Saturday, October 31, 2020

11/15/20 Through 11/21/20

 11/15/20 Through 11/21/20

I pray that I may someday see
That God has worked quite well through me,
That light has shown in what I say
To lead folks on the narrow way.

For though the way be hard and long,
He grants us joy to be our song.
In spite of trials daily faced,
We find our lives are richly graced.

The babe, in peace, upon the breast
So sweet a place to find their rest.
Creator of the sea and sky,
In Mary's tender arms did lie.

Oh Mother Mary, comfort me,
In spite of blindness, let me see
How Love was humbled there to be
The Savior of humanity.

By faith, the eye be opened wide
To see our Savior, King, and guide,
To call the sinner to repent,
And then for others, to be sent.

We sicken Him who made us all
By failing to receive His call.
Yet still, He wishes to recline,
And with repentant sinners, dine.

Not turned away when we repent,
But filled with grace and onward sent,
To show that life can be made new
If we just hear, and follow You.

The hour and the day be known
To only God and God alone.
So ready make your soul to hear
That final call both loud and clear.

What glory and eternal praise
The saints and angels then shall raise.
The host in heaven bows and prays
In worship for unending days.

So see beyond the world of pride,
And glimpse upon the other side.
Reliance on the self will show
How little all the prideful know.

To serve, the greatest call for men,
An honor and a privilege when
We bow before the throne in praise,
With hearts and holy hands we raise.

If only we knew what makes for peace
All greed and selfishness would cease.
The Lamb once slain, we'd see as King, 
And seek to all our family bring
The peace that God alone can give
And teach them how on earth to live.

The Cross a horrid sign of love,
Yet chosen by our God above
To far transcend the mortal mind,
So peace we could, in trial, find,
And know in confidence and grace,
He leads us to His dwelling place.

So gird your loins, strap on a belt.
Where grief and sorrow great are felt,
Where darkness seems to rule the day,
And obstacles are in the way,
Be comforted amid your loss,
And gaze upon that loving Cross.

Lord, cleanse this temple, drive away
All thoughts of greed or lust today.
May here be found, no trace of sin,
And welcome be, Your Spirit in.

How sweet the taste of love can be,
But sour when You call on me
Tp speak Your word amid the crowd,
And make my faith be known out loud.

For persecution surely comes
To all of Your most favored ones.
Chastising them a little now,
To give eternal life somehow.

Your words are true, and ways are sure
For those who will, their cross endure,
Will find that on the other side
Their mortal flesh is glorified.

The Mother's beauty, always there.
Her eyes aglow and face so fair.
Her voice a sweetness to the ear
Dispelling doubt, and useless fear.

The Chosen One, unstained, conceived.
With all her heart and soul believed
The Father's will far greater still,
And offered all, to that fulfill.

No treasure man has ere conceived
Transcends the grace that she received.
The Ark that carried One Divine,
Our God Himself, our Fruitful Vine.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

11/8/20 Through 11/14/20

 11/8/20 Through 11/14/20

Let wisdom come at last to me,
Through all the clouds and darkness see.
To press the oil drop by drop,
Wisdom's search must never stop.

Complacency along the way
Can find excuses every day
For why the Lord should wait a while,
And prayer is never quite their style.

Collect each drop, let none go by.
For greater wisdom always try.
This gift He grants to all who seek,
But passers-by will find it bleak.

For when the final day arrives,
And all we have are sinful lives,
The time for gathering is past,
And little oil will not last.

For wisdom grows the flask to fit
Each drop that's added bit by bit.
But with no flask, the oil's lost.
The unrepented sin has cost!

Be done to me Your holy will.
My heart, with love, Your Spirit fill.
Cleanse Your temple here below,
But show me love and mercy though.

Make fresh the salted sea in me.
Your waters quench this arid tree,
That fruit be borne each month for food,
And healing from the leaves be brewed.

Your house be built within my soul.
A fitful dwelling place, my goal.
Set firm within Thy Cornerstone,
Be Christ my God and God alone.

Real men the key to turning round
The world in all its ways.
If they be steadfast, firmly bound,
To Christ for all their days.

