Sunday, July 25, 2021

8/8/21 Through 8/14/21

 8/8/21 Through 8/14/21

"Get up and eat," The Lord commands,
Lest journey be too long
To find the promised, fruited lands
Where each of us belongs.

The Bread of Life, His flesh He gives
To be our sacred meal
That satisfies the one who lives,
And blessed things reveals.

For your own good, He gives the law.
This simple fact the prophets saw.
Just think of all His hands have made,
And how our debt of love He paid.

The ocean depth or mountain height,
The brightest day, or darkest night,
Have all been made by just a word,
And none by chance has just occurred.

So too are you with purpose made.
For you, a ransom dear was paid.
That you might know His love for man
And learn to love the Master's plan.

So come to Him in humble ways
And seek His will throughout your days.
You'll not be disappointed there
If you entrust to Him your care.

A planted seed, a risk we take
That someday it would grow.
No longer food, a bet we make
That others come to know.

It's only in our sowing much
That harvest great will be.
In giving of ourself, as such,
A bounty we will see.

The stingy holds the planting back,
Each single seed to eat.
But harvest yields a wanting sack
Without much golden wheat.

By sowing much the yield is more,
And many souls are fed.
You'll always have enough in store,
And many loves of bread.

So giving with abounding cheer
Your love might overflow,
And all who of your kindness hear
Might come, the Lord, to know.

My help in every time of need,
My constant Sower and the Seed.
Your word through many prophets glared,
But none to Moses ere compared.

Who spoke to you as face to face,
And radiance became the grace
That proved Your presence there with him,
And brightened times appearing dim.

The Promised Land he saw and yet
Across to there would never get,
But where eternally he sleeps
An eye upon the land He keeps.

What wonders wrought by mighty hands!
What wisdom in His shrewd commands!
By trusting in His every word
The voice of God's more clearly heard.

Obedience will show the way,
Docility will then display
How true His every word shall be,
And steadfast hearts will truly see.

Forgiveness leads to lasting peace
Where prisoners can find release,
But lacking that, we waste away
When vengence only rules the day.

The marriage bond, unbroken be
That all might look, and plainly see
Reflecting in the lives of those
A love from God that freely flows.

The hardness of the heart can be
The source of broken home debris.
But that's not what the Father planned
When giving them His first command.

To multiply and fill the earth,
To join as one and bring to birth
Unselfish love and total gift
Instead of greedy ones adrift.

If in the Father's way we walk,
And let Him govern how we talk,
We'll find a tongue that's well-controlled,
And find our injuries consoled.

Forgiveness turns the ship around
To where a faithful love is found,
And in that mirror we can see
What married life is meant to be.

A cheerful giver I should be
Not grudging talents given me,
But sharing from a loving heart,
And doing well my little part.

Let anger no companion be
And greediness within me flee.
That patient love might rule the day,
With calm demeanor, come what may.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

8/1/21 Through 8/7/21

"Modified Pagan" the way that we live.
All is too much, but something we give.
Enough to seem noble, kindly, and good,
But not nearly as much as we know that we should.

Steeped in the trappings of comfort and ease,
But rarely are found to be on our knees.
Fooled by deception of earthly allure,
Clinging to that which is only manure.

The way of the pagan must not be our way,
We're called to a brighter, more beautiful day.
Where self is denied for the good of the soul,
And likeness to Christ is our eminent goal.

So shake off the old, and be clothed with the new,
And model His ways in all that you do.
Be filled with the Spirit of goodness and love.
The Cross is our way to our home up above.

Too much, the weight of sinful men
Who feed and yet are starved again.
They never satisfied will be
If in the manna fail to see.

His loving care, how He provides
The manna and the quail besides.
The water from the rock that flowed,
And blessings on each soul bestowed.

A gratitude is what we need
To daily on His manna feed,
And find a favored flavor there
That satisfies our every care.

Be grateful now and you will see
How manifold your blessings be,
And how He cares for faithful sheep,
Providing while they restful sleep.

In faith a merely juvenile,
A leper for a little while,
To learn to listen, and obey,
And follow well the Maker's way.

He speaks to humble, poor, and meek
Who come to Him and purely seek
His daily food for every day,
To do His will in every way.

