Saturday, April 24, 2021

5/9/21 Through 5/15/21

 5/9/21 Through 5/15/21

Oh Holy Spirit, come again,
To all us weak and sinful men.
Kindle in our hearts anew,
Loving fire and thirst for you.

May cold and empty souls be filled,
And practice well what God has willed.
Open eyes and loose the tongue,
Let the praise of God be sung.

Show me Lord, what needs to change,
The things I need to rearrange.
Conform me to your holy will,
And love for all, in me instill.

Why think this life a life of ease? 
For history with each life agrees.
The Spirit comes to testify
Preparing faithful ones to die.

For trials come to those who love
Who set their eyes on land above,
Who serve their neighbor with the truth,
Who care for old, and teach the youth.

Quite clear I taught, so you should know
This way of Mine that you should go,
Is not for those with weakened knees, 
But those who wish their Lord to please.

True love is giving all I own
To make the love of Christ be known.
That all may see Him lifted high,
And nevermore, His love deny.

Paul and Silas in the prison,
Claiming Christ had truly risen.
Then amid the songs of praise,
A trembling earth, the Lord did raise.

Fetters gone, and prisoners free
A frightened jailor rose to see,
But what he found was truth that night,
And brought his family to the light.

The Spirit will such wonders do
For all who place their trust in You,
And risk the honor here of men
To praise and honor God again.

Oh Holy Spirit, gentle, kind,
Come and fill this heart of mine.
Inspire in me the words of love
That set the mind on things above.

The One who gives both life and breath,
The One who conquers sin and death,
We grope to find, though near at hand, 
If we but let the mind expand.

To see the wonders all around
Wherein the Father's hand is found,
And follow well what Jesus said,
Who now is risen from the dead.

O Gentle Breeze of Wisdom's word,
Help me to practice what I've heard.
And stay close by me, Life and Breath
On through the hour of my death.

That one day with the saints of old
I may not be one dead and cold,
But one alive to always raise
My voice in endless songs of praise.

One lifted up beyond the sky,
The One who on the cross did die,
He goes to show the way of man
Who follows well the Master's plan.

A place prepared for every soul
A place of rest our final goal.
A vision shared to help us be
One steadfast in pursuit of Thee.

When trials come and death awaits,
In weakness when our strength abates,
This vision to the life beyond
Will be the hope in us that's dawned.

By lot, the title fell to me,
Matthias, who was meant to be
Replacement in the traitor's place
Who turned his back to light and grace.

A lot of joy, though trials faced,
A life of love, in mercy graced.
A privilege of the highest scale,
Compared to which all others pale.

To give a life to preach the word
Until all those on earth have heard,
To show the pagans truth and light,
And lift the veil of darkest night.

Father, now in Jesus' name
I beg the gift for which He came.
To know Your depth of love for me,
And through the eyes of faith to see.

The Lord of all the earth and sky
Is One on whom we should rely.
No other love apart from Thee
Can still the soul and set me free.

Friday, April 16, 2021

5/2/21 Through 5/8/21

The suckers grow upon the vine
Afresh with every day.
With no concern for making wine,
They go their happy way.

Sucking from the vine the food
That bears desired fruit,
With luxury the attitude,
And ease the sole pursuit.

By pruning, is the way to find
A yield to make the wine.
The suckers draw the yield behind,
And only stunt the vine.

Fear not the pruning hook of love
That cleans both stem and shoot.
Vinedressing Father from above,
Knows how to bring the fruit.

Submit to Him in all you do,
Let Him prepare the way.
He'll trim that empty branch for you,
And juicy fruit display.

And then, at last, to one like me
The Lord has been made known.
I do my best each morn to see,
And nurture seed that's sown.

You too, He wishes now to greet
Each morn afresh and new,
Within the sacred wine and wheat
Prepared each morn for you.

So come and see, do not delay.
Distracted, be no more.
He'll speak to you, for every day
He knocks upon the door.

But you must make the move to bring
His presence through the door.
You see, we find that that's the thing
We need to do for more.

So make the choice today to be
One growing every day,
And see how great the faith can be
For those who learn to pray.

My Father's love the world must know
Obedience to Him I show.
Satan holds no power on Me,
And this I've chosen you to see.

Peace I give, and peace I leave,
My Spirit then, you will receive.
A peace not as the world describes,
But peace My Father's will prescribes.

Peace that lets you long endure
The sufferings that make you pure,
The slings and arrows cast your way
By those opposed to what you say.

This peace transcends the mortal mind,
A peace not of the common kind,
But one that touches deep within
Where only Christ and I have been.

This can be sung to the tune of "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence"

Soul athirst for living water,
Come and drink abundantly.
Water flowing from the Fountain
Quenches every thirst of thee.
Be attached to Me, the True Vine,
Life and sustenance for thee.

