercy where
Had been but gloom and deep despair.

The cross be lifted high in me
That awful, deadly, rugged tree.
The source of my salvation bore
His agony, to me restore.

Pure love endured the cross and grave
To every sinner heal and save.
The sign of horror has become
The sign of life for everyone.

The seals there broken by the Lamb
Upon the wood, the Great I AM.
For flesh has conquered by a tree
As on a tree, man fell from Thee.

Either yes, or either no,
How simple can it be?
Choose to die, or choose to grow,
Becoming more like Thee.

Satan said, "I will not serve."
And Mary, "Let it be."
All he tried to thus preserve,
But worthless came to be.

Mary's "all" was offered well
Throughout her time below
We, in gloried visions tell
How Christ she came to know.

Here the choice remains the same
In all we say and do.
Offer all you have to claim,
Or Christ Himself eschew.

Mother pure and undefiled
Please intercede for me
Graces grant your little child
That I, like you, may be.

Always saying, "Yes, my Lord."
For all I have is Yours
All is Yours with none in store,
For I, Your will, adore.

The resurrection of the dead
Is truth, that lives of martyrs spread.
Forsaking all, for that beyond.
Where everlasting light has dawned.

We say that this we all believe
So why to temporal do we cleave?
If life beyond, we trust is good,
Then giving all on earth we should.

For all that's here will pass away,
But lives of souls are here to stay.
Eternal bliss the freed will share,
But damned will keep their earthly fare.

For everything that earth contains
Is but a drop where Jesus reigns.
So cleave not to the earthly good,
But cleave unto the rugged wood.

Dying well is my desire
Avoiding that eternal fire.
For all depends on how we die
And if, for holiness we try.

A simple servant, humble seed
That dies to fill another's need.
The old replaced by life anew
By total trust and faith in You.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

9/4/22 Through 9/10/22

 9/4/22 Through 9/10/22


All lesser loves must fall away
For man to find the winsome way.
Family too, is but a dream 
When juxtaposed to Love Supreme.

I offer all this day to You 
And plead You guide me safely through
Each minute, hour, and every day
I beg Your mercy on the way.

For oft, I've strayed and looked to gold
To be my refuge from the cold,
Or looked and found created things
I turned into my useless kings.

No more I wish to play the fool
The flame of faith I wish to fuel
I beg You let me share Your cross
And count all other gains as loss.

The hands, for good or ill, may serve
I look at them and there observe
A mix of good and bad achieved
But by the many sins aggrieved.

Each withered in so many ways
By sin throughout the many days
Longing to be healed by Thee,
A crooked sinner, straight and free.

A single touch can bring a change
A single word can rearrange
The way we think and how we act
And what, from Him that we extract.

Prepare my soul oh Lord, to hear
And fill me with that holy fear
That dreading to offend at all
I answer readily Your call.

Lord if You walked the earth today
Of how I live, what would You say?
Would I be blest, or I be woe?
In honesty, I do not know.

I've labored for the things I own
But where I stand is yet unknown.
For have I done as You desire,
Or seek to many things acquire?

I fear to see what might have been
If just more docile I had been.
And what if souls were lost by me
Neglecting well to speak of Thee?

It's none but mercy that I plead
And beg the saints to intercede
That by His blood I be made clean
And only in His blood be seen.

All works together for our good
Revealing One they nailed to wood
The darkest hour will be as light
When He returns in pow'r and might.

Fear not the present trial borne
For after darkness comes the morn
And light will make the suff'ring seem
As nothing but a far-off dream.

Cure my blindness, help me to see
All where I'm lacking closeness to Thee.
Just how my selfishness pride and conceit,
In truth, what I'm proud of will be my defeat.

Make me a servant, humble and true.
May I be counted as one of Your few.
One serving the poor and the needy You love
As just one of the poor and the needy thereof.

Queen of Silence, Blessed Mother
Teach me how to love like you
One with Christ as like no other
Grant the grace of holy view.

You that pondered all was given
Clear the mind that I may hear
From my heart be evil driven
That His word be loud and clear.

Only in the silence granted
Clarity of purpose known
In the heart, His word implanted
Seeds of wisdom there are grown.

Built on rock through meditation
Acting on the word we hear
Often heard in adoration
Where His presence, oh so near.

Grant that every generation
Come to know what you have known
Blessing every land and nation
Feeding every seed that's sown.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

8/28/22 Through 9/3/22

 8/28/22 Through 9/3/22

Why will humble be exalted
And the prideful ones be faulted?
Why the first ones as the last ones
And the orphaned ones as sons?

