Saturday, April 25, 2020

5/10/20 Through 5/16/20

5/10/20 Through 5/16/20

Exasperated, near the end
Unfit disciples now to send
Without the Way, without the Light,
Wand'ring aimless in the night.

How long we've known, but fail to see
In Jesus, true divinity.
Our mind be stretched to comprehend
That God, to man, did once descend.

But true it is, and oh how grand!
He walked in flesh upon the land.
He spoke about the Father's love,
And mansions built for saints above.

But still His men were unprepared
For what, upon the cross, He shared.
A gift so total and complete,
A sacred, dying, grain of wheat.

Then resurrected, forth He came
And followed by the Spirit's flame.
The men once weak and unprepared
Were bold and now, no longer scared.

For then they saw beyond the grave
And sought to every sinner save.
So too must we who understand
Take up our cross at His command.

Love will make the burden light,
And sweet the yoke of doing right.
For if we love, the Father comes
And that once heavy, now succumbs.

To joy that's found in sacrifice
And love we find will sure suffice,
To move our selfish mountain where
We see it simply breeds despair.

Sometimes the little trials seem
As mountains in the road.
Our petty little problems scream,
Unfaithfulness exposed.

We let the drivel of the day
Come occupy our mind
Then in our desperation say,
His peace I cannot find.

Not stoned or nailed upon a tree
But inconvenienced by
Some minor thing annoying me
That I should crucify.

And join my little sacrifice
With Him upon the cross
To see if that does not suffice
To mitigate my loss.

Then seeing things in proper light
When time and earth will cease
The mind will start to think aright
And find in Him its peace.

The Vine my true and only hope
To feed me on the way
To give me strength to bear and cope
With trials of the day.

The Vine, the Living Water source,
The only stream I seek.
Who never comes to me by force.
One mighty, and yet meek.

The very life enabling
The branch to bear much fruit.
The firebrand that's labeling
His worker resolute.

Athirst my soul for what it brings
Anew with every morn.
The clean and clear refreshing springs
Of life in Him reborn.

This great command I give to you
That works I do, you'd also do.
Love one another in the way
As I loved you in every day.

No longer slave, I call you friend.
My love for you will never end.
As I have done My Father's will,
You too must come to know Him still.

He seeks none but the best for those
The slave set free as love has chose.
He calls us friends who will obey,
And let the Potter mold the clay.

That day in sixteen twenty-two
The Pope would canonize a few.
A few that to this day are known
For all the seeds of love they've sown.

Francis and good Philip Neri
Both so holy, both so near Thee.
Ignatius with his exercise,
One penitent, and oh so wise.

From Avila, the woman came,
No other woman quite the same.
Writings of great wisdom got her
Named the first, a woman Doctor.

A humble giant too was crowned.
A saint for farmers still renowned.
Isadore, in God, confided
While his plow, the angel guided.

Great examples still today
Of folks that found a better way
To peace and joy eternally,
By daily coming close to Thee.

Your word we have to ponder well
To listen first, and then to tell
To have a keen and ready ear,
And then to preach it without fear.

The sufferings our Master saw
Will to this higher calling draw
The faithful ones who choose His way
And cower not amid the fray.

For if they treat the Master thus
No less should we expect for us.
But faithful we should always be
And ponder well each word from He.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

5/3/20 Through 5/9/20

5/3/20 Through 5/9/20

As Shepherd suffered, so the sheep
A gift, such company to keep.
To find the gate we search the least,
And find the One whose flesh is feast.

This total gift to all mankind,
The path to peace and joy we find.
The cross, that rugged piece of wood,
Our way to all that's true and good.

Repent and turn from former ways
Then let His Spirit, in you blaze.
Receive abundant life and know
He's there wherever you may go.

Good Shepherd come look after me,
Rebuke the wind and calm the sea.
Fend off the wolf that seeks to kill,
Keep me within the Father's will.

Your Spirit send as constant guide,
Be there to guard my weakest side.
My Teacher and my strength to give,
My Guardian, and will to live.

His voice will call in many ways
As light shines forth in many rays
Illuminating beauty there,
Revealing One beyond compare.

For never does the choir cease
To praise the manifold increase
Of grace and glory new revealed
From every facet once concealed.

