Sunday, March 26, 2017

4/2/17 Through 4/8/17

4/2/17 Through 4/8/17

This water satisfies our thirst
But only for awhile
It's only when we place Him first
We learn to live in style

How hasty we can judge and then
The one like us we just condemn
We see so clear the other's fault
And yet our own we fail to halt

Refusing then to turn our eye
Toward God and let Him purify
We set our sights on earthly gain
Just strengthening the sinful chain

But love can break that sinful chain
By sharing in our Savior's pain
Forgiving those who cause us harm
And thus the evil one disarm

Lift high love's banner, high the cross
What many thought a shameful loss
His death the great catastrophe
Has now become our victory

What three within the furnace found
Was cool and pleasant air around
For God remembered righteous deeds
And made of them His faithful seeds

That they would show the wicked king
What faith and trust in God would bring
And free him from his pagan fraud
To worship now the one true God

Great news to share, but few will hear
Redemption's time is drawing near
Now we must recognize the Lord
And hearken to His every word

His words are difficult, I know
But by His word our hearts will grow
If we obey we'll understand
And then we'll find the Promised Land.

Discredit them in any way
We'll bend and twist the words they say
The prophets and the Son of Man
Disrupted propaganda's plan.

For when, in love, the truth is told
It has more weight than loud and bold
Do not grow weary in the fight
Let love become your greatest might

For enemies were not condemned
But loved by Christ to bitter end
When on the cross, His prayer to you:
"Forgive them for the things they do."

Is it not better that one man
According to their wicked plan
Die in place of all the nation
Suffering humiliation?

Prophetic words unknown back then
Were leading to the great amen
When Christ would say "Thy will be done"
And let them crucify God's Son.

Monday, March 20, 2017

3/26/17 through 4/1/17

3/26/17 through 4/1/17

So oft we judge by what we see 
And not what truly is
How different life on earth would be
If vision was like His

To see without the shadows dark
Or tint of selfish sin
But let the light of Christ then spark
A change from deep within.

A new creation make of me
And give me eyes of faith that see
Your wonders in the world around
And life with You forever found.

Your waters cleanse and then refresh
The crippled bones and sinful flesh
The contrite sinner surely knows
It brings new life where e'er it flows

Oh Lord I plead to hear Your voice
And follow it in every choice
That when I'm dead I still can hear
Your voice to say, "now come up here"

A carol is a happy song
To which the sounds of joy belong
But now her season here has passed
No flesh on earth will ever last

Her journey through this life is o'er
Her warm embrace we feel no more
But now this Carol surely sings
Of boundless joy the Savior brings

Lord from the scriptures may I learn
To ponder things and then discern
The word You have for me each day
And walk within Your chosen way

Lord let Your ways be sweet to me
And through Your eyes, let my eyes see
Let me not Your patience test
But let me always give my best

Too many times I've tried to kill
The One who stands against my will
And shut Him up that I might be
Just like the scribe and pharisee

No man has ever spoke like Him
With such authority
His words can cut one deep within
That deep within we see

His words are truth and love so pure
You know beyond a doubt
He cares for you and me I'm sure
And wants this love to sprout

Sunday, March 12, 2017

3/19/17 Through 3/25/17

3/19/17 Through 3/25/17

The waters from that famous well
His living waters far excel
No word or deed unknown to Him
For in His light, all else is dim

His water truly satisfies
And in His presence hearts arise
When in His love our hearts emersed
Then gone forever is our thirst.

