Saturday, June 29, 2019

7/14/19 Through 7/20/19

7/14/19 Through 7/20/19

In simple bread and wine I see
The God whose love created me.
Not far away or out of reach,
But One who stands amid the breech.

The One who in our human flesh
Became a man, to man refresh.
To show our God's not far away,
But right beside amid the fray.

His striking ordinariness
Devoid of any comeliness
Makes many think it can't be true,
That God would be like me and you.

Yet true it is. He came to earth
By purest ever virgin birth,
And fast among the others grew,
As One that love and kindness knew.

Then all throughout His humble days
He spread the word in many ways,
And showed God's will within our spread
As long ago the prophet said.

And finally on the cross He proved 
The love of Him who's never moved.
And rising from the dead we see
What God has planned for you and me.

Pick up your cross and follow Me.
The road to life is on the tree
The gift of all we have to give
Is what it takes to truly live.

Moses, from the water drawn,
Thus begins the Hebrew dawn.
Here a washing clean prefigured.
Making new of that disfigured.

In a way that none suspected,
Slavery and sin corrected.
Making new of one to lead them
After God, in power, freed them.

Experience the bush aflame,
And go from there, to God acclaim.
To meet the pharaoh's of the land,
And give to them the Lord's command.

My people now, must all be free
To worship and to follow Me.
Fear not you are but simple man,
You are the chosen for His plan.

An easy yoke and burden light,
A humble way to highest height.
A way apart from lust and greed,
A way for every slave that's freed.

He whom in, all being lies,
The only love that satisfies.
I AM WHO AM, the name sublime.
A height that only meek can climb.

A One so far, yet close to me,
Who placed His all upon a tree,
To set the captive children free,
And end their lives of slavery.

Excited, anxious, fidgety,
At thoughts of ending slavery.
What lies beyond in promised land
Yet makes of us a new demand.

A discipline required there,
To find true freedom, if we dare.
To make of self, a daily gift,
And tides of sinfulness to shift.

The leader makes himself the lamb.
No greater one than great I AM.
Who humbly in a manger came,
Who healed the many sick and lame.

And when the time had come to pass,
He gave the sacred Holy Mass.
A making present every time
Of freedom true, and love sublime.

In haste they left the land of sin
To with the Lord, new life begin.
Slavery gone and freedom won,
Much different now the life begun.

He beckons all to leave that land,
And live the way the Father planned.
His mercy always ready there
To welcome one from sin's despair.

A reed that's bruised, He will not break.
The smold'ring wick, will not forsake.
In patience Love awaits our turn,
To save the ones with will to learn.

7/7/19 Through 7/13/19

7/7/19 Through 7/13/19

If I had but one more day,
This verse is some of what I'd say.
Our God is love and mercy too
Who gave Himself, and died for you.

He wills that all be satisfied
And all as one, be unified.
But we must learn to love His way
And sacrifice ourselves each day.

For love entails the gift of self
With nothing left upon the shelf.
A placing of the other first
To satisfy our deepest thirst.

The world and flesh will shun this way,
But that's not what our Lord would say.  
In giving all you come to Me, 
and then true love begin to see.

A doer not a hearer be,
And blest will be the works of thee.
For those who see, yet turn away
Will never heal their wounds this way.

The blind that see, or dead once raised
Should always shout, "His name be praised"!
For loving, He has always been,
To even those once steeped in sin.

But if we hear and ne'er obey,
We'll never find that narrow way.
His whisper we must recognize
And follow it to change our lives.

How rich the harvest in the glade,
But oh so few to wield the blade.
So ask the Master to supply
The workers now to swing the scythe.

For those by grace, who hear the call
To answer well and never stall,
Will join the Master's harvest crew,
And serve with love in all they do.

In spite of famine, save me Lord.
Grant me the bread I can't afford.
May Your kingdom come in me, 
That free at last my soul will be.