Real men must lead in self-control,
In temperance, and love.
By doing so will they enroll
Their families above.

Not looking for the accolades
As if entitled to,
But seeing how our work persuades
As simple servants do.

So, humble, in your service be,
Your teaching and your talk.
Let others see integrity
In every place you walk.

How easily we walk away
From miracles each day.
We beg and plead, and then receive,
But fail to stop and pray.

We trust Him as a tire spare,
And show no other care.
No thanks expressed, or sins confessed,
Ungrateful, unaware.

Lord grant me eyes of clarity,
Remove the scales to see.
Let truth be known, and honor shown,
To Him who healeth me.

Lord light the sky that I may see
How wondrous life in You will be,
Where brothers learn to love and live
In peace, and surplus, freely give.

Not forc-ed generosity,
But honest love for all, in Thee.
With slaves unfettered, captives freed,
And love the source of every deed.

The unity will long prevail,
And love of neighbor, never fail.
Where Christ the loving Master be,
The slave be satisfied and free.

Lord let me be alive and well .
No more of failures need I tell.
For when I daily sit with Thee,
So many failings, clear I see.

The vultures pick upon the flesh,
So make my soul alive and fresh.
May innocence in me abound,
And there, a selfless love be found.

My ways be turned around for good.
No looking back upon what should
Bring shame and sorrow for such sin,
But laser-focused eyes on Him.

My prayer be not for justice Lord,
For justice, I cannot afford.
But mercy is my firm desire,
Escaping that eternal fire.

If justice were to come my way,
I fear my sin would far outweigh
What little good I've done for Thee,
And find You've done away with me.

But Thou art Mercy undefiled.
You rescue every wayward child
Who sees Your Son upon the wood,
And recognizes purest good.

Within such light, no man can stand.
No other love has ever spanned
The chasm of our deadly sin
With mercy where revenge had been.

But Yours a river deep and wide
To wash away my sinful pride,
And make of me an heir of grace,
In Your eternal dwelling place.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

11/1/20 Through 11/7/20

 11/1/20 Through 11/7/20

Within Your eye Lord, who am I
That You should mind for me?
What answer why, Your Son should die
For sinners on the Tree?

The land of love, so far above
Our everyday routine.
The members of our home thereof,
By blood have been made clean.

Anew are born, the ones that mourn,
and blest the peaceful one,
But those who scorn, You sternly warn,
Beware of crooked fun.

For You have raised and highly praised
The humble, meek, and poor,
And left amazed, in flames that blazed,
The confident and sure.

All souls that leave in trust of Him
Will face the judgment for their sin.
That moment they will then decide
To choose the Lord, or choose their pride

We think the choice will be a breeze,
But choosing love ahead of ease
Is what we face here every day,
And often choose the darker way.

Attachments must be put aside
And love be ever amplified
To clearly hear the Master's voice,
And make that everlasting choice.

No sin too large, or fault too great
To seal our everlasting fate
If mercy we would simply plead,
And let the voice of Jesus lead.

Flesh became, the uncreated.
Love and care shown unabated.
How such Love could for the masses,
Come as man, the mind surpasses.

Yet as One both poor and weak,
So to every man could speak.
Not too fast, and not too slowly,
But to all, both rich and lowly.

Think of how He cares for you,
That such an act of love would do.
Inviting to His banquet feast,
The fringes and those thought as least.

The way to find yourself a saint,
Is do His will without complaint.
No arguing or bickering,
But trusting God in everything.

Then you may shine amid the dim,
And focus other eyes on Him.
That all may see it's not in vain
We run this race for Heaven's gain.

Poured out with nothing left to give,
We find the cross our way to live.
For sacrifice, to love, is key,
As all will someday come to see.

So now prepare to see that day,
Don't travel further on the way,
Lest unprepared, you face the King,
With nothing for an offering.

Although there's billions here below,
Our God will intimately know
The inner heart, and soul's desire
To draw unto His cleansing fire.

Rejoicing comes in great supply
If only we would humbly try
To turn away from selfish sin,
And let the Lord of love come in.

