8/11/19 Through 8/17/19
Waiting in confident hope
For the grace and the patience to cope.
I wait for a word, just a syllable heard
As the blind, in their darkness will grope.
Sometimes just a tiny tidbit
Is all of the message I git.
But a morsel today, and I'm sent on my way
With instructions to just follow it.
By whom should the tribute be paid?
The family or masses arrayed?
When Father and Son are essentially one,
The tax, by the bond, is outweighed.
So we don't, their senses offend
To the lake, with a hook, you I send.
Toss it in where you wish, and take out the first fish.
Find a coin there for Me and My friend.
The one returned from desert waste
Great mercy from our Lord will taste.
At one time He has rescued all,
And saved us from a dreadful fall.
But still it is a choice we make
Be humble, and His mercy take,
Or prideful letting mercy ride,
And our own way to tread decide.
With eyes undimmed, no vigor lost,
He saw the land, but never crossed.
He died without the land enjoyed
But was this, for him, grace employed?
He went to his eternal home
With their apostasies unknown.
His part fulfilled within the plan
The people led to Promised Land.
We too a part within His plan,
A job for us no other can.
But we must listen and obey,
If we are well, our part to play.
Oh how feeble every word
Describing what the Virgin heard.
Every day herself she gave,
Her purity and man to save.
Unknowing of the plan of God
The way of trust and love, she trod
In those most tender youthful years
Her steadfast purity appears.
And when at last, the angel comes
A Virgin Mother, she becomes
A soul to magnify the Lord.
A heart for piercing by the sword.
What love has known such unity
Contained in Blessed Trinity?
The bond of man and wife must show
Reflections of this holy glow.
A giving all, with none held back.
A place of love where none shall lack.
A joining of the flesh as one,
Where victory over sin is won.
The marriage bond, by God designed
Where two, as one, are intertwined
And giving all, brings forth new life,
From total gift of man and wife.
Let not the whisper change your mind.
Hold fast to where true love we find.
Turn not aside to right or left,
Be those of wickedness bereft.
Courageous, strong, and steadfast be
To all He brings to light to see.
In truth, He knows what's best for man.
If we would follow well His plan.