Saturday, October 30, 2021

11/14/21 through 11/20/21

 11/14/21 through 11/20/21

My fear is that I fall away
And choose the flesh that awful day.
A weakly and a troubled soul
Without the strength to be made whole.

I know beyond a doubt it's true
Yet still I turn away from You,
The source of all I know and love,
The King of kings enthroned above.

Your sacrament, my daily bread,
Your very flesh, by which I'm fed.
The angels look with awe upon
The Eucharist phenomenon.

Give me the grace through daily food
To have at last, the strength imbued.
To turn from all my earthly gain,
To You, my all, at last obtain.

We cannot make Utopia
Apart from God alone.
The fruit of such myopia
Is always overblown.

Where God is gone and man shall reign
Their "freedom" makes all slaves.
The scriptures burned, and prophets slain,
With desecrated graves.

The faithful call for eyes that see
And men that will obey,
For those that keep their eyes on Thee,
 And follow what You say.

Great wisdom that we clearly see,
And not through clouded eyes.
The errors we must quickly flee,
For truth instead of lies.

May I persevere in love
To gain with Christ, my place above.
I fear, in weakness, I may sin,
And choose my comfort over Him.

Saints that died in utter shame
Remembered now for steadfast fame,
For how they faced their blows in love,
To gain their place with God above.

Would I my sycamore descend,
And with my life, the faith defend,
Or cower and remain aloft,
To end as one despised and scoffed?

His call I pray to clearly hear,
And let His narrow path appear
That I might follow well and find
A place for me, above assigned.

A mother strong in faith and love
Who set her eyes on things above
Encouraged well her sons to serve
Their God alone with manly nerve.

She watched while each in brutal ways
Was tortured but, still God did praise.
Her life a worthy sacrifice
Her faith her key to paradise.

For eons now her story told
Her faith more rare than finest gold.
While none remember those who caved,
But only those whom faith has saved.

How sad that men don't recognize
The Christ in bread before their eyes.
If only they could see Him there,
And lift their spirits from despair.

Days are coming soon, it's true,
When enemies encircle you
And hem you in on every side,
For none from Truth, can ever hide.

Far too long has sin had reign.
Cleanse this temple once again.
Drive the demons far away,
Rule in me with perfect sway.

Make my heart as new and pure.
Give me strength to long endure
All that evil throws my way,
Teach me fervently to pray.

No word without a ray of hope
For those who in the darkness grope.
For mercy in their time of need
In spite of many evil deeds.

We see not as our maker does,
The all that is, and all that was.
His love surpasses all we know,
And pays the mighty debt we owe.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

11/7/21 through 11/13/21

 11/7/21 through 11/13/21

Few are asked to trust the way
The widows often do.
Each meal, or when they get their pay
They offer Him His due.

They know without a doubt He lives
And meets their every need.
In many varied ways, He gives
To help the children feed.

The generosity they show
Compassion knows it well,
But wealthy may not ever know,
Or such a story tell.

The many gifts each day received
Acknowledged from the Lord.
The price beyond what man perceived,
 Or what one could afford.

We rise or fall to meet our friends.
Truth, a lying world transcends,
For Wisdom flees deceitful hearts,
And from the fool, she soon departs.

The evil heart she enters not,
To those the rule of love forgot,
But Wisdom kindly soon forgives
The one in light of truth who lives.

Repentance be my daily road,
For she forgives and lightens load.
To flee the sin my one desire,
And Wisdom of the saints acquire.

The temple is that holy place
Reserved for God alone.
The site of mystery and grace
Where seeds of love are sown.

Come enter in and find the peace
That stills a restless soul.
Come find the Lord that brings release,
And makes the sinner whole.

Come see within your neighbor too
Our Lord who dwells within.
For He's a temple, as are you,
A refuge, both akin.

Your words in all I do I seek.
The words of One so strong, yet meek.
The guide for all I say and do,
The guide for all, because they're true.

In truth is where all peace is found.
The truth becomes that ringing sound,
Proclaiming loud to all the earth,
In truth, we have our second birth.

If you were but aware, You'd see,
His constant presence guiding thee,
And all you have a gift He gave
To you, and many others save.

His judgment on the privileged one,
Much harsher than the lowly one.
From those with much, He much demands
For truth is in all His commands.

Mobile beyond motion,
Mirror of our God,
Deeper than the ocean,
Reflecting Him unflawed.

Intelligent and holy,
Tranquil and secure,
Aura shining boldly,
Nothing ere so pure.

Manifold and subtle,
Agile and unstained,
Glowing as a scuttle
For the truth obtained.