How have I failed like Israel
To of His mighty wonders tell,
To slay the giants facing me
By placing firmly, trust in Thee?

Such great offense to know His care,
and cower 'fore the wicked there.
Yet still it happens to this day,
We act at times in this same way.

We choose to simply not engage,
And let the evil tyrants wage
A war on all that's true and good
Instead of fighting as we should.

The leader's way is never sure,
for ways of man are never pure.
The worldly way of self creeps in
And draws us toward a life of sin.

A barren place of sand and stone
Where many are as all alone.
Till last upon the door they knock,
And water flows from in the rock

The way of man can never see
The wisdom in divinity,
Except when mulling over past,
We see a mighty work at last.

So lead in docile, humble ways
And seek His will throughout the days.
He leads us to the cross, it's true.
But through the cross, makes life anew.

On Tabor's height His glory shone.
With prophets there did speak.
And then, at once, He's all alone
Upon the mountain peak.

They heard the voice, "This is My Son."
Yet didn't understand.
That suffering would come to One,
Accord the Father's plan.

Through death alone, the glory comes,
The victory over sin.
The total gift of self becomes
The way to finally win.

Oh, faith be drilled to deep within
To far below this outer skin.
Till all within has been made clean,
And only Christ in me be seen.

Allow the mustard seed to grow
And let Your love within me flow,
That mountains move when ere I say,
"Be gone," to demons of the day

Sunday, July 11, 2021

7/25/21 Through 7/31/21

 7/25/21 Through 7/31/21

Inadequate as I may be,
It seems the Lord has chosen me
In some way to fulfill His plan,
As so He has with every man.

There's not enough to go around,
But if a willing soul is found,
Your work will multiply the way
He did the bread and fish that day.

An hour here or minute there,
May not appear as much to share,
But if we seize the time and act
It will supply what others lacked.

So listen well and hear the call
He makes to you and makes to all.
Your time on earth is not your own,
Your duty is to make Him known.

So offer what you can today
To feed the hungry on the way.
You, a simple loaf of bread,
Can be the one that many fed.

By forfeiture, the battle's won,
And perseverance makes a son.
For either side the same is true,
Now give some thought to which are you?

Have you surrendered soul to sin,
To some delight or pleasure win,
A passing comfort, bliss, or thrill
That never seems your heart to fill?

If so, you are your father's son
That bows to a created one.
That only knows a lie to tell,
The King of Lies, condemned to hell.

But if you turn the other way
Surrendering your will each day
To love incarnate come as man,
The heart will fill as in His plan.

And so, adopted son you'll be
Akin to One upon the tree.
Whose full surrender won the war
With peace and joy forevermore.

For who knows best to fill our hearts, 
But One who made our many parts?
Complete surrender to His will,
The way for sure our hearts to fill.

A meeting face to face with You,
A walk amid the morning dew,
A freshness in each moment there,
A quiet peace in times so rare.

But rare they needn't be you see,
For I am always here for thee.
I call to you throughout the day
Inviting you to come My way.

That which draws your gaze from Me
Cannot give life or set you free.
Diablo's lying wedge divides,
My law to light unending guides.

The wheat and weeds together grow,
But end much differently you know.
The weeds as ashes on the field,
The other, bread of life to yield.

Aglow with love each face will be
Of those who spend their time with Me.
Receiving all I have to give,
And learning how My faithful live.

A narrow path I lead them on
A darkened path before the dawn,
But when the morning sun shall rise,
A treasure there before their eyes.

One worthy of all that they own,
Such beauty there before unknown.
Let all be sold to purchase Thee,
My light and life forever be.

Tired and weary, I fall at Your feet
Humbled again, I admit my defeat.
All is from You and naught is from me.
How plain it should be for readers to see.

Too much for those, He knew too well.
How could such humble root excel?
A prophet's honor, Him denied.
By lack of faith, His hands were tied.

Sins of comfort they embraced.
Too proud to have the truth be faced.
Among their local paths He trod,
The Son of Man, the Son of God.

Today as well, His presence missed,
And that before our eyes dismissed
As too well-known to be a sign,
There's One among us, One Divine.

Saint Ignatius, help of mine,
To His will my heart incline.
Discerning well, the Shepherd's voice,
And making Him my every choice.

