11/11/18 Through 11/17/18
For the prophet, a little cake
The poor old widow had to bake.
A final offering by her
Compassion from on high did stir.
And then a year and maybe more
The oil from the jug would pour,
And flour in the jar supply
Bread sustaining three thereby.
The widows mite a meager thing
To thus before the altar bring.
But given all her livelihood
A ransom there before them stood.
The unity the Lord desires
Forgives the wrong and thus inspires,
A oneness in both heart and mind
That one with pride can never find.
For we are ones that oft offend,
And on forgiveness we depend
That we might share His dwelling place
Of love in His abundant grace.
A useful servant does his task
What ere the master please or ask.
No special praise to come his way
For doing duties of the day.
Now we must recognize our place
To serve the Lord of peace and grace.
And servants to the Master be
His servants bound, yet fully free.
Gratitude for all we own
Is how we grow the seed that's sown.
Renewed in love the Spirit grants
New life to seeds that Jesus plants.
To change and grow and richly flower
Death must come to Satan's power
That hoards in selfish sin and lust,
And life to simple love and trust.
As lightning flashes in the sky
We glimpse the world around
A light enough to then supply
What's needed to be found.
In darkness, Christ will be our light
To show us clear the way,
That leads us through the dreary night
Unto the light of day.
How wrong we'll see the ways of man
We thought so wise and sure,
When we can see in Truth, His plan
to make us strong and pure.
The end is coming for us all
And we should surely know
That day we hear the frightful call
And earthly things let go.
The voice of love that day will sound
Above all other din
For then is truth and folly found
About our evil sin.
We must prepare to let it go
And follow in love's call
If we expect to Jesus know
We have to give our all.
Random Thoughts
The whisper of the garden,
Oh no! Like gods you'll be.
With pride begins to harden
The heart so we can't see
The truth that's there before us
Becomes as fantasies
We never see the forest
Because of all the trees.
We swallow many camels
But strain the gnats we see.
And listen to the babbles
Of fools with some degree.
Learned the philosopher,
But what a fool can be
If one can't look before her
And tell a he from she.
The ruler and the measure
Of all there is to be
One day will end the pleasure
Of all this fallacy.
I pray His hand of mercy
Will reach beyond His wrath
And end the controversy
To put us on His path.
To join the work along the way
We must begin to fast and pray
To find the road to Paradise
We must join in the sacrifice.
Co-workers on a common road
In joy who share a heavy load.
To reach our high resplendant goal
By sacrifice we cleanse the soul.