7/14/19 Through 7/20/19
In simple bread and wine I see
The God whose love created me.
Not far away or out of reach,
But One who stands amid the breech.
The One who in our human flesh
Became a man, to man refresh.
To show our God's not far away,
But right beside amid the fray.
His striking ordinariness
Devoid of any comeliness
Makes many think it can't be true,
That God would be like me and you.
Yet true it is. He came to earth
By purest ever virgin birth,
And fast among the others grew,
As One that love and kindness knew.
Then all throughout His humble days
He spread the word in many ways,
And showed God's will within our spread
As long ago the prophet said.
And finally on the cross He proved
The love of Him who's never moved.
And rising from the dead we see
What God has planned for you and me.
Pick up your cross and follow Me.
The road to life is on the tree
The gift of all we have to give
Is what it takes to truly live.
Moses, from the water drawn,
Thus begins the Hebrew dawn.
Here a washing clean prefigured.
Making new of that disfigured.
In a way that none suspected,
Slavery and sin corrected.
Making new of one to lead them
After God, in power, freed them.
Experience the bush aflame,
And go from there, to God acclaim.
To meet the pharaoh's of the land,
And give to them the Lord's command.
My people now, must all be free
To worship and to follow Me.
Fear not you are but simple man,
You are the chosen for His plan.
An easy yoke and burden light,
A humble way to highest height.
A way apart from lust and greed,
A way for every slave that's freed.
He whom in, all being lies,
The only love that satisfies.
I AM WHO AM, the name sublime.
A height that only meek can climb.
A One so far, yet close to me,
Who placed His all upon a tree,
To set the captive children free,
And end their lives of slavery.
Excited, anxious, fidgety,
At thoughts of ending slavery.
What lies beyond in promised land
Yet makes of us a new demand.
A discipline required there,
To find true freedom, if we dare.
To make of self, a daily gift,
And tides of sinfulness to shift.
The leader makes himself the lamb.
No greater one than great I AM.
Who humbly in a manger came,
Who healed the many sick and lame.
And when the time had come to pass,
He gave the sacred Holy Mass.
A making present every time
Of freedom true, and love sublime.
In haste they left the land of sin
To with the Lord, new life begin.
Slavery gone and freedom won,
Much different now the life begun.
He beckons all to leave that land,
And live the way the Father planned.
His mercy always ready there
To welcome one from sin's despair.
A reed that's bruised, He will not break.
The smold'ring wick, will not forsake.
In patience Love awaits our turn,
To save the ones with will to learn.