My soul athirst for what You bring,
The wine of giving everything.
My belly yearns for what you said
Was truly flesh in form of bread.

The famine I most dread to see
Is that of straying far from Thee.
Let me bow before Your throne,
Proclaiming You as God alone.

Just persevere and stay the course,
Let Me be your guiding force.
I take the ways of sinful man,
And weave them in a greater plan.

For none can know the mind of God,
But when they see My works are awed.
When time is right and seeds are sown,
The lies of man will be made known.

O'er all the years, in every age,
The good and sinful earned their wage.
And all the righteous clearly saw,
Those earthly things, as none but straw.

So don't grow weary, listen well,
And let My word within you swell.
How I will lead, you may not know,
But I will lead, to make you grow.

And when, at last, in Promised land
You'll understand what I had planned.
And when the trial's understood,
You'll see I worked them all for good.

Amidst the wolves, a gentle sheep,
A simple dove to sow and reap.
Yet one unshakable and shrewd
To bear the truth among this brood.

Be not concerned for what to say
The Spirit guides upon that day.
And though your troubles may increase,
Throughout them all, I'll grant you peace.

So many chances lost my Lord, 
To suffer well in aiming toward
The goal of being more like You
By doing things that You would do.

A host of chances come each day,
But many missed along the way.
If we would follow Your decrees,
Such good would come from all of these.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

6/30/19 Through 7/6/19

6/30/19 Through 7/6/19

No looking back from whence we came
Returning to that life of shame,
For freedom's found in letting go
Of all the things that bind us so.

The selfish ways of greed and lust,
The earthly feed of moth and rust.
The gluttony that makes us swell,
The envy that our hearts know well.

A turning once away from these,
And never looking back foresees
True freedom in the One we serve,
And love to all without reserve.

How patiently He waits for those
Who far away have gone.
Not wanting to forever close,
And have the curtain drawn.

But we can choose anew each day
For good or evil bound,
And when arrives that final day,
Forever fate is found.

So live each day as if the last,
His mercy thus proclaim.
The prior sins or works amassed
Can bring us good or shame.

But if we turn about at last,
The prior's washed away.
What matters when our time has passed,
Is how we face that day.

What man rebukes the wind and sea?
Who saves, and then says, "Follow ME"?
Who is this wind and sea obey,
But He who formed us from the clay?

The One who gives us Bread of Life.
The One who made, for man, a wife.
He's there with us amid the waves.
If we but ask, our Jesus saves.

In stubbornness and unbelief
The troubled mind finds no relief.
While others see the beauty 'round,
For them no sign of love is found.

The whisper in the garden heard,
And now the truth is dimmed and blurred.
The liar's word is never true,
For Christ has given all to you.

Just look upon the cross and see
His love is like the boundless sea.
His all was given just for you,
That you might see and know, it's true.

Must you probe his hands and side?
It's true that on the cross He died.
It's true He rose to life again,
And true that life will never end.

So now is time to make the choice
And listen to your Savior's voice.
Persist not in your unbelief,
Or never find your sought relief.

Abraham with fire and knife,
His son about to lose his life.
They travel up the stony hill
To carry out the Father's will.

Such trust in God unknown to me,
To trust when ere I cannot see.
When Love is blindly leading me
Unto a place of poverty.

But if I trust, I come to know
The narrow path where I must go.
The essence of my life distilled,
And there at last, His word fulfilled.

No turning back from whence I came.
No turning toward that land of shame.
But standing firm upon the course,
Rejecting every evil force.

Make of me a wine skin new,
That I may hold the wine from You.
A shrunken cloth that I may bear
the stress of life and never tear.

Deceit be ever far from me,
And far from those upon my tree.
Convenient as the lie may be
It fouls the fruit upon the tree.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

6/23/19 Through 6/29/19

6/23/19 Through 6/29/19

Corpus Christi, Bread of Life
Grace and glory ever rife.
Feed and satisfy the masses 
With what food the sense surpasses.
Only faith can truly see.