Pruning comes for all the branches
Grafted firmly on the Vine.
Let Me clear what draws life from you,
Make of you a son of Mine.
Those apart, are bare and fruitless,
Destined for a fiery decline.

I will give the Holy Spirit
To the soul that comes to Me.
Wisdom, strength, and true discernment,
Gifts He will impart to thee.
Fruit you then will bear abundantly,
Glorified, the Father will be.

Remain in my love, do not turn away,
For this is the road, and I am the Way.
My Spirit I give as guidance for you,
As prompter and nudge, for the things that you do.

When clearly He speaks, and silence then falls,
Be ready and willing to answer His calls.
Stray not from the path He lighted in love,
For that is the path to our Father above.

Mine was the path to Calvary's hill,
Each step in accord with His holy will.
So will yours be, both through trial and strife,
But leading at last, to endless new life.

So stick to the plan, persevere, and be bold.
Obey now in haste, everything that you're told.
Trust in the love that can raise from the dead,
For there's no other love, and nothing instead.

My goal, to be a slave of Thee
One honored in Your house.
Not one so arrogant to see
As mine, those whereabouts.

But one who knows that only You
Are worthy of my praise,
As one who tries to follow You
And love You all my days.

No more a slave to sin and death,
But now one truly free.
One praising You with every breath,
For loving one like me.

The honor comes in serving You,
With all, You trust to me.
And worshipping the One that's true,
Who loves a one like me.

When persecution comes your way,
Remember what the Lord did say,
"It's Me they hated first, you see,
And so shall My disciples be."

But to the world, you don't belong,
And on My way, you come along.
I've chosen you to speak My word,
So let your loving voice be heard.

Friday, April 9, 2021

4/25/21 Through 5/1/21

 4/25/21 Through 5/1/21

More than life, He loves his sheep.
Unselfish Lord whose word will keep.
His way so high above our own,
No greater depth of love ere known.

My Jesus, Cornerstone of love,
Rejected by the builders of
The house of worship here below,
Help me, the Shepherd's love to know.

A love that others clearly see,
A love that favors you o'er me.
One that I willingly would give,
One stronger than my will to live.

Oh Lord, I promise to obey,
If You would just show me the way,
And guide my steps to follow You
In all I say, and all I do.

In silence waiting every day,
I read Your word, and then I pray.
Imploring light would come to me,
And grant the grace to clearly see.

A sheet descending from above,
A new or different way to love.
A little nudge to say don't fear,
A gentle breeze to say, "Walk here."

How great that You are, how little I am.
Compare not the ways of God to a man.
We see there is one, but so frail and so weak,
And One who is Love, whose facets we seek.

Life without end He will give to the sheep
The ones who believe, commandments will keep.
Obeying the word that comes from above,
Recognizing in it, the source of all love.

But oh, for the ones that refuse to believe,
Those seeing the signs, who fail to perceive.
Among His sheep, they shall not be,
And never will, true love, they see.

To chase the dark, as light He came.
His words reflect His Father's name.
If we reject His word outright,
We plunge ourselves in darkest night.

With awe and wonder hear His word,
Then pass along what you have heard.
Bring light to where the darkness dwells.
Be one that of the Savior tells.

Our duty is to bear the light
To care for souls and then invite
The wayward one to hear again
Who brings salvation to all men.

His word is truth, and truth has shown
The folly of the dark we've known.
So cling not to despair of night,
But walk with me in Glory's light.

Be ready if you're asked today
To show a traveler the way,
To speak of that in which you're trained,
His word in you that's well ingrained.

We know not when we're asked to speak,
But then employ this fine technique,
To trust the Spirit then to lead,
And on His many graces feed.

In service then, is known the way
To find the lost and rescue stray.
In washing feet, the Master showed
It's what we give, not what we're owed.

The whole of all mankind should be
So humble as Divinity,
Then learn to serve the other's need,
And well, the Master's call to heed.

Sabbath after Sabbath, the prophets read aloud,
Sacred words unheeded, in blindness of the proud.
The Savior mocked and spat upon, then hung upon a tree.
The Passion of the Savior, gives birth and sets us free. 

Friday Evening
Sunday after Sunday here
The word of God proclaimed,
But many present never hear
And still are not ashamed. 

The Lamb of God is slain by those
Who pious may appear.
The thorns and stripes and heavy blows
Inflicted by those near.  

With nails, affixed to rugged wood
‘Till life was drained away.
A suffering no other could
Endure in such a way.

He gave His all in thirst for souls,
Then laid within the grave.
But three days hence,Achieved His goals,
 And rose to sinner save. 

We now are witnesses to this,
His promises fulfilled. 
Such evidence, do not dismiss,
When blood Divine was spilled. 

