Saturday, December 21, 2024

1/5/25 Through 1/11/25

 1/5/25 Through 1/11/25

Why is it some can clearly see
And so, some others blinded be?
What calls the one from far away,
Or leads the other one astray?

A will that's free was given all
But some will hear and some will fall.
Why is the evil one so loud
To turn the weak and fool the proud?

But far away if we are still
We see the beauty of free will
For love is only love when free
And only eyes of love can see.

The Magi watched the stars at night
But Herod looked to pick a fight
The Magi gold and myrrh would bring
But Herod to his wealth would cling.

The quiet ones could hear the call
But loud and boisterous ones would fall.
For in the noise, the evil nears
But stillness is where love appears.

Repent for the Kingdom is here
Our God in the flesh has come near
The darkness of death overshadowed by light
The Son has arisen to banish the night.

Rejoice oh lands so far away
At last has come the promised day
His Kingdom has come and the sick all around
All rejoice because now our King has been found.

God is love, so easy said
He takes the form of simple bread
But when we see what love demands
We often have a change of plans

He came to Earth in human form
To ways of sin and death reform
He gave us all He had to give
To show the masses how to live.

But we, like those who've gone before,
We see that Love is at the door
And often just ignore the knock
Refusing to the door unlock.

The choice is present every day
To welcome in, or turn away.
In little ways we choose our path
To peace and love, or rage and wrath.

The perfect love which drives out fear
Seems far away and rarely near
I think of judgment yet to come
And how, to sin, I still succumb.
How undeserving I must be
And why such Love would care for me.

My understanding clearly shows
A fear of all the Earthly woes
But Earthly woes cannot compare
To joy and beauty seen up where
His love alone shall reign supreme
And sinful souls are all made clean.

To trust in love would drive out fear
Make Earthly wealth, as dross appear
The shadows sin would try to cast
Within Love's light would never last.
For sure a judgment there awaits
But Perfect Love our sin abates.

We all must see in every man
The work of art the Father can
If we expect to see our Lord
His way of love must be explored.

Not lips alone can make it so
But words of love that all may know
The world is subject to our will
And faith provides our daily fill.

No way to love except in Him
And shed His light where dark and dim
Not burdensome His loving way
But joy for all who would obey.

"If You wish, You can make me clean"
My wrong that all before has been
I want no more the ways of sin
I want to welcome Jesus in.

The filth and rot which wrack my bones
A hoard of choices bad bemoans.
Another chance, a soul made clean
By One behind the simple screen.

A gift so great that all should know
But few, at best, will choose to go.
So many think they're pure and clean
With all their filth and rot unseen.

The Savior shines a piercing light
On all the deeds of darkest night
There's none can stand when Truth reveals
What pride and selfishness conceals.

So, why not be that leperous soul
Who pleads to be a one made whole,
Who wants to shed his life of sin
And so, a life of love begin?

We come in repentance to worship the Lord
The graces of Christmas by humble explored.
For all of us sinners must turn to His way
Allowing The Potter to fashion the clay.

We must be on guard against idols of stone
And trust that it's true, there is One God alone.
Then know that our brothers once lost in their sin
With repentance can turn and a new life begin.

We pray that Baptism, the gift of our King
Would wash away sin and humility bring
For Christ must increase if we hope to survive
When self is abandoned, it's then we're alive.

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