In the realm of One so holy
Every man is oh, so lowly.
And all we value here below
Is like one simple flake of snow

Each He made a different shape.
Some great, some small, but all create.
The wonderland of wintertime
And all are beauty in His mind.

The proud prefer the old and gray
And follow in their selfish way
Invited but they cannot see
How good obedience would be.

But humble know their true position
And accept their simple mission
Just follow as the Master planned
And be a part of Wonderland.

The world should be a better place
Because of how we live.
Responding to abundant grace
And freely how we give.

If purity would rule the day
And lust be ever gone
Then children learn the proper way 
To others they be drawn.

Lord help me lift the dim disguise
And see as evil with my eyes
The things that draw away from Thee
And focus all on only me.

Within me let Your Spirit dwell
With every gift my soul to swell
So You alone my soul adores
And all my ways be formed as Yours

It's time for eating solid food,
The word of God within you cued.
It's time for all to do their part
And more than just a smolder start.

To fan the flame of love received
Enlight'ning those by sin deceived
To shine the light where darkness reigns
And break the bond of evil chains.

The lame be cured, the captive freed
A time of favor then decreed
But each must answer well the call
And not His holy will forestall.

Put in to deep water disciples are told
For there you will graces and mercies behold.
Then lower the net and prepare for a catch
A mission for you is about to be hatched.

Obedience finds in the weakest of men
The strength to endure every suffering when
His word they obey never counting the cost
Not mourning the pleasure or benefit lost.

But faithfully following His every word
As soon as it's spoken, as soon as it's heard.
The grace He'll supply every step of the way
And give you His strength every hour of the day.

Enilighten darkness deep within
Expose the motives of my sin
Bring healing where the flesh is torn
And bring the freshness of the morn.

The time is now to fast and pray
Illumine now the narrow way.
Make new the wineskin of my soul
Your love and mercy I extol.

In emptiness your cup be filled
For this is what the Father willed
And naught you have is truly yours
As faith and trust alone secures.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The following poem was written by William Knox (1789-1825).  It was said to be Abraham Lincoln's favorite poem and he would often recite it by heart. 

I thought it was a powerful poem, but I wanted to hear "the rest of the story".  What follows is my feeble attempt at a sequel to Mr. Knox's poem. 

Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?
(Wm. Knox 1789-1825)

Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?
Like a swift-fleeing meteor, a fast-flying cloud,
A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave,
Man passes from life to his rest in the grave.
The leaves of the oak and the willow shall fade,
Be scattered around and together be laid;
And the young and the old, and the low and the high,
Shall molder to dust and together shall lie.
The infant, a mother attended and, loved,
The mother, that infant’s affection who proved,
The husband, that mother and infant who blessed,
Each, all, are away to their dwellings of rest.
The maid, on whose cheek, on whose brow, in whose eye,
Shone beauty and pleasure––her triumphs are by;
And the memories of those who have loved her and praised
Are alike from the minds of the living erased.
The hand of the king that the scepter hath borne,
The brow of the priest that the miter hath worn,
The eye of the sage, and the heart of the brave,
Are hidden and lost in the depth of the grave.
The peasant, whose lot was to sow and to reap,
The herdsman, who climbed with his goats up the steep,
The beggar, who wandered in search of his bread,
Have faded away like the grass that we tread.
The saint, who enjoyed the communion of Heaven,
The sinner, who dared to remain unforgiven,
The wise and the foolish, the guilty and just,
Have quietly mingled their bones in the dust.
So the multitude goes, like the flower or the weed,
That withers away to let others succeed;
So the multitude comes, even those we behold,
To repeat every tale that has often been told.
For we are the same that our fathers have been;
We see the same sights that our fathers have seen;
We drink the same stream, and we view the same sun,
And run the same course that our fathers have run.
The thoughts we are thinking, our fathers would think;
From the death we are shrinking, our fathers would shrink;
To the life that we cling to, they also would cling;
But it speeds for us all, like a bird on the wing.
They loved, but the story we can not unfold;
They scorned, but the heart of the haughty is cold:
They grieved, but no wail from their slumbers will come;
They joyed, but the tongue of their gladness is dumb.
They died––ah ! they died––and we things that are now,
Who walk on the turf that lies over their brow,
Who make in their dwelling a transient abode,
Meet the things that they met on their pilgrimage-road.
Yea ! hope and despondency, pleasure and pain,
We mingle together in sunshine and rain;
And the smiles and the tears, the song and the dirge,
Still follow each other like surge upon surge.
’Tis the wink of an eye, ’tis the draught of a breath,
From the blossom of health to the paleness of death,
From the gilded saloon to the bier and the shroud:
Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?

