8/9/20 Through 8/15/20
Oh Lord for me, where is Your call,
In tiny breeze or crashing squall?
The task for me, to recognize
And follow well as You advise.
To walk the waters of the sea
And trust Your hand will rescue me,
Or face the challenge of the day
With confidence in what You say.
Your call is clear, a voice we know
That guides us on the way we go.
Obedience the road to find
Good health for sick and sight for blind.
A cheerful giver let me be,
A man to hear, and also see.
To well attend His will for me,
And always, faithful servant be.
A man to stand and face the fire,
A man with love, his great desire.
A man of generosity
That always faithful he would be.
A grain that willingly would fall
To earth and die to rescue all.
A grain to yield abundantly
So those held captive, would be free.
To see the world with loving eyes
And lift the veil of poor's disguise.
To see our Lord in lowly men
And bring to life His love again.
The greatest is the lowly one
The docile, trusting, favored son.
The proud of heart, and boastful man
Is not the One who lives His plan.
For time and time again He shows
How greed and avarice that grows
Within the man will draw away,
And lead to darkness and decay.
So raise your head and then become
That docile, trusting, lowly one
Give up the quest for glory here
And find true peace and glory near.
Oh mark me with that blessed sign
Of saving grace and love Divine
Count me not among the rest,
But make my place among the blest.
Forgiveness grant this sinner Lord,
A pauper yet, great wealth implored.
For you can use my faults for good,
The way You used, that sacred wood.
So bold I be, yet humble Lord,
Have mercy then, be grace restored.
A sinner saved is what I'll be
One rescued for eternity.
In debt beyond measure, this gift that we treasure
Could never be bought with a price.
But in giving away our excess of the day,
We follow the Master's advice.
Be a sign for them all as you answer the call,
Be loving to all whom you see.
For when such is made known, all the gifts that you own,
Will none but a trifle then be.
Look beyond here and now, wipe the sweat from your brow.
The morrow will bring a new morn.
Sharing gifts you receive, demonstrates you perceive,
But a pauper in debt were you born.
The glory all belongs to Thee,
Though some may look and think it's me.
The harlot played in search of love,
My eyes to earth and not above.
Unworthy servant though I be,
Your hand reached out to rescue me,
That all who read these words would know,
From You, the font of grace, they flow.
A talking parrot and no more
Who turned away and played the whore.
Yet still, You love and comfort me
When so unworthy may I be.
Forgive and cleanse this heart of mine,
Conform it to Your heart Divine.
No longer may I play the whore,
But all be Yours forevermore.
A greater destiny is planned
Than what the mind can understand.
The simple and the gifted share,
A life Divine, when with Him there.
That life so high above our own
If genius now, or Downs Syndrome,
Are but the same when we compare
To life Divine, in heaven there.
But we can start that life today
If we would listen and obey,
Then use the grace that's offered here,
To closer to the Lord draw near.
The grace unused, our sinful shame.
Each one a gem we fail to claim.
Allowing pride to have its way,
We grant the Evil One his say.
No more be lost, I pray on me,
I beg You Lord to set me free.
Destroy the pride so often known
And let Your light, through me, be shown.