5/15/22 Through 5/21/22
To love and sacrifice is life
Yet selfish greed and lust are rife.
The choice to love is mine alone,
To add to sin, or sin atone.
The choice to love can touch the heart
And many graces there impart.
Indifference only feeds the crime
Preventing any upward climb.
But love will stop the spiral down
And truth will form the Savior's crown.
The many thorns, our sins confessed,
By lash, and lance, and nails, we're blessed.
The Spirit comes revealing love
The precious Son of God above.
A love that cures the blind and lame
And calls on men to do the same.
Some in ways profound and clear
Some with words dispelling fear.
But all should see some subtle way
The Spirit acts in every day.
Gratitude is oft the key
That helps the simple eye to see.
We go about our everyday
And fail to see the gifts conveyed.
But if we look with grateful hearts
We see the blessings Love imparts.
So every good, or every ill
Is drawing to the Father's will.
A will for love to dominate
And all our actions animate,
That learning here to love on earth,
Prepared we'll be for second birth.
Gather round and raise the dead.
Let prayers of praise and thanks be said.
Claim a healing, claim the kind
That changes heart and changes mind.
An intercessor all men need
To stand before the Lord and plead
The blood of Jesus cleanse our sin
And welcome contrite sinner in.
No life on earth is want to end
Before, with God, it fail to mend
The rift that all our sin has made,
And plead the Blood, our debt has paid.
(Can be sung to the tune of "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent")
Vine supplies the living water
Grafted firmly on the root
There alone the branch can flourish
There it bears abundant fruit.
Prune it well. Prepare the branches
All they need in this pursuit.
Only in the Vine can branches
Bear desired fruit for He.
Parted they will only whither
All will dry and lifeless be
Fuel for everlasting fire
Those that separate from Thee.
The poorest of the poor destroy
Their only chance of finding joy.
They grow to hate His holy will,
And so, their chance at joy they kill.
Commands, He gives to shine a light,
To show the way, dispelling night.
Though selfishness, our vision blurred,
Reality is in His Word.
Obedience, the lower law
So early on Apostles saw
And then they chose one high above,
Divine, self-giving, law of love.
The Spirit gives that higher law
As well to Gentiles, as they saw.
So joy is in the common reach,
And love will span the widest breach.
If only I would plainly see
How daily He is calling me,
And all His offered grace employ,
I'd find my daily dose of joy.
The challenge is to love another
Not just sister, friend, or brother.
But the one that does you harm,
And so the hateful one disarm.
One who loved, the world hated,
He that all the world created.
He who only Truth had spoken
Kept His promises unbroken.
He endured the cross and grave
But three days hence arose to save
The ones that wielded lash and thorn
With nail and lance, His flesh had torn.
How, such love, can man refuse,
Or evil and the good confuse?
In love alone is joy complete.
The Grain we crushed, our Finest Wheat.