4/12/20 Through 4/18/20
Easter Sunday
Risen now and glorified
Christ alive, the Crucified.
Death, your sting now gone for good
Praise the way you know you should.
Darkness gone, no more the night,
Christ alone becomes our light.
Flesh and blood is shown to be
What we will have eternally.
No Mass today this Easter morn.
The first since ever I was born.
The faithful told to stay away,
And in their homes to watch and pray.
Our leaders looking out for good,
Have they considered all they should?
If two or more are gathered here,
Then surely Christ is very near.
So don't be sad or get upset
To lose the Mass we all regret.
But Christ not bound by cross or grave
Is always there to heal and save.
The story's simple, plain, and true,
But those who follow still are few.
The lures and trappings of the day
Have caught their eyes and hold their sway.
Somehow they must encounter Him,
And learn against the tide to swim.
For broad the road of pleasure's day,
But joy is found the narrow way.
Our sins forgiven one and all,
But we must answer well His call.
And learn to love as well He showed,
With precious blood from wounds that flowed.
Encountering the risen Lord
Will bring each soul a great reward.
But first His voice must recognize,
And then look up with opened eyes.
He wants His brothers all to see
They too can learn to love like He,
And bring the kingdom here below
That all on earth their God would know.
So do your part and tell your friends
The love of God, all love transcends.
Then maybe too they'll recognize
The face of Christ within your eyes.
Emmaus road of burning hearts
To man the gift of bread imparts
Our God and maker of all things,
The joy that our salvation brings.
Oh blessed path along the way
That heard explained what prophets say.
That carried pierced, yet gloried feet,
Announcing evil's sound defeat.
Be ever in my heart to stay
The wonder of that blessed day
When ere I heard His words anew
And knew my Savior through and through.
This road it's true, we all must find
where truth can penetrate the mind
To kindle fire within the heart
Then love and mercy to impart.
It is here that the Word became flesh.
To this soul, has love come afresh.
Risen and seen in the daily routine,
His love woven into the mesh.
Does witness proclaim who you are?
Is Christ recognized from afar?
Does holiness show everywhere that you go,
Do you shine in the world like a star?
Our Savior is no longer dead.
He has risen, just as He said.
Death is now done, and the battle is won,
For Christ is our King and our head.
So tarry no more on the fence.
For Christ is your King and defence.
Proclaim it on high, You will no longer die,
He's forgiven your every offense.
A fire on the signal stone,
A Man upon the shore alone.
A fruitless night of labor past,
A meal prepared to break the fast.
Cast one more time upon the right
Though you've caught nothing through the night.
Then filled the nets, though tearing not,
One hundred fifty-three were caught.
One for each nation known to man
To share with all, the Father's plan.
To fish no more with nets of cord,
But fish for men, as per the Lord.
How slow to see the Word is true
We can't deny the works they do.
A miracle has taken place,
Yet we refuse to see His face.
A face once beaten, bruised, defiled,
Now calling all, "Be reconciled."
These stupid sheep once scattered wide,
Are now with mighty pow'r supplied.
We too could be if we obey,
And spread the word in all we say.
Announcing how the cross has saved
And freeing those to sin enslaved.