Bread of Heaven sent to feed us
Strengthen, cleanse, and purify thus.
Make of many one in union,
Loved and graced by this Communion,
Evermore to be with Thee.

Blood that flows from truest Vine
Given in the form of wine.
Sacred flesh by which we're fed
Appears as but a bit of bread.
Faithful see beyond the sign.

Oh, how grand, what glory given
To the One in splendor driven
All who on the body dined
Blessed beyond the mortal mind
Hearts in one accord with Thine.

Each one a prophet, priest, and king
Anointed to a message bring
Of mercy from our sovereign Lord
When in repentance, water's poured.

A purpose in the Maker's plan
For every day within our span.
Lord, let me hear and understand,
Then act in kind, with what you've planned.

This rocky path and narrow road
Requires shedding heavy load
The weight of riches, greed, and sin
Will not, through ages, fit within.

The Shepherd's will that sheep be clean
Is seen by some as harsh and mean,
But only when the filth is gone
Could we be happy moving on.

So help me find that narrow way
And shed the things that make me stray.
Grant me grace to persevere
As to the end I'm drawing near.

To bear much fruit this long pursuit
Is trusting every day. 
Humility and frailty 
We find along the way.

Yet in our thirst, the rock will burst
Gush forth a cooling stream
The Word He gave has come to save
Fulfilling every dream.

Authority is in His word,
Unlike the other voices heard.
He recognizes humble hearts
And thus the grace of love imparts.

The ones who do far more than say
He leads upon the narrow way
For they have built on solid land
And done the work the Master planned.

Repentant sinners show the way
To joy in that eternal day.
For shouts of joy resound within
If only one, returns from sin.

When pride conceals our wretched state
No righteous deeds can compensate.
For only mercy washes clean
And makes our sinfulness unseen.

The love from in His Sacred Heart
Depicted in our sacred art
Is just a shadow of the glow
Of mercy that I've come to know.

For when I see my countless sins
A horror in my heart begins
But then His mercy covers me,
And boundless love is all I see.

The prize is worth the varied pains
And even prison bound in chains,
For this is how He spreads the word
Till every soul on earth has heard.

Through acts of love that signify
The truth to which we testify.
So great this love we've come to know
But we must give, to watch it grow.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

6/16/19 Through 6/22/19

6/16/19 Through 6/22/19

Far beyond the thoughts of man
The One who made the greatest plan
Who sends His Spirit from above
And gives the creature chance for love.

A Triune God not understood,
But recognized as wholly good.
A union of the persons three
That makes the Blessed Trinity.

To live undaunted by the mire
Oh Lord, I try, and thus aspire
To suffer well unjust attack
Without the thought of striking back.

To mirror You in all I do
In hardship and affliction too.
In truthful speech where lies abound,
In purity where filth is found.

In every way love reigns supreme,
Despite what circumstances seem.
With love employed the fences fall,
And hardened hearts can hear the call.

A sparing seed, a sparing fruit
A just reward for lazy brute.
The bounty comes where bounty's sown,
For love is found where love is known.

In patience and humility
I wait on You, as You on me.
I work to listen and draw near
As in Your thirst, You wish I'd hear.

The noise of everyday can drown
The quiet place where love is found
And as the serpent tempted Eve
I too am easily deceived.

Yet all I truly want is You 
And though I fall, You still renew.
How great the God who loves this way.
So much that words can scarcely say.

Stores of wealth cannot supply
Nor any bulk of riches buy
The treasure offered to the poor
Who place themselves in God secure.

For if the heart, with God aligns
The poor and humble spirit finds
No moth nor rust destroy the glow
Of precious peace they've come to know.

Now the time that weakness reigns
When vigor fails and body pains.
The time to find His pow'r anew,
And let His Spirit rest on you.

For in our weakness He is strong.
He lifts the ones who suffer long.
And robes the grass with flowers fine
And lifts the weary soul of thine.