Saturday, October 27, 2018

11/11/18 Through 11/17/18

11/11/18 Through 11/17/18

For the prophet, a little cake
The poor old widow had to bake.
A final offering by her
Compassion from on high did stir.

And then a year and maybe more
The oil from the jug would pour,
And flour in the jar supply 
Bread sustaining three thereby.

The widows mite a meager thing
To thus before the altar bring.
But given all her livelihood
A ransom there before them stood.

The unity the Lord desires
Forgives the wrong and thus inspires,
A oneness in both heart and mind
That one with pride can never find.

For we are ones that oft offend,
And on forgiveness we depend
That we might share His dwelling place
Of love in His abundant grace.

A useful servant does his task
What ere the master please or ask.
No special praise to come his way
For doing duties of the day.

Now we must recognize our place
To serve the Lord of  peace and grace.
And servants to the Master be
His servants bound, yet fully free.

Gratitude for all we own
Is how we grow the seed that's sown.
Renewed in love the Spirit grants
New life to seeds that Jesus plants.

To change and grow and richly flower
Death must come to Satan's power
That hoards in selfish sin and lust,
And life to simple love and trust.

As lightning flashes in the sky
We glimpse the world around
A light enough to then supply
What's needed to be found.

In darkness, Christ will be our light
To show us clear the way,
That leads us through the dreary night
Unto the light of day.

How wrong we'll see the ways of man
We thought so wise and sure,
When we can see in Truth, His plan
to make us strong and pure.

The end is coming for us all
And we should surely know
That day we hear the frightful call
And earthly things let go.

The voice of love that day will sound
Above all other din
For then is truth and folly found
About our evil sin.

We must prepare to let it go
And follow in love's call
If we expect to Jesus know
We have to give our all.

Random Thoughts
The whisper of the garden,
Oh no!  Like gods you'll be.
With pride begins to harden
The heart so we can't see

The truth that's there before us
Becomes as fantasies
We never see the forest
Because of all the trees.

We swallow many camels
But strain the gnats we see.
And listen to the babbles
Of fools with some degree.

Learned the philosopher, 
But what a fool can be
If one can't look before her 
And tell a he from she.

The ruler and the measure
Of all there is to be
One day will end the pleasure
Of all this fallacy.

I pray His hand of mercy
Will reach beyond His wrath
And end the controversy
To put us on His path.

To join the work along the way
We must begin to fast and pray
To find the road to Paradise
We must join in the sacrifice.

Co-workers on a common road
In joy who share a heavy load.
To reach our high resplendant goal
By sacrifice we cleanse the soul.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

11/4/18 Through 11/10/18

11/4/18 Through 11/10/18

If He is Lord, our every move
Should be in love, and firmly prove
Our faith and trust in Him we claim
Can cure the sick and heal the lame.

For love of God and neighbor will
A life of sacrifice instill
And bring to bear humility
Within a firm docility.

So, have I listened well today,
Or made it just another day?
Have I heard the Master's voice,
Before I jumped and made a choice?

It's easy to distract the mind
With drivel of near every kind,
But listening to know  His will
requires that my spirit still.

The poor are those with everything,
For their provider is the King.
Their every need, by Him supplied
To those without the sin of pride.

Lord let me see how poor I am
Within my daily self-exam.
Then grant the grace to love you more
And clearly see You in the poor.

Invited to the Master's feast
Apologies of rich increase.
Excuses and regrets abound
Where calls to give of self are found.

To share a meal with Him who made,
The man, and never from him strayed.
The gift of splendid daily bread,
Rejected, rather than be fed.

The poor and lame will share the feast
If not the greatest, then the least.
The ones who recognize in bread,
The body of our Lord, are fed.

Pick up the cross, He bids to me.
Seek not, the ease and luxury.
For those who would disciples be,
Must learn to follow well with Me.

To be poured out as I have been,
An offering for sordid sin,
All drained of human energy,
And filled with Father's love for thee.

Repentance brings a joy to life,
A triumph here amid the strife.
A sign of hope, we found the way,
That leads us to a brighter day.

The flock includes the lost and strays,
The ones who follow crooked ways.
For all are valued in the eye
Of our Good Shepherd in the sky.

He searches for the hapless stray
Who thought he knew a better way,
But found at every novel turn
Another lesson there to learn.

The Shepherd's crook is not so mean
It leads us to the pastures green,
And to the valley where there flows
The restful water of repose.

A wasteland of utility
Is all our eyes would ever see,
Without the spaces made for man
To worship God within His plan.

The beauty of the temple grand,
A mere reflection of that planned
By God when all are one in Him,
And sing their never-ending hymn.

The place where offered bread and wine
As blood and body of Divine.
The place where earth and heaven brush
should be a palace rich and plush.

When we give, we both receive,
Is what the holy ones believe
To have the wealth creates the need
To quench a thirst, or hungry feed.

Blessing comes as wealth is shared,
Pains relieved and lives repaired.
The giver gives and poor receive.
Both are blessed when both believe.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

10/28/18 Through 11/3/18

10/28/18 Through 11/3/18

Son of David have pity on me,
Grant the grace that I may see.
My heart's desire to follow You 
And learn to love the way You do.