Fairer than the sun or moon,
Surpassing every star.
From the Rock of ages hewn,
Endless reservoir.

Image of integrity,
Age to age, of fame.
Model of tenacity,
Wisdom, is her name.

The fool alone is blind to see
The Maker in His majesty.
For all proclaims His mighty hand,
And beauty bows to His command.

In fire, wind, and water strong
All nature sings a praising song.
Exalting One who made them all,
And acting on His every call.

What humble poor can plainly see,
The wise and learned claim to be
Colossal happenstance above,
Instead of mighty works of love.

Their willful ignorance is bliss,
But none the Master will dismiss,
For in each heart the truth is planted,
But denied, no pardon granted.

Persistent prayer, four hundred years?
Untold the cries and many tears.
The Judge will hear, someday relent,
A One to save, from Heaven sent.

His time is not the time of men.
We see it green, but He knows when
The fruit is ripe and ready for
His mighty hand to then restore.

Persist in spite of what you see
For land will rise above the sea.
A way be made both straight and true
To all the weary souls renew.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

10/31/21 Through 11/6/21

 10/31/21 Through 11/6/21

The Lord of all, or Lord at all,
A choice we have to make.
If just a slice, what will befall
Remainder of the cake?

So offer all you have and see
The love He has for you.
Outgiven, He will never be
No matter what you do.

So take to heart the word He gives
In many varied ways,
For in your neighbor's soul He lives,
And prophecy conveys.

When Lord of all we see Him where
At times we least expect
And recognize He's everywhere,
And Him, does all  reflect.

The multitude shall sing His praise,
And all shall hear the anthem raise.
For He who sits upon the throne
Is God of all, and God alone.

The myriads that tend to Him
All singing their exultant hymn
Can see in now, their glory days,
The majesty of Him they praise.

It's funny how the poor and meek
Can now perceive the One they seek,
While proud and evil lock their gaze
Amid the dark and murky haze.

It's up to us to look beyond
The raging sea, or quiet pond,
And see in all that nature gives
Our Lord of all, and God who lives.

The way to see His sovereignty,
Is poor and humble spirits be.
For they that thirst for peace and love
Will sing in praise of God above.

For though their passing looked upon
As pure affliction, not as dawn.
Chastised a little, greatly blest
The ones in faith, who passed the test.

Although before men punished here,
Their hope will cast away all fear.
For immortality awaits
Within the land of golden gates.

Once proved amid the furnace flame,
The gold no longer suffers shame.
Its luster shines and darts about,
To fire in the stubble start.

His loving care with His elect
The humble He will not reject.
Forever in the land above,
The faithful will abide in love.

Calculate the value here
And then behold, dispel the fear.
For what is offered far exceeds
The all we have and all our needs.

The cross a daily load to bear,
But grace supplied to make it fair
A burden light, and easy yoke
Just as the Master often spoke.

But if we never pay the price,
Persisting in our ways of vice,
The tower never will complete, 
And all our efforts yield defeat.

The job complete demands our all,
Or we, as many others, fall.
Why hoard the things that will not last?
The end for all approaches fast.

He searches daily for the lost
To bring them back at any cost.
So valuable to Him is each,
This lesson, all, He wants to teach.

No throw-aways within the flock.
Such thinking we must learn to block.
For all. their value far exceeds
Their reputation or misdeeds.

And Heaven rings with joyful sound
When ere a sinner lost, is found.
So give not up on any man,
But see the side the Savior can.

The zeal with which the wicked try
To satisfy their needs,
For everything that pleases eye,
Or boundless ego feeds,

Is zeal the Master calls us to
In spreading Gospel word,
To make believing ranks not few,
And well the Gospel heard.

Be wise with all your earthly gain
For it, for long, shall not remain.
Trustworthy, with a temporal thing
Shall in the land eternal sing.

No way to love both God and gold,
And those detached from it behold
Their every need be met by Him,
When days are bright, or days are dim.

Monday, October 11, 2021

10/24/21 Through 10/30/21

 10/24/21 Through 10/30/21

The cry of every heart should be,
"Oh Lord, I want to see!"
For blindness plagues our world today,
And few, the Word obey.

He pitties those that come to Him
In all humility
For when it's mostly dark and dim,
He gives the light to see.

In every situation now
I call upon His name.
For evil, yes, He will allow,
But strengthen just the same.

Bent and crippled, bound in sin,
Unforgiveness deep within.
Let the Healer cure today,
Wash the stain of sin away.

Lord I'm bent in many ways,
Sin I've had for many days.
Now is time to be renewed,
Come to me in humble food.