The search is for the Father’s house
The way, alone, He knows.
The Church, His faithful loving spouse,
Will follow where He goes.

Don’t turn away, but bear the cross,
Wherever He may lead.
All earthly gain is none but loss,
He fills our every need.

One more sign and that's enough,
For then I will believe.
Oh Philip, came the kind rebuff,
You still do not believe?

The Father and the Son are One
And so the Spirit too.
You've seen the Father in the Son
Made manifest to you.

Believe and so your works will be,
And greater still than Mine.
The Father who delights in Me
Will work His plan Divine.

Then later on how well you'll see
And scripture understand
If you but listen well to Me,
And do what He has planned.

A chariot you'll join and speak
To one from far-off land
Interpreting for one that's weak,
Who doesn't understand.

The circle comes in full around
For those who will obey.
Then wisdom in the word is found
For others on the way.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

4/18/21 Through 4/24/21

 4/18/21 Through 4/24/21

Why are you troubled, why can't you see?
My hands and my feet will prove that it's Me.
All that was written, by Me was fulfilled,
The Suffering Servant, The Lamb of God, killed.

Be opened your minds, to the scriptures and know,
For centuries just how they have said it would go.
The Lamb, the Redeemer, He suffers and dies,
But then on the third day, in glory shall rise.

So go to the city and nations abroad,
Proclaiming to all, that Jesus is God.
Repent and be baptized, then turning from sin,
You too, with the chosen, salvation shall win.

To be accused as Christ accused,
An honor such would be.
My words with those of Christ confused
Would threaten, you'll agree.

The ruling class who want their way
Unchallenged by the proles.
Who only read and daily pray
For sinful, earthly goals.

So quell the ones disturbing things,
And cancel those who speak
Of Christ as truly King of kings,
Hold down the poor and weak.

But though they crucify and stone,
The Spirit thriving still.
Obedience in love makes known
The Father's holy will.

That Christ be known as Son of God,
And Savior of all men.
That Spirit-filled be not the odd,
But common once again.

So make a choice today and be
For show or truly man.
Hide not your faith, but let them see
In you, God's holy plan.

Not turning back if trial comes,
Not fading in the fight.
Not cowering from warring drums,
But facing darkest night

With eyes upon the land beyond,
And glory without end.
To evil and deceit respond
With love, to faith defend.

When handed over, worry not
Of what you are to say.
Though wicked men will always plot
To make the righteous pay.

The Lord will give in time of need
The words for you to speak.
And though it be a tiny seed,
It offers now a peek

Beyond the world that meets the eye,
Into the land of love.
Where hardened hearts can see just why
We worship God above.

The depth of God I'll never know,
Yet to His heart, I'll always go.
So high above the mind of man,
The love that made us in His plan.

So little we expect to see
From One that knows infinity,
Yet if we simply follow well,
What praise and glory we could tell.

I come to Thee each morn to see
My share of Your Divinity,
And follow every word from You
To power-up the things I do.

By saying yes, each time I see
The more Your word will come to me.
And worlds will change this simple way,
If men would listen and obey.

How could we understand this word, 
So foreign and aloof?
What could explain the things we heard?
How could He offer proof?

They make no sense, these words of His,
How can his flesh be food?
A "Living Bread" the offer is.
I think He's come unglued.

That day so many turned away,
And I was ready too,
But something strong would make me stay.
That something, trust in You.

So many times I'd seen before
How You amazed the crowd,
With crippled limbs or health restored,
Or shaming of the proud.

No way I understand, but trust.
Your word is good as gold.
So follow still, and learn, I must,
And always You uphold.

Now clear I see as time has passed
Your body given me.
Upon the cross, true food at last,
Was offered there by Thee.

Now evermore this sacrifice
Will feed the masses well,
And evermore of risen Christ,
The faithful masses tell.

The Bread from Heaven, truly food.
His blood our precious drink.
No more just following confused,
But now with all in sync.

A flash of light that blinded Saul
A Voice that called to give Him all.
The blinding scales that fell to earth,
When hands were laid to give new birth.

A time in every life as this.
A time when now, and then shall kiss.
When clear as day the Lord shall speak,
And interest in His word shall pique.

But do we hear and then obey,
Or just continue on our way?
The answer will determine how
We spend eternity and now.

When hardship comes they turn away
And few will share the load.
The harvest waits in waning day,
Men idle on the road.

His flesh our food and sustenance
The key to carry on.
Our blessed early morning chance
To meet at Mass 'fore dawn.

A little faith it takes to see
In bread, the King of kings.
But oh, the strength and love to me,
Each morn it daily brings.

For lack of faith, don't turn away,
But trust and you will see.
The food He offers every day,
Is ALL for folks like me.