I've seen enough the other way
where sin has darkened every day
I want to see in clearer light
What sin obscures in darkest night.

Let me share a word with you,
Shine a light and change the view.
Let me show the beauty where
So many eyes just see despair.

In purity is found a gem
Passed over by the likes of them.
And generosity will breed
Contentment there instead of greed.

Idolarty can have no place
Amidst a life of lavish grace.
Be not decieved, the day will come,
When all will hear the final drum.

So separate yourself from sin.
Step out of darkness and begin
No more to wander in the night,
But live as children of the light.

Within a mustard seed that's sown
Are mysteries no mind has known.
Unthinkable that one should find
Within that tiny seed designed,

A shelter for the little birds
Or metaphor of holy words. 
As both will grow, become mature
To be a haven safe and sure.

So feed and water tiny seeds
Give them fulfillment of their needs
To flourish and to be transformed
That many other hearts be warmed.

The scary thought that I should hear
Upon that final day...
"I know you not!" my greatest fear
That He, to me, would say.

I want no less than life within
The everlasting day
I want to hear, "You're welcome in,
My Father's house today." 

May I but be obedient,
Submissive to Your will.
The single main ingredient
To with the Spirit fill.

That on that day You know me well,
And narrow way I find.
Far from the dreaded gates of hell,
With Paradise, aligned.

One day we all can hope to be,
Around the throne and praising Thee.
But now it seems so far away,
As we contend with each new day.

The troubles of the everyday
Can seem to cloud the holy way, 
But when we see in clearer light
These troubles beckon and invite,

To love in ways we never could
And follow Him the way we should.
To live as blessed holy ones
And thus become adopted sons.

The death of all the holy ones
A precious gift that often runs
Across the generation gap
Providing younger ones a map.

A way of life in harmony
With One in charge, that we can't see.
A way to fill the emptiness,
Through prayers, and love, and kindliness.

Examples of a living soul
With name engraved upon the scroll,
Who gave of self without regard,
And never kept a scoring card.

In the humble lowest place
Dwells our source of peace and grace.
Hung upon that awful tree,
There in bread and wine for me.

King of all who chose to come
As a poor and lowly one.
In a humble stable born
On that blessed Christmas morn.

As a helpless little child
From the virgin undefiled.
Though a young precocious one,
Still as an obedient Son.

Driven in His life to be
The perfect model there for me.
Nothing left, for all He gave.
Sinners He desired to save.

Risen then, and glorified.
King of kings, once crucified.
Jesus Christ, the lowly One
Savior, and exalted Son.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

10/21/18 Through 10/27/18

10/21/18 Through 10/27/18

Only that we give away
Will last until another day.
Only when we suffer well
Will Christ, on earth, within us dwell.

To shoulder burdens with a smile,
To gladly walk the extra mile,
Will bring the kingdom here below,
And grace to all the world bestow.

So we must learn to count as loss,
All earthly gain, and bear the cross.
To drink the cup the Savior drank,
And for the priv'lege, Jesus thank.

For none like He has known our pain
Who suffered for eternal gain,
Who counted all the world as loss,
And bore our sins upon the cross.

To Him, our maker, we belong
We come to Him with joyful song.
He knows our need in every day,
He formed this simple lump of clay.

Give thanks to Him for He is good
He took our place upon the wood.
In Him alone are riches found.
The One with thorns, our sins have crowned.

Now we are called, His way to know,
To trust Him in each step we go
For He will grant our every need
When daily, on his bread, we feed.

If found awake on his return
Great blessing will the servant earn
If fast asleep when He arrives,
The laziness, of good, deprives.

He bids us keep a steady eye
Be wary of the wicked spy,
And search for truth along the way
That's often lost amid the fray.

What stewardship is given me?
Am I as true as I should be?
Have I but used my talents well?
So where's the fruit that stories tell?

I look and see abundantly
Your gifts and grace bestowed on me.
But even though the gifts abound,
So very little fruit is found.

I wish to see the nation turned
With jealousy and hatred spurned,
With life respected womb to tomb,
With Church as bride and Christ as Groom.

Though such on earth may never be,
You bid us to request of Thee
That all upon His entry be
Well-prepared, and fit for Thee.

To grasp the height and breadth of God
No mortal mind can know
The ocean depths and shores abroad,
Or lands down far below.

This world of ours a speck of dust
Within his august mind
Yet He invites a total trust
In love of perfect kind.

And guarantees that we will see
Much more than mind can tell
If we will but disciples be
Our hearts and minds will swell.

Made for more than many know,
Be the one whose love will show
With patience and with gentleness
The beauties that His laws express.

That one day all may see the light
And build a future strong and bright
With bonds of love and unity
All grounded in humility.

Your will brings light and clarity
If we but listen well and see
He made for one, the many parts
And bearing fruit is where it starts.

If we would use the gifts He gave
the world, from error, would be saved.
Then He would heal the many scars, 
And fruit abundant, would be ours.