12/13/20 Through 12/19/20
In joyful praise give thanks to God,
Be steadfast all your days.
To whom you pray is not some fraud,
But One the wise obeys.
Each one a purpose, clear, distinct,
No other can fulfill.
To many others, each is linked
Within His holy will.
So be a means of grace to those
You meet throughout the day.
Show others, how in joy you chose
To thank Him as you pray.
We may not see or ever know
How God has used our day,
But patient love and kindness show,
He answers when we pray.
Not always though, as we would like,
But always for our good.
Our role is to be childlike,
And trust Him as we should.
Connecting dots, quite clear I see
That Balaam was a bit like me.
Both knowing God and knowing not,
The awesome gift that he had got.
So too, the Pharisee did know,
John's teaching was the way to go.
In pride, refusing to repent
Those hypocrites away were sent.
For action is required where
The truth is known, and come to bear.
Conviction in our ways of sin
So growth at last, could then begin.
My every word received from You
The source of good in all I do.
Alone, one worthy of no praise.
His grace, the blessing of my days.
One poor, without an offering,
Yet all my sins, to Him I bring,
And beg for Mercy's healing grace
That in His blood, my sins erase.
I often try, but cannot hide,
The depth of selfishness inside
That often leads my heart astray,
Instead of leading to obey.
But with Your grace, I'll change the mind
Then meek and humble often find
Your way, it is that brings the joy,
If I would just Your grace employ.
No longer wonder who is He,
Who makes lame walk and blind men see.
The leper's cleansed, the deaf man hears
The dead are raised, and poor He cheers.
No other One who forms the light
Created darkness for the night,
Makes good health and brings the woe,
He is the One that all should know.
Like gentle rain, let justice fall.
Let earth be open to His call.
From time's beginning, none but He,
And all the earth should plainly see.
All knees shall bend, all tongues confess,
The humble soul, His words shall bless.
And vindication just shall see.
For wicked, flames eternally.
In family lies a history,
A story that is His.
Of faith, and those who fall away,
Of every kind that is.
We look and see a varied group
Of saints and sinners too.
Each one a flavor in the soup
That brings us down to you.
We see when looking back on those
How God has used each one.
Even shameful, as the keys
To whom you've now become.
But now the choice is up to you
To pass the faith along.
To be a saint in all you do,
Or one to do the wrong.
What ere the past, it's up to you.
To set the future course
So think of this in all you do,
Make love your driving force.
A savory spice, or bitter herb
The choice is up to you.
No matter which, you will disturb
The flavor of the stew.
A man of gracious, humble heart
Refused to let her suffer shame.
Decided quietly to part,
Till in a dream, the angel came.
And said, "Don't worry, true is she
He's chosen in virginity."
To bear the Son of God and be
The One to set the captives free.
The gift of life, so great a gift
No other can compare.
It passes by so very swift
Oft times we're unaware.
Of all that He has done for us
In oh, so many ways.
So take a moment and discuss
How He is due our praise.
Each time we see an infant there
Newborn of love's embrace.
It takes us to the Godhead where
We see Him face to face.
Each face a mirror of His love,
Each one afresh and new.
Each turns our thoughts to Him above
Who sends the morning dew.