Come again with sin confessed.
Penitent, most highly blest.
Touch me with Your healing hand,
So at last, erect I stand.

Anticipation groans within
As we remain those steeped in sin.
Our hope is for what is not yet,
For hope is what we hope to get.

No eye has seen nor ear has heard
The promise of His faithful word.
But this we know, from death He rose,
And those who hope, are those He chose.

So wait in hope, enduring all,
For every seed that's frail and small
Contains within, as mustard seed
The fruit and flow'r to fill our need.

So germinate and spread the more
The crucified whom we adore.
He grants the grace to conquer sin
If we would just invite Him in.

My hope is in Your mercy Lord,
For what You have I can't afford.
The gate so narrow, hard to find
The weight of sin weighs on my mind.

But mercy is my only plan
For all I try, I never can
Obtain the holiness I need
To at Your banquet table feed.

For Yours is mercy to the last
I try, but fail to keep my fast, 
But when Your Spirit comes to me,
Great prayer and fasting will I see.

Foundation stones both firm and true
Is what the Lord will make of you
Who listen well and then obey,
And never from His path will stray.

The call at first, just stay with Me
And listen well for eyes to see.
Then let My spirit guide your way,
And He'll provide the words to say.

The call is not for just a few,
But normal folks, like me and you.
To make disciples of all men,
And turn their hearts to God again.

The source and summit of our lives
Is more than fuel, but also drives
The faithful witness to proclaim
The wonders of His Holy Name.

Like those before us, let us try
Regardless if we live or die
To spread the love of Christ our Lord,
And find in that our great reward.

Pressured just to get along
And follow ways of men.
Ignoring when a thing is wrong,
Becoming like them then.

Who think they know what's wrong or right
By how they feel today,
Who cannot tell the black from white,
But see in only gray.

Don't take the bait of pleasure now,
And damn the way of love,
For virtue is the means of how
We find our way above.

And they that try to make the rules
Will see their ways awry
When it's too late for selfish fools
Who God to be will try.

Humble find within a time
That which brings repose.
Haughty find within that time
What you would suppose.

All we have is given by
One no gift could give.
His providence alone that
Chooses us to live.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

10/17/21 Through 10/23/21

 10/17/21 Through 10/23/21

If suffering, Your will for me,
Oh Lord, then bring it on.
Grant me the patient eyes to see
Before this life is gone.

That which makes my body cower
Makes me more like You,
If humbly I accept the power
By doing what You do.

This prayer, I dread You answer me
For pain disturbs my mind.
But seeing what a man can be
Is where true peace I find.

Help me to serve in every way
Your will would ask of me,
And let me hear that final day,
Come share the joy with Me.

The harvest waits for willing hands,
For those who follow His commands,
But few are those who labor well,
And of the Gospel story tell.

So pray He send into the field
More laborers to sickle wield,
And gather to the harvest feast
The great as well as also least.

Unknown the joys of serving well
That only faithfulness can tell.
Though fleeting fancies turn the head,
By faithfulness, the soul is fed.

But all too often, temporal wins
And magnifies our many sins.
Then fear of suffering will bring
Attachment to a temporal thing.

And more will only show our need
The more our emptiness to feed,
Yet emptiness is only filled
By doing as the Master willed.

Before me always, there the cross
All other gain I count as loss.
No greater love that I should know,
No greater debt, than that I owe.

Be one at work on His return
Make faithful service your concern.
For we the blest with much must give,
That those less fortunate may live.

All are slaves to some degree,
Yet Jesus Christ has set us free,
That we might freely choose to slave
For One who all our sins forgave.

The ways of sin all lead to death,
But soon enough our dying breath
When that we love will be our all,
And those that love the sin shall fall.

So let me slave for love Divine
And then, at last, all love be mine.
He offers nothing less than all
To those who answer well the call.

Division, He has come to bring
To purify the final thing,
And all shall pass through blazing heat
Before, at last, the Lord they meet.

Then what is left beyond the fire
Is love alone that we admire.
For where true love shall reign supreme
No hint of sinfulness is seen.

Far from where I'm meant to be
With many signs directing me,
Yet still I choose this path of mine,
And not His latest, clearest sign.

So who will rescue one like this
From life amid the great abyss?
Thanks be to God, it's Christ our Lord,
Who precious blood, for me out-poured.

Your will be done in all I do
Dear Lord is what I ask of You.
My flesh be always cast aside
To make my will with Your's allied.

A task assigned to everyone.
Obedient, have that begun.
But those without the fruit to show,
Shall of the way of fire go.

With wisdom and humility
The path be lighted so I see,
How only in Your word can be
The hope for my eternity.