St.  Joseph learned to suffer long
Yet remained so quiet and strong
Obeying quickly every word
That from the angel's voice he heard

His love so pure he sacrificed
His right as husband toward his wife
Accepting his heroic role
To reach the Father's holy goal

Forgiveness is love's boundless gift
He grants to all both full and swift
Debt washed away in mercy's flood
And so, our sins, in precious blood

Now we must too, in love, forgive
That we might find the way to live
Eternally with Love divine
And with His will, our will align

Lord grant your people great resolve
Their sins and failures, now absolve
That conformed unto Your word
The path You show would be preferred

No other path can show the way
But only lead Your sheep astray
Oh Lord, Your law, we must observe
And others learn to humbly serve

Your ways all wise, intelligent
So teach us always to repent
And learn from You the way of love
That we may live with You above

Listen to My voice, then I will be your God
Walk in all my ways, and riches, then applaud
Turn your back to evil, and face your God above
See the marks that evil made, upon the God of love

Love beyond all telling
Waves of darkness swelling
Counting gain as loss
Shouldering the cross

Rooted as the cedar
Love becomes our leader
Blossom on the vine
Who's blood becomes our wine

The wise can understand
The gift of promised land
Then turn from sin and wrath
To find the narrow path

Overshadowed filled with grace
Her womb became His dwelling place
Without the touch of mortal man
Our God worked out His holy plan

The child of the Virgin born
That cold and blessed Christmas morn
Would show all men the life above
By showing them a life of love

3/12/17 Through 3/18/17

3/12/17 Through 3/18/17

A tiny bit of glory seen
From this small flash of light we glean
A taste of what it's like to know
His presence everywhere we go

A light and beauty everywhere
In joy and love beyond compare
Compel within a deep desire
To find it through the cleansing fire

Measure with a measure full
Packed down to overflow
Let your gift be bountiful
His favor you will know

Judge not, and you will not be judged
Let condemnation cease
No favor then, to you, begrudged
And then you find true peace

The Lord receives a humble prayer
That comes to Him from anywhere
Be tempted not to think a call
Would be ignored from one so small

For those He loves are little ones
The prayer of proud are those he shuns
Be not the one who does for show
But one your sinfulness to know

His healing hands affixed to wood
The only way our Savior could
Convince us love can conquer sin
And make a change down deep within

His closest friends and confidants
Were not immune to earthly wants
His call to serve not understood
Til hands were seen affixed to wood

Blessed more than those who trust in flesh
Or wealth to bring their ease
The poor, His love will then refresh
And hungry spirit please

Lord help me see objectively
When words from You admonish me
And find a way, through You perchance
To bloom in every circumstance
Then bring throughout my life to You
A fruit that is Your rightful due

My God!  My God, You love us so
Forgive our sins and help us grow
Your mercy runs from age to age
Our sinfulness your love assuage

Though heinous crime or sinful deed
You run and greet repentant's plead
They find Your mercy swift and sweet
Their restoration now complete.

Give us a heart so rich and kind
That You, in us, the others find
A heart to reach where people live
A heart that's ready to forgive

Saturday, March 4, 2017

3/5/17 Through 3/11/17

3/5/17 Through 3/11/17

In the desert we can see
How truly wretched we would be
Without the One who gave us all
And answer to His loving call

The desert is a lonely place
But also it can fill with grace
If we, in our temptation's hour,
Rely upon His strength and power

Be holy, as our Holy Lord
Abundant love by Him out-poured
Now feed and clothe the one in need
And know you feed the Lord, indeed.

Oh, that like the Word could be
Accomplishing a work for Thee
And not a one returning void
But one returning overjoyed

Partaking of the daily bread
For each day's journey, well am fed
Helping forth Your kingdom come
That in me, Your will be done.

Far more than just a Jonah here
God's only Son to cast out fear
The Ninevites were ill-behaved
But they repented and were saved

What of this generation now
That sees such signs and then somehow
Refuses boldly to repent?
The flames of Hell shall not relent!

Embarrassed by how much You give
And still the selfish way I live
Your hand has saved so many times
My voice again, to You, now climbs.

Be reconciled and repent
Make peace before you come
Or far away you will be sent
And prisoner you become.

Such simple things destroy the bond
That love was meant to be
A careless word that goes beyond
What humor now can see

So easily we turn our thoughts
Against the careless one
Resentment adding to the knots
So hard to be undone.

Forgiving now the only way
To stop the cycle short
To choose to love at each new day
And Satan's plan to thwart.