8/6/23 Through 8/12/23
Majesty upon the mountain
Glory shown as none before
There we see all grace's Fountain
One to worship and adore
There between the calls to suffer
Christ in all His glory shown
Weakly hearts to fill and buffer
From the trials yet unknown
Give us Lord, a view to glory
There amidst the evil throes
Make of us a useful story
That our progeny well-knows.
Feed me Father, here today
As once again I come to pray
Your manna falls for me each morn
A blessing like the newly born.
A feast to satisfy desire
A spark to start a blazing fire
A morsel tender, soft, and sweet
A sword to soundly sin defeat
Teach me how to spread this food
Teach me how to act when cued
Teach me how to ponder well
And how to of this manna tell
It's come to me as undeserved
So help me tell the underserved
Show me how to feed them well
And of Your many glories tell.
Food abundant You've provided
From the One Loaf here divided
To the altar every morn
The hungry come to be reborn.
The blind that lead the blind shall fall
Not those who answer well the call
For what corrupts is deep within
And blinds them to their selfish sin
So when the truth is thus concealed
With many sins left unrevealed
Forgiveness can't be offered those
Who sin and death have freely chose
The gravity of sin is known
For on the Cross was clearly shown
The suffering of sin made real
And what it took, the wounds to heal
No thing as just a "little sin"
For every one estranges Him
Each leads us farther from the Light
And further in to darkest night.
Until, at last, the light succumbs
And sin, our way of life becomes
Then all that's left is grim despair
And all we see is evil there
But hope remains before our death
Before we take our final breath
To turn and ask that He forgive
So we, eternally might live
For God is gracious, kind, and good
He conquered sin upon the wood
But ne'er will He oppose our choice
So lift a humble contrite voice.
The ever-old is ever-new
And followed by so very few
To die to self, the very old
But few will ever be so bold
A little gift has often been
For stingy givers, we have been
But gift of all is rarely seen
And meager harvest mostly seen
What god is there before our God
For all but Him are but a fraud
Not one has loved his people so
To such great lengths as God to show
The plagues of Egypt, parted sea
The desert manna there for thee
With cloud by day and fire by night
His chosen people there unite
His Son not spared for love of man
The Cross and Grave the Father's plan
But resurrection, too prepared
To show how much, for man, He cared.
So why delay? Repent and see
He waits with open arms for thee
He wishes not that one astray
He's clearly shown us well the way
How little faith we see today
The trust we need seems far away
But help is always close at hand
For those who follow His command
Command to take the mustard seed
And let it grow for times of need
To move the mountains in our way
And usher in a brighter day
For One alone is God for all
His voice a clear and clarion call
His word the lamp to light our way
And keep before us through the day