Thursday, December 30, 2021

1/9/22 Through 1/15/22

 1/9/22 Through 1/15/22

Out of mercy, Christ appeared
For sin and shame, the people feared.
But lo, the love that flowed from Him
Would light the dark, and brighten dim.

The smold'ring wick shall not be quenched.
The evil seen as well-entrenched,
By truth and love, shall conquered be,
And blinded eyes shall clearly see.

The waters that He cleansed shall be
The waters of rebirth for me.
Where damning sin is washed away,
And tears of joy shall rule the day.

What Mercy God has shown to men,
That pure the soul can be again.
Repenting of our evil stays,
The retribution for our ways.

Sunday 12/19/21
In silence, will His voice be heard.
In pondering His holy word.
By spending time in quiet still
We come to understand His will.

No substitute for knowing well 
The Shepherd's voice, of which I tell
His guiding light will shine for thee,
And pierce the dark, so you can see.

Despite the busyness each day
That comes from work, and school, and play.
Now having done it all I say,
There's no excuse to not to pray.

What one does with time shall be,
The key to all eternity.
For time's the gift we have to use
To heaven gain, or heaven lose.

So use it wisely every day
Advancing in the Father's way.
A moment here, a moment there,
But Make the time for daily prayer!

Then, if you listen well you'll find
A glimpse into the Father's mind,
To see the beauty present there, 
And see how precious every prayer.

As He walked along the sea,
He passed by others, and by me.
Inviting us to leave behind
Our work, for work of different kind.

To fish for men, our new employ
And paradigms of old destroy.
A Kingdom different than before
Where God in flesh, we can adore.

The Son of God has come to earth.
By Virgin mother, given birth.
Am I to turn His call away, 
Persisting in my sinful way?

Or shall I follow Him with zeal
Proclaiming that our God is real,
Repenting of my life of sin
To let the Holy Spirit in?

That call is here for you today.
Continue in your same old way,
Or let true love embrace your soul,
And find yourself, at last, made whole.

Remember Lord Your servant here,
Alone in prayer, I long to hear
Your voice to quiet, calm, and still
The wand'ring mind and shaky will.

Each day I wait to hear You say
Behold, I've cleared for the way.
For left to fend upon my own,
The way that's right would not be known.

So once again, I beg and plead
Come help Your servant in his need.
Be guard, protector, King and guide,
And always present at my side.

Yes, called by God is everyone,
For made by God is everyone.
But ready not are ears to hear
And most will flee Him out of fear.

Attached so well to paltry things,
To meagerly, the foolish clings
When there before him heaps of gold
In all the stories scripture told.

So learn to love the way He speaks,
And how in many ways He peeks
Into the heart with piercing glance
In love to help the faith advance.

The embers warm to spark and glow
The more we search, and try to grow.
Then kindled soon a flame will be
In docile, with humility.

From bad to worse, the story goes
If we ignore the holy woes.
The word is there to light our way,
So we must listen and obey.

The Lord of lords and King of kings
No toy that just amusement brings,
But truly God who made us all 
And One to whom our will must fall

So cast your trinket gods away
And listen for the Lord to say,
The path is here, turn left or right
And winners be in every fight.

The faith of four, the life of one
Encounter with the Holy One.
Sins forgiven, now arise
What blasphemy, the thought of wise.

But who in truth was wise that day?
Twas those that tore the roof away,
And brought to Jesus, one enslaved.
One who, one touch by Jesus saved.

The sinners come, the prideful stay
When Christ convicts, attention pay.
For those who recognize their sin
And so repent, will enter in.

But those who cling to sin they know
Will languish in the filth they sow
Instead of turning from their wrong
To hear the resurrection song.

Friday, December 17, 2021

1/2/22 through 1/8/22

 1/2/22 through 1/8/22

Into the darkness light will shine,
And from the seed, a fruitful vine.
The tiny Babe, a mustard seed
Whose death became our saving deed.

The Magi recognized the star
And traveled from their land afar
To offer gifts to royalty,
The newborn King they came to see.

So, would I notice such a thing,
And then be willing thus to bring
Expensive gifts to One so small,
Or just ignore that special call?

The star is shining still for you.
The question is, What will you do?
Search for Him with faith devout, 
Or plan to firmly squash it out?

That Holy Name, that precious name,
No other name can save.
The name of everlasting fame
That conquered o'er the grave.

Oh, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, come
Enflame the heart in love.
Be all for all, and not for some,
And lead us home above.