A sheep returned is cause for joy,
No more the strictest law employ.
Repentance means a change has come.
One far from home returns a son.

Have I, as steward, squandered that
Which holiness provides,
And found myself one rich and fat
Where sinfulness resides?

The time is now for change to come,
No longer fooled by sin.
To sound aloud the signal drum,
And then new life begin.

For when the final day arrives
And we must give account,
The fruit of many sinful lives, 
To nothing will amount.

Then stirred by fear and panic of
Our rightful, just, reward,
We turn, at last, away from Love,
And to the ones deplored.

It needn't be that way you see,
If we just start to choose,
The way of light instead of night,
And wickedness, refuse.

So start today, and use each gift
As He would have it be.
Become one known for honest thrift,
A faithful devotee.

One master only can we serve,
Though hard we try as I observe
To walk the fence and waiver not,
But find deceit is all we've got.

For true must mean in every way
Each act of ours throughout the day,
In light or dark must be the same,
Or all our acts are but for shame.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

John Paul and Brittany


JP & Brittany

My son, this journey you begin

Is meant to keep you far from sin.

The Lord created man and wife,

That both may find eternal life.


You take upon your shoulders broad,

An obligation straight from God,

To lead your wife and children too

Unto the Christ that died for you.


The road be narrow, hard, and long,

But every step, where you belong.

Turn not aside for want of rest,

This journey is a lifelong test.


A test to see if you endure.

A test to see your love is pure.

Take courage when the trials come,

It’s just a test, your love to plumb.


This beauty here, your love espoused,

Within her heart is wisdom housed.

So cherish what she has to say,

And give respect in every way.


A helpmate God has given you,

But not for duties to eschew.

Be leader in your clan, of praise,

Put God as first, in all your ways.


Each day may prayer be offered for

This one, forever love, you swore.

Your word be more than purest gold

For this fine beauty you behold.


Upon the cross your gaze be set,

The bloody scourges, and the sweat,

The crown of thorns and pierced side,

His hands and feet, His face beside.


Such love, your bride, you’re meant to show

That any length you’d freely go

To bring her to that land above,

That land of true unbounded love.


So raise your glass and promise me

This duty now you clearly see,

To lead your bride to heaven’s gate

And never let your love abate.

10/25/20 Through10/31/20

 10/25/20 Through10/31/20

Every problem, love's the answer
Every law, by love, fulfilled.
Selfishness, the evil cancer,
Sin fermented and distilled.

Come and see what love can offer
Learn to give without reserve.
Be no doubting, heathen, scoffer.
Muster up required nerve.

Share what gifts that love has given,
Give without the cost in mind.
Find your faults and sins forgiven,
When the depth of love is mined.

Inexhaustible the measure
Of the love of One Divine.
Find that rich fulfilling treasure
Flowing from the Sacred Vine.

Here before a captive hostage,
Ought this woman not be free?
Ought the cord of sin and bondage
Not be severed and set free?

Bent and twisted, every sinner,
All in chains that weigh us down.
Turn Your eyes to this beginner,
In Your mercy, let me drown.

What a gift this present moment,
Here alone with none but Thee.
God Himself my private docent
Teaching how to be set free.

My job, to do His holy will
And lead upon the way,
To faith in Christ, our God instill,
And never go astray.

In love for others blaze the trail,
And bring my pride along.
To strengthen weak, and help the frail
To see where they belong.

To give of self as Jesus did
When nailed upon the tree
With total gift to others bid,
Please come and follow me.

All teaching held in place by Him
The final stone, defining rim.
The dome supported high above
By Him whose strength is none but love.

Without the cross, no strength is there,
His teaching just the standard fare
That comes and goes among the days,
And leads in many varied ways.

But love before, for man, unknown
Upon the Holy Cross was shown,
And Love defeated sin and death
When He gave forth His final breath.

Once set in place, the Stone now stands
As Christ embraced the Father's plans,
And made the cross our symbol of
Our Savior, and our key to love.

We think the Devil's strength is known.
Not so, when only weakness shown.
We fail to use God's strength to see
How weak and paltry that is he.

