Sunday, January 20, 2019

2/3/19 Through 2/8/19

2/3/19 Through 2/8/19

Lord of love our task today
Is love according to your way,
To love the evildoer here
And cast away our useless fear.

The end we know, You conquered sin
So we should not let evil win,
But love until the bitter end,
And truth and justice, here defend.

Proclaim what God has done for you
What mighty works this faith can do,
For those enduring to the end
Our blessed Lord will more than mend.

What glory waits is yet unseen
Where every soul is pure and clean.
Where sin is banished far away,
And evermore is light of day.

If I but touch upon His cloak,
His love will break this heavy yoke.
If I but near myself to Him
He'll clear the eyes and strengthen limb.

Not satisfied to leave it there
He bids us come and know Him where
In ordinary bread and wine
He offers flesh and blood divine.

Though some may scoff and wonder why
We place on this, such value high,
But once you recognize this bread
It's where your very soul is fed.

In love the martyrs shed their blood
Amidst the overwhelming flood
Of suffering and gruesome pain
To win the prize of heaven's gain

He grants the grace to meet the need.
And through the pain He plants a seed
To soften hearts of hardened stone
And let the love of God be known.

You too can win a martyr's crown,
Be clothed in white with flowing gown,
By meeting well temptation's threat
And using every grace you get.

Rejection causes bitterness
And sinfulness I must confess.
So shake it off as useless dust,
And look to Him with total trust.

He who was rejected first,
Hung on the cross, and said, "I Thirst",
His love drove out all bitterness,
So hardened hearts might acquiesce.

We too, must love without reserve,
And faithfully, our brothers serve.
So when rejected, let it fall,
That love might be our all in all.

For sure the oil's running low
That which keeps our lamps aglow
We mustn't wait to fill the flask,
As that should be a daily task.

The Bridegroom comes here unannounced.
Those in dark will be denounced.
Sorrow for the unprepared
That sloth and lethargy ensnared.

The sheep must have a shepherd,
A teacher, loving, kind.
Protector from the leopard, 
And teeth of roaring lion.

Overwhelmed by needy ones
Without the time to pray.
That's the way the story runs
For parents everyday.

Yet sometime in the busy day
There'll be a moment's rest
When one can look to heav'n and say
Lord come and be my guest.

The work they do shall be a prayer
An offering of praise
The best that they can offer where
Their loving fills the days.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Mark. We can boast about taking the Host of the Holy Ghost, Jesus and God. Blessings to you my Christian Friend. I enjoyed reading your well-written poetic-piece. Well done. Love love, Andrew.
