Saturday, October 26, 2019

11/10/19 Through 11/16/19

11/10/19 Through 11/16/19

Encouragement from daily prayer
Will come to those in trial where
The wicked reign, with wrong as right,
And think, by force, they win the fight.

How short the sight of evil men,
Who cannot see around the bend.
They see no more than that in hand,
And miss the glory God has planned.

But seven times forgiving Lord
Seems more than I can well afford.
Until I see the myriad
Of sins forgiven, that I've had.

Chastised a little, greatly blessed
Though many sins have been confessed
As gold is proven in the fire,
So humble find their true desire.

To know the Master, Judge, and King,
And make to Him, an offering
Of all we have is only just,
What's rightly due to One we trust.

No more than what the servant owes
To One who loves, and freely chose
To come as God, with man to dwell,
And of our loving Father tell.

Your words, oh Lord, I long to hear.
To know that peace and love is near.
To gain the wisdom that I need
to naked clothe, and hungry feed.

My thanks I offer You this day
For every gift that comes my way.
For all that ails and humbles me
Is that which opens eyes to see.

Your gifts will come in varied ways
That startle, and in grace, amaze.
But each will call us closer to
A sharing in the cross with You.

A gift beyond the mortal mind
To join in suffering and find
A joy that we would never know
Without the pain to stretch and grow.

Refulgence of eternal light
Dispelling darkness of the night
Grace on grace to man out poured
Spotless mirror of the Lord.

Wisdom gentle, and unique
Subtle, pure, and strength of meek.
Firm, secure, and tranquil she,
Who reaches all things mightily.

From end to end she governs well,
To restlessness, and ferment quell.
For none God loves apart from she
The brightest star of purity.

How is it learned cannot see,
Or in their study find the key?
They peer in wonder at the world
Yet never call its Maker Lord.

They never look beyond the thing,
To see its Maker as the King.
Inflated by a haughty mind,
The Maker they can never find.

That day will be a great surprise
When finally opened, be their eyes.
But when the angels, sickles wield,
The wicked's fate will then be sealed.

Praying always clears the mind
To help the wayward sinner find
The peace they've sought so many ways
But has eluded all their days.

Somehow, in prayer, they find a way
To make it through each trying day
To gather strength, and pain endure,
In hope and love, to thus mature.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

11/3/19 Through 11/9/19

11/3/19 Through 11/9/19

Your mercy, Lord, my great desire
To walk amid Your cleansing fire
To be a soul as white as snow
And joy of righteous ones to know.

You call me closer every day
To turn from sin and learn to pray
To be the man I'm meant to be,
To climb the tree and clearly see.

No expectation of return
But only true and just concern
For fellow man in need of care
That you can find most anywhere.

Those inconvenient, nagging few
Who on the corners look at you
And hold their signs expressing need
Whom you pass by increasing speed.

Those of whom the Gospel speaks
Are those for whom the Shepherd seeks
And those for whom He bids us love
To find reward in heav'n above.

Lord, clear my mind and let me see
You call for me to dine with Thee
To share this food of angel's bread
To come to Thee and well be fed.

Excuses come in many forms,
But none that calm the wind and storms.
The only way to truly see
Is if we come and sup with Thee.

The answer to Your every word,
The act within that's ever stirred,
Is learn to love and give away
The many things that cause to stray.

Be not attached to creatures here,
But love and trust and never fear.
For He who made your very soul
Knows how to heal and make you whole.

His mercy without ever end
To saint or sinner He will send.
If we but ask we will receive
And in the heart, new life conceive.

The Shepherd cares for every sheep
And wants to all, in safety keep.
But in our foolishness we'll stray,
And beg for mercy on that day.

That day when every knee must bow
And every single voice avow,
That Christ has won the victory,
And truth has set the captive free.

To me the unbeliever bring
And let me of my Savior sing
That deep within the soul would spark
The light of faith to chase the dark.

So when I'm called to give accounts
Of what I've had in great amounts
I'd show a profit for the King
And not the shame of idling.

With whip of cords He drove them out
Amid the crowd and protest shout.
Don't make this house a den of thieves,
But one of faith where man believes.

And let the waters flow from here
Refreshing trees throughout the year
The fruit of which will feed the poor,
And leaves, the sickly one will cure

Saturday, October 12, 2019

10/27/19 Through 11/2/19

10/27/19 Through 11/2/19

The lowly cry will pierce the clouds
But not the shout of boastful crowds
For well He hears the humble say
Have mercy, Lord, on me this day.