God's strength for us is always there
So we must never, in despair,
Refuse confession of our sin,
And let Old Stinky slither in.

I know I'm weak, but He is strong.
I've sung that mystery in song,
But I must choose His way to go
And learn to Satan's lies forego.

What difference can the world tell 
In this one on the carousel?
Can they perceive a contrast there,
from all the others at the fair?

How has the Word affected me?
To others, is it plain to see,
A change has taken place within,
This one no longer cares for sin?

Or have I hidden in the crowd,
Afraid to speak of Him out loud,
Just blending with the others there
With nothing different to compare?

That's not the way it's meant to be.
The captive's destined to be free.
To share and spread the Word around
Till freedom for all men is found.

So let this work the Lord began
Create a new and different man.
A man of love who's not ashamed
To be that Crazy Christian named.

The honors of the world are naught
To take the lowest place we're taught.
Exalted, will the humble be,
When dining with One such as Thee.

For pride is false, and humble true.
The truly greatest One is You
The One who lowly man became
To take away our sinful shame.

The Uncreated, flesh assumed
When condemnation o'er men loomed
Then on the cross, He died, but rose,
To save the sinner that He chose.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

10/18/20 Through 10/24/20

 10/18/20 Through 10/24/20

More than words, but truly power
Let this be my holy hour.
Contemplating Love Divine,
Shine Your light within my mind.

Unlike the tricks in Garden played,
Now on the cross, His love displayed.
No need to doubt a love like this,
No way, such love, can we dismiss.

All given for His love of me,
All given that I be set free,
From chains of selfishness that call,
Dissuading me from giving all.

His everything was given me.
Not taxed, but given, clear and free.
So too, should I, Though weak and small,
Give to the Lord, my all in all.

So rich in how the world sees,
But can this life on earth now please,
If all I see is earthly gain,
And all the ways of love disdain?

To share my wealth among the poor
Will all my future days secure,
A place where love is wealth indeed,
And how the wealthy ones succeed.

The face is now a dreadful thing
How could you dare, uncovered bring
A deadly nose or mouth before
Those here at church to God adore?

The villain now, the face exposed.
On others, dreaded breath imposed.
How dare you breathe unhindered here,
When germs are oh, so very near?

Not even church, a resting place,
Unwelcome, your uncovered face.
Called out and shamed before the crowd,
Not back without a mask allowed.

Such criminals, we cannot bear,
Yet welcome those who do not share
Respect for life as yet unborn,
And have them from the womb be torn.

I want the peace we're looking for,
But covered nose and mouth abhor.
The only way I'll peaceful be
Is when my air is cool and free.

To draw your water joyfully
I come again this morn.
To do Your will both loyally,
And also sinner, warn.

The day will be unknown to thee.
Surprised, be one and all.
Integrity the only key
To answer well the call.

The fool is one who knows Your will
Yet still will not obey.
They'd rather play, and wait until
They're sure You're on Your way.

That day will come so quickly and
There may be not the time
To fill the hand of Love's demand,
And make up for the crime.

Be diligent, and ready now.
Put off the change no more.
Obey and never sloth allow,
Again, His word, ignore.

Kneeling here before the Father
By whom every family named,
Let me be the one to bother
Praising all His bounty famed.

May your strength be of the Spirit.
May Christ Jesus dwell within.
May your heart be always nearest,
Grounded, rooted, deep with Him.

Then in love, be strong and know it,
What the saint now comprehends,
Height and depth, and breadth that show it,
How God's fullness never ends.

More than mortal mind imagines
He will grant the faithful ones,
When at last, His ardent love wins,
Man now made adopted sons.

Be one now worthy of the call
In all your ways, His love recall.
Be one preserving unity
Through meekness and humility.

Friday Evening Adoration
My Jesus, here before I kneel
Your love and grace, I keenly feel.
True presence in the form of bread,
True food on which I'm daily fed.

Lord make me love Your every word
Above the din of life, be heard.
In early morn 'fore break of day,
Come speak to me, here as I pray.

Your word be life and food for me,
The fertilizer that I need
To bear the fruit that You desire,
And not be cast into the fire.