Saturday, February 27, 2021

3/14/21 Through 3/20/21

 3/14/21 Through 3/20/21

The Sabbaths lost must be retrieved,
No longer children, be deceived,
But listen when the prophet speaks,
And see yourself in his critiques.

When Moses lifted serpent high,
The people looked, but didn't die.
So too, the darkest hour of death, 
When lifted high, our saving breath.

So shine upon the cross your light,
Dispel the shadows of the night.
Prefer the loving light of day
To find the Life, and Truth, and Way.

It's faith, we need to see the signs.
It's faith, that through the darkness shines.
A trust in love that never ends,
A trust that on His word depends.

The miracles won't change the mind
Of those who choose to be so blind,
That love they fail to recognize
When right before their very eyes.

From the Temple water flows.
The Lord of all, all motives knows.
No need to wait on waters stirred
If we, the Master's voice have heard.

It's time to rise and walk upright,
To watch the demons all take flight
Who wish to keep us trapped in sin,
Who wish to our destruction win.

For water from the temple flows
And brings new life where ere it goes.
It waters trees that yield their fruit,
whose leaves can heal the blind and mute.

The water flowing from the side
Is mercy in a precious tide,
To cure the sick and raise the dead,
And keep His many children fed.

But we must wade within the flow
To all His tender mercies know.
And find within, His love Divine,
The source of life, our treasured Vine.

The babe and mother both have grown
Through time within the womb.
Distinct, but there together sewn,
A two-fold beauty bloom.

Could one forget the other so
All memory is gone,
Despite that many years ago,
Was quenched, the waking dawn?

The breast now longs to comfort give,
But none to suckle here.
The babe denied the chance to live
By selfishness and fear.

Though mothers may sometimes forget,
The Father never does.
His perfect love will this offset,
And right the wrong that was.

Your word oh Lord, will guide my way
Not one forgotten, unfulfilled.
My light in darkness everyday,
The Rock upon my life I build.

The fruit of daily coming here
This tree may never know.
Like Promised Land afar off seen,
A glimpse, my Lord, please show.

Saint Joseph great protector,
So confident and pure,
On earth the great director,
To Christ, our Lord, mature.

The secret of Incarnate Word
Entrusted to your care.
Great honor on the earth deferred
For one so true and rare.

Obedience and trust your way
At every twist and turn.
His will you do without delay
And so, this honor earn.

The foster-father of our Lord,
A patron for all men.
A sacrificial love out-poured
Just like the Great Amen.

We call on you in time of need
In oh so many ways,
Then often you will far exceed,
And so, the soul amaze.

No one ever spoke as He
Such power and authority!
With love the ever driving force
To stir within, a great remorse.

No scribe or Pharisee could show
Such love for ones they didn't know.
He touched the heart with every word
For those who listened well and heard.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

3/7/21 Through 3/13/21

 3/7/21 Through 3/13/21


If you are to prosper,
My word must be your guide.
For it will in you foster
The things to make you wise.

A foolishness to many,
A weakness to the strong,
But wisdom sure and plenty
To prove the fools are wrong.

Your word a trusted favor,
Each one a ray of light.
A morsel we must savor,
Through morning, noon, and night.

More precious than the purest gold,
No honey as so sweet.
Though spoken in the days of old,
A timeless need they meet.

Forever true, forever just,
Refreshing to the soul.
Your perfect law, if all would trust,
Would heal and make us whole.


The leper, Naaman restored
By Israel's unfailing Lord.
The pagan blest in time of need,
By simply paying rightful heed

To what was spoken in His name,
Unto this Syrian of fame
The Jordan seven times would see
The hopeful trust he placed in Thee.

We too must hearken to the word
That in our time is often heard.
Then we would find a healing too,
If we just listen well to you.

In the furnace fate befalling,
Thereupon His mercy calling.
Faithful in the final hour,
Rescued by His mighty power.

All who look upon the sight,
Marvel at His awesome might.
Cooling those amid the flame,
That call upon His sacred name.