A simple way, but oh so hard,
My base attachments to discard,
To live for what He brings today,
And savor well that sweet bouquet.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

7/18/21 through 7/24/21

 7/18/21 through 7/24/21

Here I sit to ponder well
The Gospel words of which I tell.
The shepherd sacrifices food
To feed His lost and hungry brood.

At length He teaches those who seek.
He heals the sick and strengthens weak.
He guides them to a place of rest
In solitude to be refreshed.

In leisure subtleties emerge,
Distractions, and the like we purge
To ruminate upon His word,
And let His love, in us be stirred.

It's there we find what we should do , 
When sitting quietly with You.
When giving You the chance to speak
It's true, the wise are also meek.

How many signs must people see?
Do those in chains want to be free?
Are we like those upon the shore, 
Preferring slavery as before?

Or do we see, and so believe
That God, Our Lord will soon relieve
All suffering and pain for thee,
And draw you through a parted sea?

Lord, give us strength to follow You
In what You say and what You do .
Give courage to the faint of heart
And let them see the waters part.

So many signs we cast aside
Now blinded by our useless pride,
But on that morn the Son shall rise,
And open all the blinded eyes.

Grant me grace to follow well
When all is bleak and dark clouds swell.
For You have shown oft times before,
You're faithful to the oath You swore.

Far more than safety, freedom sought
Your signs and wonders not forgot.
The truly wise will look and see
Your angels clear the way for me.

"Stretch out your hand.", was Moses told
The pow'r of God you shall behold.
The enemy shall be removed
And love of God be ever proved.

Yet still we doubt His loving care
Surrounding us, but unaware,
We fear the wicked, threatening mob
When trust alone is but our job.

He fights for those He calls His own
Who work to make His wonders known,
And stretching out His hands we see
His vict'ry won upon the tree.

Love overcomes the cross and grave
A love like His will heal and save
Obey, and bear the cross, we must
For vict'ry comes if we but trust.

A scattering of quail around
A bread behind the dew is found.
He grants His people all they need,
On bread from heaven, they will feed.

Some will see His loving care,
While others yearn for slavery's fare.
The former tasting all delights,
The latter, firm reproof, invites.

Look around and you will see
What kind of person you might be.
The two are seen still to this day
Just not quite in the same old way.

His blessings all around are seen
In every place and in between.
While some delight in all they see,
Some never satisfied will be.

(Can be sung to the tune of Creator of the Stars at Night)

A healing love in Magdalene
A tenderness before unseen
Who bathed His feet with tears of love,
Beneath the cross with Him above.

She stayed until the bitter end
A faithful and a loving friend. 
She saw the lance that pierced His side,
His final breath, and when He died.

She saw they laid Him in the tomb,
Unknowing three days hence would bloom
The crucified, our risen Lord.
One to be worshipped and adored.

Apostle to Apostles ran.
To Galilee His stated plan.
Now make disciples of all men, 
Repeat the story o'er again.

My job it is to till the ground,
to hide the seed before it's found
By thieving birds that steal away
The seed that falls on trodden clay.

Remove the stone that blocks the root
From finding depth in its pursuit
So withered not the grain may be
When scorching sun assaileth me.

Cut down the thorn that chokes the word
That clearly now His voice is heard.
So seed can grow and find the light
It needs to bear much fruit aright.

So grant it Lord that I might be
A soil well prepared for Thee.
Receiving all that You have sown,
Both ripe and fruited, fully grown.

At harvest time You find a yield
A hundredfold within this field,
And on the final day I hear,
"Well done, My servant", come in here.

In blood the covenant was made
To follow God, what Moses bade.
We shall!  We shall, the people cried.
A faithful love, they testified.

But in the field where seed was sown,
So too, the weeds of sin have grown.
They grow together for  awhile,
Attempting to, good seed beguile.

But in the end the weeds are burned,
And all receive what all have earned.
The empty stalk with chaff is tossed
Amid the fire, among the lost.

How sweet the law of love can be
The faithful saints would all agree.
The seeming loss that love requires,
A greater gain the love acquires.

So see the blood that Jesus shed,
New covenant by which we're fed,
And know that in the end love wins,
And love will conquer any sins. 
