10/10/21 Through 10/16/21
Give wisdom for the ALL to give.
Let ALL be how we choose to live,
For ALL is what Your love demands,
And ALL is more than just commands.
Another thing, it's time to see
Is what He always asks of me.
Yet somehow in His holy will
He blesses evermore me still.
Perhaps that's why you promise all
To grant them wisdom when they call.
For wisdom grants the light to see
The call of love You place on me.
To see You gaze at me with love,
And call me forth to life above,
To see that what I grasp is straw,
And stand before my God in awe.
In wisdom is the Father's word
Repentance when His voice is heard.
The call to hear and then obey,
And follow in the Master's way.
He asks not what He would not do,
He suffered and He died for you.
Then rose to show death cannot bind
The peace and joy in love we find.
For wisdom pulls the veil away
And shows in clearest light of day
We must repent and learn to love
To find our home with God above.
Amazing will be when at last He has come,
All our foolishness shown, to every last one.
How we traded His glory for creatures He made,
And let pride be for us a darkening shade.
Concerned every day for the matters of show,
We miss the great things that He wants us to know.
Humility seems so distasteful you see,
But that be the lesson the Lord has for me.
Woe to me who think I'm holy
Just because I want to be.
Is it true, I love Him wholly,
Or is love for only me?
Look and see with eyes unjaded.
How can I be more like He,
When in pride I have paraded
Just for glory given me?
Cleanse me, Lord, by sins forgiven.
Reconcile this wayward soul.
Let me be one grace is given.
Make, at last, this sinner whole.
Righteous when in fact a sinner,
Leader where one should not go.
Danger to the young beginner
Following one just for show.
Lead me to a faith redeeming,
Void of selfish pride and greed.
Though forgotten, lowly, seeming,
One with precious sprouting seed.
Prophets for the newer ages
As before, despised and seen
One the evil soul outrages,
One intolerant and mean.
Be the victor for the weaker.
Give them courage, steel their nerve.
Call to You the humble seeker,
Give reward to all who serve.
Valued more than many sparrows,
Gifted with a love divine.
Rocky field He plows and harrows,
Till the soil's soft and fine.
Holy Spirit, come to me,
In time of desperate need.
Grant me eyes that mysteries see,
And will, to promptings heed.
Let faith my staunch companion be
In every time and place.
That others come to plainly see
Response by me to grace.