4/14/24 Through 4/20/24
How ignorant the ways of sin
We all at times are found within
For whom it is that we ignore
Is He that offers so much more.
So much within the scripture would
Renew us if but understood
But oft His word, by man ignored
And freedom's truth left unexplored.
The prophets long ago foretold
That we would look and then behold
A face so marred and wracked with pain
To lead us to eternal gain.
It's only natural, you see
For man to pain and anguish flee,
But suffering can lead to love
With peace and joy from God above.
Repent of sin, endure the pain.
And so much more you have to gain,
Then learn to love in varied ways
And give to God your duty praise.
The scriptures hold the sacred key
To peace and joy, and setting free
The prisoner who's trapped in sin
For Light and Life are found within.
Ignore no more the sacred guide,
Cast off the chains of sinful pride
And hear anew the Word of God
To guide you on the path you trod.
So, sift and savor all that's true
And let His Word abide in you
For that which sinner just ignores
True happiness and joy restores.
Angelic glow upon his face
Filled with wisdom, poise, and grace
Not backing down when faced with death
But speaking truth with every breath
The martyr, Stephen made his way
From death to life that very day
Forgiving those, his life would take
To many more disciples make.
What a gift, this Holy Bread!
By this, a multitude is fed
Though broken and divided so
Yet undiminished grace we know
This tiny morsel feeds the soul
With life eternal we extol
An overflowing font of grace
That fear and doubt cannot efface.
Communion with Creator here
A creature yet, one held so dear
The Lord of Lords, the Great I AM
Became our precious Paschal Lamb.
His signs and wonders went with them
When scattered o'er the earth
And they became a budding stem
To bring about new birth
Though persecuted, young and old
Who heard the Gospel news
Repented sin to be enrolled
And Christ, as King to choose.
As sparks amid the stubble spread
No force could ere contain
The word of He who rose from dead
To now forever reign
Within the world, but not of such
His followers remain.
The ones who felt His gentle touch
And live in love's domain.
The bread of life, to earth came down
His word was spread from town to town
By those who listen and obey
Who eat His flesh and light the way
His food which gives both life and light
A savored meal and sweet delight
To feed the masses great and small
And evermore His gift recall
This bread will feed the hungry mind
And all who seek will surely find
Their sustenance for every need
When daily on this Bread they feed.
From Heaven rains this Holy Bread
The morsel sweet by which we're fed
A feast within a desert land
So those in darkness understand
A Sacrifice that's true and real
A Victim slain to make our meal
Alike to manna found of old
This treasure far surpasses gold.
My daily food for many years
My strength and hope to conquer fears
My comfort when I needed rest
My always welcome loving Guest.
Oh, Flesh and Blood of Love Divine,
Come change this selfish heart of mine
May all I do be done in love
And mold my will to Thine above.
How shall I make a return to the Lord?
What tribute or gift could I ever afford?
His blessings are many, the trials are few
And trials I learn may be good for me too.
His word is a treasure uncovered for me
A window beyond the earthly I see
A glimpse of the mysteries of heaven above
A door to the wonder of mercy and love.
Teachings are hard and distasteful at times
Trusting, though weak, I ascend through the climbs
And always I find there is truth in his word
Unlike all the voices of earthly I've heard