Saturday, October 26, 2024

11/10/24 Through 11/16/24

 11/10/24 Through 11/16/24

Till all is gone He calls for more
No need for faith with much in store
The empty are the ones He fills
The anxious heart with love He stills.

But less than all, He cares for naught
We need the faith the widow's got
To trust He will provide our need
When daily on His bread we feed.

Don't lead the little ones astray
Don't cause their sin along the way
But teach them virtue here below
That Christ forever they would know.

These tender hearts are yours to mold
To make them members of the fold
Give them the tools to choose what's right
To navigate through dark of night.

Like you and I, they're free to choose
But from their elders take their cues.
Our actions more than what we say
Will lead to dark or light of day.

Don't be a one to cause them sin
But let the sacrifice begin
The more in love we give they see
The way each man was meant to be.

All men should be temperate, under control
Sound in their faith with endurance the goal.
Their duties in mind without care for acclaim
Resolute in their kindness, no evil to blame.

The women so reverent, moderate, trained
Not slanderous gossips by calumny stained.
Teaching the younger the skills of their trade
Good wives and good mothers, their disciplines made.

None boastful of doing their duties at all
Just faithful to answering daily His call
As servants just faithful to duties we own
Unworthy of all of the kindness He's shown.

Salvation is a wondered grace
A fine and dainty work of lace
A work of art that's woven by
The Master knowing all on high.

He interweaves our varied lives
To show that only love survives
And all that here we think we own
Is nothing more than that on loan.

So, what if any is our own?
The all we have through love was shown
We have no claim on any here
Our only claim is One so dear.

So dear to give a beating heart.
So dear to every grace impart
One lighting every darkened way
With lightning flashes bright as day.

Not slaves, but freedmen faring well
With life anew of which to tell
Once worthless, now of value high
That lo the Kingdom's drawing nigh.

One rule alone that Jesus gave
One rule to every sinner save
No list of pious corporal deeds
One rule our Lord and Master heeds.

To love in all we do and say
Is following the Master's way
That final day He wants us one
As Father, Spirit, and the Son.

No looking back to days of old
When selfishness and greed took hold
But eyes we've trained to look ahead
To resurrection from the dead.

The time for preparation's now
The hand that's placed upon the plow
Must not look back and mourn the loss
Ahead is gold, behind is dross.

(Can be sung to the tune of "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus")

Lord, I dare not seek Your justice
Let me only mercy plead
Mine are many sins amongst us
Sins of thought and word and deed.

Justice is a condemnation
Many failures on the way
Spare this soul and spare the nation
Mercy grant us on that day.

Justice good, but mercy greater
Much more needed here below
If my wishes You would cater
Mercy only I would know.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

11/3/24 Through 11/9/24

 11/3/24 Through 11/9/24

In summary, it's just these two
They make sufficient guide for you 
They show that love's the master key
Unlocking life for you and me.

Love God and neighbor every day
And you will find the narrow way
These two commandments capture all
No evil there could then befall.

So simple yet so hard to do
But these create a life anew
For this, the heart is yearning now
Oh help me learn to love somehow.

Let not the ego reign so high
You fail to see the passers-by
The poor and weak, the blind and lame,
The lowly ones for whom He came.

Rejecting not the Master's call
We so avoid a fatal fall
He offers man the way of love
That leads to peace and joy above.

Yet often man can't see that far,
He's blinded by a sinful scar
A scar that keeps his eyes on Earth
Instead of seeking second birth.

We must remove the scales and see
The glory He has waiting thee
If we but trust and then obey
Each word of love we hear Him say.

Anything that's less than all
Is turning from the sacred call
For anything but all our best
Means failure on the final test.

His grace will flow to willing hearts
Without His will no gift imparts
But docile souls conform and see
The many gifts He has for thee.

The feast awaits a ready soul,
A goodly measure packed and full
While unprepared lie cold and damp
Like virgins with an empty lamp.

All that I've had and all that I own
Can never compare to the One that I've known
The mercy He's shown to a sinner so great
The rescue He made from a terrible fate.

I pray that someday I'd atone for it all
But I know in my heart that again I will fall
So great is my Savior, His mercy remains
All possessions are loss, but His mercy my gains

This body one day will conform to Your love
In the land of the living that lies far above
No longer the stomach be lord of this place
Then Love be the Master who's filling with grace.

No longer the hoarding or grasping for more
But giving of love from the limitless store
Stand firm in the way of the Lord every day
His word be your guide what to do and to say.

The unity that Christ demands
Far more than what man understands
One faith He calls for all to be
Not fractured by disunity.

One stream that from His temple flows
And life on desert land bestows.
One faith that men should all confess
One Church to feed and heal and bless.

Oh Lord, how far that man has strayed
Because Your word was not obeyed
Now help us turn in love to see
How much we need Your unity.

One Lord, One God, One Father known
One faith for all to call their own
Then fruit abundantly would grow
And better witness we would show.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

10/27/24 Through 11/2/24

 10/27/24 Through 11/2/24

So, do we really want to see,
Or is our blindness found to be
Convenient reason for our sin
And that which keeps us far from Him?

Blindness of spirit is common today
The blind are the ones refusing to say
They know what is right and will choose what is true,
Their blindness is chosen to mask what they do.

But blind as we are, one day we will see
Quite clear what the cause of our blindedness be.
When choosing the darkness the light is obscured
But turning to light our blindness is cured.

An Apostolic faith we claim
Twelve ordinary men who came
To follow Christ and spread His word
Till every soul on Earth has heard.

