Sunday, January 8, 2023

1/22/23 Through 1/28/23

 1/22/23 Through 1/28/23

The people in darkness have seen a great light
How accustomed they'd grown to the shadows of night
But light has dispelled all the darkness around
The Way, The Truth, and The Life have been found.

A work so vast no mind can know
The way the toes or fingers grow,
Or how the eye, by light can see
Or why the mind in darkness be.

Who gives us rights but God alone
The One whom all our parts has sewn
As one in ways that all can see
But one of still great mystery?

What foolish pride in sinful man
To think that he, the creature can
Make rules for what is right and wrong
When he's the weak, and not the Strong.

Behold, I come to do Your will
Not seeking only after thrill
But seeking that Your kingdom come
With greater depths of love to plumb.

My sacrifice is naught to You 
What carries weight is what I do..
If I but listen and obey
You hear and answer when I pray.

Conversion of Saul was God's mighty deed
With light and with thunder, He planted the seed.
The light shone around him and blinded was he,
The Voice in the thunder was Jesus you see.

Not quite as dramatic, each personal call,
But just as specific He makes to us all.
Examine in honesty now if you dare
How light of the conscience has made you aware

That change is in order to follow His will
So, have you been docile, or one stubborn still?
Though not in a thunder, but clear as a bell
He speaks to us all with a story to tell.

All you have is a gift that was given by Me.
Proper use of your gifts is the happiness key.
If you listen and follow the way that I show,
My peace and My joy you surely will know.

Much hardship, for certain, you'll have to endure
But fire-refining is what makes you pure.
And purity only can enter My rest
I call you to be, My own and your best.

Be strong in your faith and share it around
By placing your lamp on a stand it is found.
When dark is expelled, in light it is seen
How wrong the ways of the world have been.

Titus and Timothy, Men of the Lord
Upon whom the grace of the Spirit out-poured
Were light to the nations and signs from above
Whose embers were stirred to a flame out of love.

The task now for you and for me is the same
To preach to the world of His glorious name.
Of Jesus, that men in their hate crucified,
Who rose in much glory after He died.

Each person's a lamp that's created to shine
Whether brightness is dimmer or greater than mine.
What counts is we set it aloft so they see,
The light is but Christ, and nothing is me.

In comfort, "Endurance," just rolls off the tongue.
Not so, for the ones the poor are among,
Who lose all they have and yet still they remain
Enduring discomfort, annoyance, and pain.

The true are the ones who rewarded will be,
Not those who gave up and retreated from Me.
For only the patient can bear with the cross
Counting all riches and comforts as loss.

So who do wind and sea obey,
But He who fashioned from the clay?
No other orders nature round
For we, our God, have truly found.

Who, in the midst of storm at sea
Could rest as One in perfect glee,
Content in slumber, lying down
When others fear that they may drown?

The Master of the earth and sky
Is One alone who stands so high.
With simple words, bestilling there
The mighty sea and tempest air.

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