11/14/21 through 11/20/21
My fear is that I fall away
And choose the flesh that awful day.
A weakly and a troubled soul
Without the strength to be made whole.
I know beyond a doubt it's true
Yet still I turn away from You,
The source of all I know and love,
The King of kings enthroned above.
Your sacrament, my daily bread,
Your very flesh, by which I'm fed.
The angels look with awe upon
The Eucharist phenomenon.
Give me the grace through daily food
To have at last, the strength imbued.
To turn from all my earthly gain,
To You, my all, at last obtain.
We cannot make Utopia
Apart from God alone.
The fruit of such myopia
Is always overblown.
Where God is gone and man shall reign
Their "freedom" makes all slaves.
The scriptures burned, and prophets slain,
With desecrated graves.
The faithful call for eyes that see
And men that will obey,
For those that keep their eyes on Thee,
And follow what You say.
Great wisdom that we clearly see,
And not through clouded eyes.
The errors we must quickly flee,
For truth instead of lies.
May I persevere in love
To gain with Christ, my place above.
I fear, in weakness, I may sin,
And choose my comfort over Him.
Saints that died in utter shame
Remembered now for steadfast fame,
For how they faced their blows in love,
To gain their place with God above.
Would I my sycamore descend,
And with my life, the faith defend,
Or cower and remain aloft,
To end as one despised and scoffed?
His call I pray to clearly hear,
And let His narrow path appear
That I might follow well and find
A place for me, above assigned.
A mother strong in faith and love
Who set her eyes on things above
Encouraged well her sons to serve
Their God alone with manly nerve.
She watched while each in brutal ways
Was tortured but, still God did praise.
Her life a worthy sacrifice
Her faith her key to paradise.
For eons now her story told
Her faith more rare than finest gold.
While none remember those who caved,
But only those whom faith has saved.
How sad that men don't recognize
The Christ in bread before their eyes.
If only they could see Him there,
And lift their spirits from despair.
Days are coming soon, it's true,
When enemies encircle you
And hem you in on every side,
For none from Truth, can ever hide.
Far too long has sin had reign.
Cleanse this temple once again.
Drive the demons far away,
Rule in me with perfect sway.
Make my heart as new and pure.
Give me strength to long endure
All that evil throws my way,
Teach me fervently to pray.
No word without a ray of hope
For those who in the darkness grope.
For mercy in their time of need
In spite of many evil deeds.
We see not as our maker does,
The all that is, and all that was.
His love surpasses all we know,
And pays the mighty debt we owe.