Impossible to plumb the deep
For lost and wand'ring little sheep.
But little sheep can hear His voice
And let it guide their every choice.

Then they will find it peaceful there
Where love is found beyond compare,
And rest among His gloried rays
Anew for everlasting days.

Let mystery increase our trust
To see with every point discussed
A greater love than ere we knew
For simple sheep like me and you.

By fasting and prayer so much can be done.
By these simple methods, a soul may be won.
Eternity gained in the bliss up above,
By these simple acts,when performed with great love.

The fasting and praying proceeds being sent.
This practice He gave for much more than Lent.
It gives to us clarity, peace, and resolve,
The strength to hold on, and problems to solve.

Depriving oneself of a good that we've known
Strengthens the will, and the practice has shown
Beneficial in breaking attachments of flesh,
And giving perspective that's clean, new, and fresh.

So take up the discipline every day
Enhancing the power of words that you pray.
Be not afraid of the things that you lose,
But be much encouraged when this way you choose.

Come holy One to me, oh come,
To endless grace, let me succumb.
Receiving One, but truly three
Please have Your holy way with me.

I want no more the ways my own,
But only You and You alone.
For all is what I find in You ,
And none, in all the things I do.

Do not be troubled, trust in Me,
Have faith in God, and faith in Me.
This way will not be trouble free
But faithful ones, untroubled be.

Though storms be raging on the sea
The faithful heart, untroubled be.
He sees beyond the tempest storm
And lets this view of future form.

A way of peace through choppy sea
A calm amidst a dread disease.
A way the faithful hearts desire
A coolness in the midst of fire.

When prayer is left without reply
Is that a reason to deny,
Or might there be a higher way
Unseen to us amid the fray?

My prayer, it seems without effect.
I wonder Lord, why You reject?
Perhaps I pray to have my will
Forgetting love means free the will.

Each heart that hears must freely choose
When softened by His many clues,
But still they have the right to spurn
And from Your holy face to turn.

Mine not the place to wonder why
Or try to fix the other guy,
But simply hope and humbly pray
They come to see the light of day.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

4/26/20 Through 5/2/20

4/26/20 Through 5/2/20

Lord pour Your Spirit forth in me
That all I meet could plainly see
The risen Lord made manifest
Within this one so highly blessed.

With heart aflame and zeal to share
Good News of love beyond compare,
That Christ has risen from the dead
To free the captives, as He said.

There's freedom in His narrow way,
And those who find it often say
His way is best and far above.
His way is blest and filled with love

What exactly do I seek,
When with the Lord, take time to speak?
Are motives pure and undefiled,
Like unto, the little child?

Or is there selfish ill-intent,
In all the time, with Him I've spent?
Not always pure, indeed it's true,
My special morning time with You.

But You are always waiting there
To teach, and draw me closer where
I see the folly of my ways,
And somehow manage through the haze.

You're always there despite my pride.
My humble, patient, perfect guide.
Who waits to hear, "I'm ready Lord,
To live again with you restored.

Lord make this be the final time
My follied way is set to rhyme.
Repentant may I always be,
Do what You will to humble me.

Now I offer myself to You
The object of all that I do.
Freely I give, that all may then live.
Believing when my life is through.

Your bread is the loaf I desire,
The manna I wish to acquire,
The bread from above that will fill me with love,
A disciple's identifier.

Lukewarm is too tepid for me,
Red hot I would much rather be,
So drive away fear, and let me draw near,
Your glory, I so want to see.

Oh Lord, those wounds of passiontide.
The hands, the feet, the head, the side,
So many lashers deep and raw
A suff'ring like no other saw.

Oh hide me in those wounds divine.
Forgive these many sins of mine.
Make me a herald of Your grace
At anytime or anyplace.

A life without the Bread of Life,
Where none can find their way.
Is one where wickedness is rife,
And rarely, people pray.

Their god a distant deity
Who cares not for his own.
They search with great intensity,
But find themselves alone.

But Jesus came to show the way,
The truth and life as well.
He gives to us the bread each day
Of which the Gospels tell.

In simple bread and wine we share
The gift of love divine.
The answer to our every prayer,
The Lamb of God so fine.