These men of low and humble state
When Spirit-filled become ones great
Who offered as their Savior did
And never from His light they hid.

They spread His message far and wide
And for their faith in Jesus died
Not one when faced with death would sway
And that's the Catholic faith today.

Husbands love your wives and find
A mystery of the highest kind
That when the two in flesh are one
They then in truth reflect the Son

Who gave His all to save His Bride
Rejecting every hint of pride
In humble service scourged and crowned
True Love upon the Cross was found.

And there upon the Cross must be
The man to love his wife and see
By showing love, submission gained
And every blessing so obtained.

Submission to authority
Is how we learn the best to see
It's how we come to understand
And how we live as God has planned.

Some choose their way apart from Him
To follow on their every whim
They call themselves "good people" though
They have no clue which way to go.

They give appearance of the good
But follow not the way they should
They work for glory of their own
Instead of praising Christ alone

And such as these in final days
When all they have is selfish praise
Will find the narrow gate is closed
To whom the Father's will opposed.

So, turn to Him as Mary did
In love to all the angel bid
His will exceeds in every case
The empty show the others chase.

Oh Jesus keep me standing firm
Your ways of love and kindness learn
Unmoved by evil's constant blows
With faith Your mighty shield that shows.

With truth the guard to save my soul
And playing well my given role
By doing all You ask of me
To so Your strength and glory see

In readiness to move the way
Your voice would lead me come what may
With lips confessing You as Lord
Your Spirit as my trusted sword.

On our journey to the Father
May we with the scripture bother.
His sacred word our guiding light
Our pathway through the dark of night

So far beyond the mind of man
Lies that within the Father's plan
There where every wrong is righted
Every act of love requited.

Chastised a little and greatly blest
Afflicted on Earth now passes the test
Proved in the furnace as gold in the fire
Melting away every base desire.

Now comes the time for their shining as light
As sparks in the stubble in darkness of night
Those who have trusted will Truth understand
In the presence of God as the Father has planned.

With Him as their Shepherd and nothing in want
They walk past the wicked who threaten and taunt
No fear shall accost all the days of their lives
In the land where all goodness and holiness thrives.

Christ comes for the sinners to heal and to save
His life for the sinner, on Calvary gave.
He said He would rise, and it's so that He did
No longer the way to the Garden is hid.

In giving of self we obtain what is all
He's lifted the curse we obtained at the Fall
Resurrection no less for the faithful He gives
For Goodness thought dead, forever now lives.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

10/20/24 Through 10/26/24

 10/20/24 Through 10/26/24

Once again we hear the call
The call to give a total ALL
Not one of convenience meant just for show
But one of commitment to prove what we know

No less than ALL we have we need
For All is needed to succeed
The Cross He accepted for love of us ALL
He saw beyond death to the fix of the Fall

No good is what we have below
At death, to all, we must let go
Possessions are useless, they rust and decay
Unless used in service of showing The Way.

How dead we were yet brought to life
When sin and wickedness were rife
By flesh controlled, a child of wrath
Traveling down the "easy" path.

But He who's rich in mercy cared
And so, the way of life He shared
That we might live a life made new,
With truth and good, what we pursue.

No longer swayed by earthly wealth
In love and mercy's perfect health
As poor in spirit, so we move
But wealthy ones, at last, we prove.

Good servants be ready and waiting you see
For Christ comes when none are expecting to be
Those called to eternity, ready or not
Working hard for the Kingdom, or lazily caught.

What shame for the lazy, cast out in the dark,
Their chance lies behind, and the future is stark.
Their labor is shown by the fruit they produce
With no possible alibi, case, or excuse.

But good He will bring to the Heavenly feast
All those faithful and true, the great and the least.
He'll wait on the faithful in raiment of light
No longer be death or the dark of the night.

All that God gives us comes from His love
Each trial in patience, a gift from above.
No malady, sickness, darkness, or pain
Is allowed to befall us except for our gain.

If we see with the eyes of our Lord we will find
How many the ways that our hearts have been blind
How small is our faith and how little we've seen
When the truth is how great His loving has been.

In our duties to Him, it's quite often we stray
We think it's but little we fail to obey.
But then when we see what He asks and we do
In shame then He shows us, how little are you.

When He is the Master and we are the slave
We see all the riches, in love, that He gave.
We see all He wants is for naught but our good
So, all in that vein, be accepting we should.

Recognizing as gift every trial we face
We see that it's truly His love we embrace
Care giver or taker, for both we can be
Each trial is love, and it's clear now I see 

What man on Earth could ever see
The height and length and breadth of Thee?
For You who have no end might say,
"What you can see should light your way."

You call us simply to obey
To follow on the lighted way
It's faith and trust You wish to see
For light is that which makes us free.

The light and dark this world share.
In shades of gray, most unaware
That clear division comes at last
With sinful into darkness cast.

Determined  in His holy will,
In unity of life, we fill
Our days with purity and light,
With wisdom for the holy fight.

So, persevere in unity
Be gentle with humility
With patient love your bond of peace
Will strengthen so to never cease.

A nation of children both foolish and weak
The wicked they search for, and folly they seek.
They mask it as freedom and rights of the strong
But simply the truth is, they're horribly wrong.

Driven always by wind that blows up the waves
They look on as evil, the Truth that man saves.
Those infants, unable to see that it's love
That motivates all of His words from above.

He gives us Apostles and Prophets and more
With pastors and teachers to show us the score.
At the end of the game it nothing to ALL
So, let's open our ears and answer the call!