Mercy be the gift He offers,
Treasure from His endless coffers.
We must too, such mercy give,
And learn our debtors to forgive.

No other people ever knew
A law so just as given you.
No law with wisdom such as Mine,
No nation given such a sign.

But you, My chosen ones so dear
Must live in faith and trust, not fear.
To you, I gave my great decree,
That you would learn to live in me.

In full conformance to My will
You'll find a Garden waiting still,
For one who listens, and obeys,
For one who daily kneels and prays.

The Maker, He alone is wise,
To send His Son, in flesh disguised.  
To blaze a path of love for man
That even simple understand.

We listen not, and fail to hear
How in our midst, the Lord is near.
The signs are there in everyday
To lead us on the narrow way.

Yet we decide what tickles well
Our fancy and His word expel.
With hardened heart, we turn aback,
To all that's good, and faith attack.

How long until we see the light?
Will it forever be as night?
Or will the Son of Justice rise,
And put an end to wicked lies?

Be gone you demons of the day,
The King of kings is on His way,
And none can stand against His word,
Nor face Him when His anger's stirred.

For love has conquered evil now,
And stripped away the scales somehow,
To let us see the light of day,
And follow on that narrow way.

Idolatry we fail to see
This hidden trap for one like me.
When that which occupies the mind
Becomes a god of different kind.

A one which draws the mind away
To places where the soul will stray,
And let the creature take the place
Of mercy and His boundless grace.

The Pharisee and Publican,
A story well that's known.
A one that's melancholic, and
A one with pride his tone.

I play the part of each at times.
I hate to say, it's true.
I fall into the paradigms
Of praising me, not You.

But deep within, You know me Lord,
No sin could ere conceal
Your love for me has struck a chord,
I beg of Thee to heal.

Friday, February 12, 2021

2/28/21 Through3/6/21

 2/28/21 Through 3/6/21

Offered there upon the mountain
Lord of life and mercy's fountain.
If a One like this is for us,
Who on earth could be against us?

Mercy.  Mercy.  Mercy, Lord.
Your justice, I cannot afford.
So many times I've strayed from You
To do the wicked things I do.

But mercy gives me hope of gain
Instead of everlasting pain.
Mercy is our great reward,
If mercy was by us outpoured.

So let me see not just the sin,
But that which lies much deeper in.
A work of art that You have made,
A one for whom, the price You paid.

Let love be that which moves my soul,
And likeness to Your Son my goal.
So when my day of judgment nears,
Your mercy overwhelms my fears.

The evil one the sword consumes.
For those in darkness, fire looms.
But those willing to obey,
Will white as snow, be made someday.

The orphan and the widow's plea
Must never be ignored by thee.
Make right the wrong, and turn about.
Give praise to God, and be devout.

The upright and the faithful see
That when their praise is offered, He
Will saving hand extend to all.
Who hear and hearken to His call.

So high above, Your ways, oh Lord,
I cannot comprehend.
My love is limited and toward
A carnal, earthly end.

But You transcend the mind of man,
So temporal and so small,
And show us that a true man can
Be risen from the fall.

Regardless of the evil here,
If we obey Your will,
The Kingdom, we will find is near,
And with us ever still.

Trust in One who made the skies,
Not wealth or fame, or Satan's lies.
For that eternal land, we strive
Where love and truth, and peace will thrive.

Where roots stretch deep to running stream,
And through the drought, the leaves stay green.
Where poor and humble find their rest,
And faithful souls are richly blest.

The lava waste, no place to be.
That salt and empty earth, you see,
May promise pleasure, wealth, and fame,
But leads to everlasting flame.

Lord, cleanse my heart and probe my mind.
Shine Your light where I am blind.
Drive the selfishness from me,
That one with You, and saints I'd be.

He expects from you a harvest,
Rightfully His honest due.
Speak the word to those the farthest,
That they know what quickens you.

Be one faithful through the sorrow,
One who listens and obeys.
See His vict'ry on the morrow,
He will answer one who prays.

Though their plan is only evil,
God, in time, will have His way.
In the midst of great upheaval,
Listen well, and then obey.