A place within the structure there
This stone of mine was made to bear.
Supported well  on every side
Supporting those on either side.

If I'm to take my proper place,
I must respond well to His grace.
Listening at every turn,
Obeying well to grow and learn.

Mine may not be ever known,
But in the end we'll all be shown
How crucial every living stone
To make the word of God well known.

The hope I have is not in vain
For just beyond this earthly pain
Awaits what mind has not conceived
Nor wealthy mortal yet received.

The mustard seed that here we know
If nurtured well, in faith will grow.
And when the eye does finally see
Becomes a large and spreading tree.

Accept His will in every way,
Be it your guide throughout the day.
When turning left or turning right
Through brightest day or darkest night.

Attempt to find the narrow gate
Be not left standing in debate
Of how you earned a rightful place,
Instead of one who trusted grace.

The frightful words, "I know you not!"
Most scary in this Book, I've thought.
Lord let me not be one of those.
Instead, be one in grace You chose.

A love with such intensity
So plain if we just choose to see.
But self-absorbed and steeped in sin
No room for love of Christ within.

He thirsts for every living soul
That they be listed on the scroll.
And longs to gather all within
To safety as His blessed kin.

To be like Him, what does it mean,
Except to live as rarely seen,
To face each day with end in mind,
In hope that peace and joy we find?

Not seeking money, pow'r or fame,
Not recognition, or acclaim,
But humble servanthood of He
Who on the cross once died for me.

This day we honor those who stayed
Close by the cross and often prayed.
Who made their lives a sacrifice,
And always offered good advice.

They made the way for others plain
And rarely ever would complain
But shouldered every burden well
And thus of joy and peace would tell.

Oh holy fire that purifies
The man of faith, in love, who dies.
How great this gift the Father gives
To cleanse the soul that dies, yet lives.

This place where fire releases sin
Refining those who enter in
What joy we'll know amidst the pain
When in our sight is heaven's gain.

I long to shed what sin has grown
And all the selfishness I've known
To see with stunning clarity
The face of God, my Deity!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

10/20/19 Through 10/26/19

10/20/19 Through 10/26/19

Last night I failed a test you see
Not ready for, a saint, to be.
I stood embarrassed, shocked, and shamed.
The truth of love, left unexplained.

A precious soul in front of me
Was purchasing the dread"Plan B".
I froze while searching what to say,
And let her go along her way.

My chance to save a life was gone
My silence haunting ever on.
If I had just begun to speak
Would not the Spirit strengthen weak?

Again I know not what to say
But ask forgiveness, Lord I pray,
And beg another chance to show
The love of God I've come to know.

The more it takes to comfort me,
The less I know what comfort be.
The more I fill my life with things,
The less I see what trusting brings.

A peace beyond the worldly realm,
A love to touch and overwhelm.
A patience in each trial faced,
A needy little child embraced.

How blest those ready on return,
Obedience and trust they learn.
Their every act conforming still 
Unto the Master's holy will.

They trust the grace that He provides
Their every act, in Him abides.
They patiently await the dawn,
And closer yet, each day, are drawn.

Each simple act throughout the day
Will shed a brightness on the way,
Or let the dark grow deeper still,
By turning from His perfect will.

Through one act the darkness came,
But through one act He took our shame.
For grace in greater measure's found
Where sin and selfishness abound.

A slave of righteousness I'll be
If you, oh Lord, will set me free,
From all the trappings here below
Of selfishness I've come to know.

The body that expresses love
Is one that's born from light above.
A slave to all that's good and pure,
Who walks the path that's straight and sure.

Destruction comes the other way
To those who wander, turn, or stray.
The Lord has come dividing those
From ones who freely, love, have chose.

The wretchedness within I know,
If left unchallenged there will grow.
Then flesh will dominate the will
And grow more wretched ever still.

The walls of Wisdom calm the mind
Within, true peace, and love we find.
But we must ever choose the good,
If we're to have the peace we should.

Thanks be to God, for Jesus Christ.
The Lamb of God who sacrificed
His precious blood to sinners mend
And from our evil ways defend.

How sad the tree that bears no fruit
Absorbed in only self-pursuit.
So beautiful, but leaves don't feed
The ever-present human need.

For only fruit can satisfy,
And with the Master's will comply.
So if we really hope to live,
We must be trees that learn to give.