No Reason Mere Mortals Should Ever Be Proud
(Mark Hennessey)

No reason mere mortals should ever be proud
Except that our Lord shed the burial shroud
To show that the blossoms that wither and fade
In truth for the heavens were lovingly made.

No boast of the mortal, but of the Divine
A boast He allows us to cling to the Vine.
Far more than allowing, He begs us to see
How much that He offers to those who are free.

Free to accept or reject what He has
Free to be prideful in spirit whereas
Ungodly will claim that the truth which you see
May be true for you, but is not true for me.

How true the futility here on this globe
But oh, what a difference if deeper you probe.
Immortal the soul and how true this must be
For nothing on earth ever satisfies thee.

All vanity of vanities, Qoheleth says is true
Far more than what the earth will hold is what is meant for you
But here we have the right, for good or ill to choose
A life within the blinding Light, or Light itself to lose.

No feat that mere mortal ever has done
No prizes for physics or chemistry won
Is ever much more than a lazy old yawn
For the One who creates every morning the dawn.

All mortal possesses is only a gift
And his life on the earth always passes so swift
There’s no reason for pride in a thing he has done
For all was but given to him by the One.

But here is the one thing that’s worthy of pride
No matter how far we astray from His side.
His mercy and love for the mortals He’s shown
And prideful they be if He calls them His own.

8/21/22 Through 8/27/22

 8/21/22 Through 8/27/22


Jesus Lord of all creation
Calling men from every nation.
Come and share My Father's table
Enter in if you are able.

Narrow be the gate you enter
Come the humble and the slender
Come enter now My Father's rest
For many try but fail the test.

Fat and proud may try to enter
They that shunned the Holy Mentor
Those hearing what He had to say
But failing to His word obey

Sounds of grinding teeth and wailing
For the trying but the failing
The foolish ones who knew the way
But in their pride would not obey.

Woe to those who lead to sin
Who welcome not His Spirit in
Had you such zeal for righteous ways
Then God would welcome in your praise.

But you distort the good and pure
The blind and lame you fail to cure
But cloud the way for those who seek
And lead astray the young and weak.

Wake up and see that doom awaits
Another lie no dread abates
Repent and let the truth be told
Then truth will shape a proper mold.

A mold reflecting light and grace
One drawing to a better place
Where love and sacrifice we bring
And Christ will reign supreme as king.

My Jesus, Lord, I come today
Another word, another day
Another prayer to see Your will
Another page with love to fill.

The tempter tries to draw away
And lure me in another way
With any thought to spur the mind
Exploring rabbit holes I find.

But You, I know, have food for me
Sometimes it takes a bit to see
But when I ponder what You say
I find Your food to last the day.

Today you warn of blinded guides
And all who lead astray besides
With outside clean and rotten core
They play the virgin when the whore.

Camel swallowed, gnat be strained
When evil in the heart retained
I overlook the plank to see
The splinter that's annoying me.

If I but see my health within
On life support because of sin
I must repent and turn around
To make one lost as one that's found.

A firm foundation Lord You laid
And with their lives Apostles paid
Three years of seeing all You did
And in Your final hour they hid.

But these You chose to pass along
The faith to which I now belong
You filled them with the Spirit's grace
Then all would execution face.

But not before the world was changed
And thoughts of God were rearranged
The God of love had come to earth
So sinful men could have new birth.

How oft rejected though it be
The word would set the masses free
But wicked ones so steeped in sin
Would kill than rather change begin.

Give me, oh Lord, the strength to die
And not from suffering to shy
That always may Your will be served
And grant me mercy undeserved.

Thank you to all who will feast on His word
And thank you to those who act on what's heard.
No greater the blessing than knowing the Lord
The gift that the poorest of poor can afford.

It gives me great joy to see in my tribe
A love for the Lord that is hard to describe
A love that will humble and sacrifice much
Giving always the best with the gentlest touch.

Bring the young to the Lord in your everyday lives
See that love of His beauty and majesty thrives
Open the way for the young to believe
And grace from above you both will receive.

Carry on with the faith, be a force for the good
Model for all, the One nailed to the wood.
My joy be abundant for all of your tribe
The joy of the Lord that is hard to describe.

Through the foolish, not the wise
Man will see with clearer eyes
See the truth that love proclaims
And the sinfulness that shames.

Wise are often foolish though
Unprepared for where they go.
Helpless to the time endure
Wanting love, but immature

Find the oil fill the lamp
In the word of God encamp
Know not when the time is near
Filled, await Him not in fear.

He chooses weak confounding wise
The low before the prideful eyes
The humble docile He endows
For in their hearts does love arouse.

The wise and learned fade away
When looked upon that final day
For all that counts when earth is gone
Is did I pass the faith along.