9/12/21 Through 9/18/21
The question still remains today.
Who do You say I am?
Don't simply try to get away,
Or bypass this exam.
The answer sets the very tone
For how to live each day.
If He is God, and God alone,
His word we must obey.
Oh happy fault that Christ should come,
Redeeming all from sin.
To show the depth that Christ would plumb
That we might enter in.
But still today, the question plied,
Just who this man could be.
The saints alone on Him relied,
That's good enough for me.
What kind of faith do I possess,
A faith enough to heal and bless?
Or faith that only shows its face
When needy of some special grace?
A faith at every twist and turn
Will help the steadfast ones discern
He works all for the good He chose,
So pray you may be one of those.
Such love I cannot comprehend
One patient till the bitter end.
Not shrinking from the stripe or thorn
Our Savior did the cross adorn.
That we might lift Him high to see
The love He has for each of thee,
And join our burdens there to His
For sacrifice is what love is.
Heart of Jesus, Heart of Fire,
Listen to my heart's desire.
Come enflame my heart as Thine,
Make my love a love Divine.
Pierce me as Your Mother's heart
Many times Your grace impart
That my station never leave,
But my heart, to Your heart cleave.
Let me welcome with my hands
Every word of Your commands
Press Your Sacred Heart to mine
Making it a heart as Thine.
That beneath the cross I stay
Pondering the Truth, the Way.
Life Divine, love excelling,
Of Your sacrifice all telling.
How foolish when I turn away
And choose to follow my own way.
No satisfaction I would find,
But more of darkness for the mind.
And in repentance I have seen
Forgiveness and the gap between
My ways of selfish righteousness
And humble, gentle loveliness.
Let tears of love then flood my eyes
And strip away my false disguise.
Then there in true humility
Forgiveness for my sins I see.
A fragrant love is then outpoured.
The total gift of Christ our Lord.
With none held back, He showed how love
Would lead us to our home above.
A simple life of simple means,
A life of love with strict routines,
To turn the heart to Him each day
Will lead us safely on our way.
Avoid the rocks, avoid the thorns.
Explicitly the Sower warns
How these can hamper goodly seed
Depriving it of basic need.
The need of soil to embrace,
Receive it well, and foster grace.
To blanket and protect the seed
From bird, and rock, and thorny weed.
So, well prepare your place to grow,
That nourishment the seed would know,
And roots extend to firm and deep,
Quite far beyond the surface cheap.
Then firmly rooted, richly fed
Each seed would yield a loaf of bread,
And persevere through all ordeal
With patient love and holy zeal.