Unblemished sacrifice of love
So total, full, and true
Our way to endless life above
For those like me and you.

Partake each morn of daily bread,
The food, on which, the angels fed.
To every man He speaks His word, 
But oh so few, have ever heard.

Each man will walk Damascus road,
Yet many kick against the goad.
A chance to see, awaits us there,
If to obey, we trust and dare.

Saint Joseph in your special way
You taught us trust, and to obey.
You acted on the angel's word
By love, obedience was spurred.

The Ark's protector, spouse, and guide.
The Chosen One, your sinless bride.
Defender of the family,
Please intercede for those like me.

The blind that truly want to see,
Those bound, that long to be set free.
The leader needing to be led,
The hungry waiting to be fed.

Conversion be our daily goal
The way to make the sinner whole.
Damascus road where we receive,
If in the Bread of Life believe.

No other place for life, to go.
You word is hard, but true, we know.
Though little now is understood,
We know it's true, and know it's good.

So feeble in our understanding
Ways of God that seem demanding.
Ways that lead to life and light
Ways against the flesh that fight.

Giving rather than receiving,
Pressing on when not perceiving.
Trusting in Your spoken word
When others think Your way absurd.

Lord we've come to thus believe.
We've seen how You can interweave
The bad with good to make us grow.
No other One, for life, to go!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

4/19/20 Through 4/25/20

4/19/20 Through 4/25/20

"My Lord and my God", the doubting one cried
Probing His hands and the wound in His side.
Be now believing, the grave has no hold.
He's risen from dead, as prophets foretold.

Encounter the Lord in His glory arose
There's no greater gift, each faithful one knows.
His mercy and blessing, the gift of His love
Our food for the journey to heaven above.

Refreshed, renewed, by Spirit led
By Eucharist and word be fed.
Proclaim the word, be not afraid.
Of you, a son, the Lord has made.

Be born of Spirit from above,
Be filled with grace and learn to love.
Ask boldness for the servant weak,
And power for His word to speak.

His instrument you've come to be,
So listen well and you will see.
He'll use you each and every day,
And bless your steps along the way.

Be not dwelling on the past
Or all the sins that you amassed.
He's resurrected you from those,
And calls you now, a son He chose.

Is it worth what I possess,
Or only worth some portion less?
This question each must bear in mind
If we, true peace, expect to find.

As Nicodemus understood
When there in torment on the wood
True Love forgave our every sin,
Twas there his new life did begin.

Now we can hoard things as our own
Who can afford things on our own,
But love demands we share the way
Our Savior did His dying day.

That day for Nicodemus sealed
No more to darkness, would he yield.
Twas worth the all he risked as loss
To take our Lord down from the cross.

It's worth the risk , no matter where,
To openly His blessings share,
And set the captive sinner free
To readily His glory see.

So steeped in earthly ways of flesh
When ways of light are new and fresh.
For light brings life to all that grows
As even one in darkness knows.

Yet still preferring dark to light
Instead of learn, they'd rather fight,
And try to lock the Word away
So they can lead the flock astray.

But light can shatter prison doors,
And fear of earthly pain ignores.
For light has seen the glory well,
So those in darkness He must tell.

His faithful word we must proclaim
There's power in that sacred name.
You tried to silence with the grave,
But then He rose to sinners save.

The cross you thought His bitter end,
But now the chosen comprehend
His death our sacrifice for sin
That welcomes all believers in.

So you be judge, and don't be flawed
Must we obey a man, or God?
The word we speak could set you free,
If you just open eyes to see.

Be my manna for this day.
Speak to me, dear Lord I pray.
My every need you well supply
A gift newfallen from the sky.

Courage grant when time to speak,
Baffle wise with small and weak.
Use me Lord to show the way,
And guide me on Your path today.

His holy pen proclaimed the word
Till every ear on earth had heard,
And every eye of man had read
That Christ had risen from the dead.

The zeal to share this news so good,
By some is not well understood.
They look but fail to see the light.
They hear, but listen not aright.

How privileged each of us has been
To welcome Christ to dwell within.
Receiving in that tiny host
Our Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

So still the work remains today
To show the lost the sacred way,
And share with all the sacred word
Till every ear on earth has heard.