Be patient for He's in control,
His word shall be achieved.
The faithful one He will console.
Redress for those aggrieved.

The fool knows not of what could be
If service were the route for he.
Enamored by the things of flesh
That never will the soul refresh.

Tis grace to overlook the wrong.
Compassion be our fruitful song.
For joy is found when sin repents,
But wickedness, the joy resents.

Forgiveness is that special key
That must become our specialty.
For as we do, for us shall be,
And mercy then, we too shall see.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

2/21/21 Through 2/27/21

 2/21/21 Through 2/27/21

There within the desert land
Once stood a Garden God had planned,
Where juicy fruits, abundant grew,
And gentle breeze at evening blew.

Till evil came in serpent form
Convincing man to not conform
To the will of his Creator,
Thinking he could be much greater.

But was lost that fateful day
The walk with God in cool of day.
The bountied Garden God had planned
Then became a desert land.

Till one more perfect than the first
Endured the desert's heat and thirst,
Was tempted there for forty days,
But gave not into evil ways.

The Garden once again did grow
When on the cross did Jesus show
The depth of love God has for man,
And how to conquer sin we can.

The key is love, not pride and greed.
Each act of kindness plants a seed
To there in desert lands renew
The Garden that the man once knew.

This chair I've seen and hold in awe,
For in this holy chair I saw,
The link in this unbroken chain
That will on earth, His church sustain.

A man, it's true, like other men,
But one the world looks to when
The faith is challenged to be firm,
And teach so all the faithful learn.

A one to lead in truth each day
To search for lost, and rescue stray.
A one to challenge status quo,
And lead us to our Lord to know.

Lord in this world of emptiness
Please send Your word to heal and bless.
Bring about your will today
In all I do and all I say

Grant me sorrow for my sin,
Repentance to new life begin,
Forgiveness for those hurting me,
That also they would be set free.

Help me pray, Your will in mind
For there it is that I will find
What satisfies and truly feeds
My soul and answers all my needs.

The Ninevites in sackcloth came
Repenting of their evil fame,
And God our great forgiving Lord,
Repentant grace on them outpoured.

We too must turn, and then obey
If we expect to find our way
To peace and true repentant joy
Then ne'er again our faults employ.

I've seen myself quite clear before
If I, His gentle call ignore.
Before too long I fall to sin
And then a downward slope begin.

But if I humbly lend an ear
Each day in quiet time I hear
A word to guide my steps that day
And place me on a better way.

So listen up and do as told
Then see what blessing will unfold.
No act of love without reward,
You'll find your peace of mind restored.

Ask and it will given be.
His promise made to you and me.
Though darkness looms at every turn,
He calls us to our faith return.

Make time to listen and obey
The only plan to know the way,
For humble must the servant be
To see His hand is helping thee.

Within the smallest simple ways
Throughout the ordinary days,
And also where we do not see,
In grander ways He answers thee.

So trust and lose not heart in He
Who made the land, and made the sea.
His wisdom far exceeds your own,
Your job is just to make Him known.

The rest, His hand with mercy guides.
His patient love for all provides.
Remember death is on its way,
And choose the straight and narrow way.

Repent! Repent! Repent, and see
How short His memory can be.
For if we turn away from sin
Our hope of life beyond will win.

Remembered not, our guilty ways,
But only that we've turned to praise.
And likewise if, to sin, we stray,
All righteous deeds are thrown away.

So steadfast be, and persevere.
We know not if the end is near,
But only that His mercy waits,
For this, our sacred scripture states.

For enemies, we love and pray
That they might also, find their way.
And turn from evil ways that harm
To find the Master's love and charm.

The greatest evil ever done
Resulted in salvation won,
Our Christ who loved to bitter end,
Showed the way for sin to mend.

The spiral stopped the day He died,
And when He rose, the eyes were dried.
For Love was shown the Victor clear,
And gone were days of useless fear.

Oh, would that I remember this
When at the edge of the abyss.
No evil force can conquer me
When purest Love has set me free.