5/10/20 Through 5/16/20
Exasperated, near the end
Unfit disciples now to send
Without the Way, without the Light,
Wand'ring aimless in the night.
How long we've known, but fail to see
In Jesus, true divinity.
Our mind be stretched to comprehend
That God, to man, did once descend.
But true it is, and oh how grand!
He walked in flesh upon the land.
He spoke about the Father's love,
And mansions built for saints above.
But still His men were unprepared
For what, upon the cross, He shared.
A gift so total and complete,
A sacred, dying, grain of wheat.
Then resurrected, forth He came
And followed by the Spirit's flame.
The men once weak and unprepared
Were bold and now, no longer scared.
For then they saw beyond the grave
And sought to every sinner save.
So too must we who understand
Take up our cross at His command.
Love will make the burden light,
And sweet the yoke of doing right.
For if we love, the Father comes
And that once heavy, now succumbs.
To joy that's found in sacrifice
And love we find will sure suffice,
To move our selfish mountain where
We see it simply breeds despair.
Sometimes the little trials seem
As mountains in the road.
Our petty little problems scream,
Unfaithfulness exposed.
We let the drivel of the day
Come occupy our mind
Then in our desperation say,
His peace I cannot find.
Not stoned or nailed upon a tree
But inconvenienced by
Some minor thing annoying me
That I should crucify.
And join my little sacrifice
With Him upon the cross
To see if that does not suffice
To mitigate my loss.
Then seeing things in proper light
When time and earth will cease
The mind will start to think aright
And find in Him its peace.
The Vine my true and only hope
To feed me on the way
To give me strength to bear and cope
With trials of the day.
The Vine, the Living Water source,
The only stream I seek.
Who never comes to me by force.
One mighty, and yet meek.
The very life enabling
The branch to bear much fruit.
The firebrand that's labeling
His worker resolute.
Athirst my soul for what it brings
Anew with every morn.
The clean and clear refreshing springs
Of life in Him reborn.
This great command I give to you
That works I do, you'd also do.
Love one another in the way
As I loved you in every day.
No longer slave, I call you friend.
My love for you will never end.
As I have done My Father's will,
You too must come to know Him still.
He seeks none but the best for those
The slave set free as love has chose.
He calls us friends who will obey,
And let the Potter mold the clay.
That day in sixteen twenty-two
The Pope would canonize a few.
A few that to this day are known
For all the seeds of love they've sown.
Francis and good Philip Neri
Both so holy, both so near Thee.
Ignatius with his exercise,
One penitent, and oh so wise.
From Avila, the woman came,
No other woman quite the same.
Writings of great wisdom got her
Named the first, a woman Doctor.
A humble giant too was crowned.
A saint for farmers still renowned.
Isadore, in God, confided
While his plow, the angel guided.
Great examples still today
Of folks that found a better way
To peace and joy eternally,
By daily coming close to Thee.
Your word we have to ponder well
To listen first, and then to tell
To have a keen and ready ear,
And then to preach it without fear.
The sufferings our Master saw
Will to this higher calling draw
The faithful ones who choose His way
And cower not amid the fray.
For if they treat the Master thus
No less should we expect for us.
But faithful we should always be
And ponder well each word from He.
Your word we have to ponder well
To listen first, and then to tell
To have a keen and ready ear,
And then to preach it without fear.
The sufferings our Master saw
Will to this higher calling draw
The faithful ones who choose His way
And cower not amid the fray.
For if they treat the Master thus
No less should we expect for us.
But faithful we should always be
And ponder well each word from He.