10/9/22 Through 10/15/22
In every moment every day
You guide and gently show the way.
You give what's needed for the time
Just like a little word to rhyme.
You ask I simply trust and say
"I'll listen Lord, and do Your way"
Somehow, some way there's all I need,
If I just well receive the seed.
If much or little, this be known
There's naught I've earned that now I own
For all is gift from God alone,
For He's the One the seed has sown
And grateful I must always be
For all the blessings given me.
And eyes must open wide to see
That I am nothing, ALL is He.
The Ninevites could see their crime
As Jonah prophesied in time,
And Sheba's queen arose to see
A wisdom of such great degree.
Far greater still the words of love
From He who came from up above.
And if ignored, accursed will be
The foolish who refuse to see.
No ordinary man was He
They hung upon the rugged tree.
It's here we see our sin revealed,
And here is where the sinner's healed.
But if we fail to hear One sent
And of our sinfulness repent,
Accursed the obstinate will be
Then ever bound in chain they'll be.
What lies inside the outer shell
The free or slave within will tell
The fruit will grow from that within
And show itself as good or sin
Regardless of the fame observed
Each received what they deserved
A clean and humble heart within,
Or clean facade, but filth within.
I cannot say with confidence
I've given all, and all is whence
I find the crown of vict'ry won
And face to face I meet the Son.
His will I want to clearly see
Without such ambiguity
But that would not require me
To use discernment, or be free.
The Lord has made salvation known
Redeeming all with blood His own.
His grace in showers poured on man
So man could learn His holy plan.
His plan for love to rule the day,
Unselfish giving be the way.
Forgiveness ready offered where
Revenge and rancor find despair.
For happiness is in His law
As saints and martyrs clearly saw.
My goal to do as they have done
And find therein the vict'ry won.
The beauty of the sparrow,
A hummingbird or crow,
While looking very narrow,
At length begin to grow.
So too, with every beauty
We come across today
Each marvel of creation
Amazes in such way.
Smallest of the living things
No man could ere create.
All creation loudly rings,
"It's God who holds our fate."
So, give praise where praise is due
The Maker of us all
For all beauty that is you,
Is valued most of all.
Here before the Eyes that see
A blinded beggar waits for Thee
To show the way and steer the ship
To weakly servants, well-equip.
The body be not well today
With factions pulling each their way.
A unity is needed here
Without suspicion, doubt, or fear.
Alone, the Spirit needs to be
The guiding light to help us see
The daily way to do Your will
And so our call to serve, fulfill.