So weaken now the enemy
Make strong who bear Your name.
Destroy the evil plaguing me, 
And rescue me from shame.

"Give them food", the Master said.
"But how", we cry, with little bread?
At best a morsel for each one,
And out we'll be before begun.

But not when blessed by holy hands.
It multiplies at His commands.
To feed the multitude that day,
And teach us of the trusting way.

Alone on shore, He watched the sea
As wind and wave would buffet thee.
He knew that fear had entered in,
In place of where the love had been.

He walked upon the tossing waves
To those who feared, the sea their graves.
So love again that they would know
And calm the wind and waves would grow.

Upon this One the Spirit rests,
And answers all His fond requests,
To bring glad tidings to the poor.
Oppressed, of liberty assure.

With sight to those whose eyes are dim,
New life to those who trust in Him.
But lurking in the shadows there,
Some tried their best to set a snare.

For they that keep the poor at bay
To so protect their wicked way
Want none of love, and what it brings.
Entrapped, they are, by earthly things.

But they, as well, could freedom find
If they would open wide the mind,
And see no more with lustful eye,
For only love will satisfy.

May the mind not wander.
Instead, may it just ponder,
That life eternal comes from this,
The Master's always loving kiss.

Just ask if He but would
In faith be understood,
And show the simple one like me
The depth of love He has for thee.

All, infected lepers be,
Falling down to worship Thee.
Begging for Your healing touch
Praising God, and thanking much.

See the value of each soul,
Cleansed again to be made whole.
Sin be gone, replaced by grace,
Gaze upon His holy face.

Increase by taking all of me,
Let all I do, be done for Thee.
My every gift, a gift from Thee,
A truth that now I plainly see.

By Love eternal man was made.
To love, by Love,the creature bade.
But evil set the man adrift,
And once released, decline was swift.

But Love would promise that in time
A One would save through love sublime.
Who knew, that man would rescued be
By One they nailed upon the tree?

But now we know, and so must move,
Our will to love as He loved prove.
And find the way to humble be,
Increasing love, decreasing me.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

12/26/21 Through 1/1/22

 12/26/21 Through 1/1/22

My honor is this fruitful vine,
This loving family of mine.
No greater joy for aging man,
Than looking on a faithful clan.

Where children now as parents do
Their best in raising souls for You
Of passing on the faith in love,
And training souls for life above.

With challenges they face each day,
And how they turn to You and pray,
They train a generation new
Just how to put their trust in You.

They look for opportunities
To teach the faith to such as these,
And raise their tender hearts to know
That love is more than earthly show.

I look and see how blessed am I
Then tend to sit and wonder why,
But looking back I see for me,
A faithful, loving, family.

No abstract concept spoken here,
But love in truth and love sincere.
We saw and touched, and now proclaim
The glories of His sacred name.

No dream or vision could proclaim
This God of might with humble fame,
Who came to earth to show the way
Of love in everlasting day.

The holy innocents are dead,
The virgin and her baby fled
To Egypt to protect the King
And thus to all, salvation bring.

The cries of anguish filled the air
As little children martyred there
Became the first to die for One
Who died for all, the Father's Son.

Again this morn I wait and seek
Just how today, will Jesus speak.
What word or phrase will capture here
A message for a waiting ear?

A prayer to one that's close to Him
Can clear the mind and light the dim.
In quiet stillness, love is heard.
In docile heart, is action spurred.

Decide to hear His voice today
And listen in a humble way.
Be patient, testing what you hear
Against the Church's teaching clear.

No word from Him will counter Her.
It's clarity He brings, not blur.
For on His bride, the Spirit rests,
And children feed upon Her breasts.

But quietly each day you'll find
A shining light and peace of mind.
The comfort of a loving friend
And holy wisdom without end.

(Can be sung to the tune of Come Thou Font of Many Blessings)
Here a life of ever waiting,
Ever seeking for the Lord.
Everyday anticipating
That the kingdom be restored.

When a child appears before thee
As no other child before.
Revelation, you can foresee
One to worship and adore.

Prayer and fasting was your staple.
Earth's attachments, not for you.
Sinless virgin, in a stable,
Bore the Savior to renew.

Spread the word and give Him glory,
Tell all men of life anew.
Spread around the Christmas story
All the love God has for you.

The day is here, the year is done,
But have I listened to the Son?
Has He meant a change for me,
Is there a difference folks can see?

Have I become a child of God,
Or are my ways and habits flawed?
Have I recognized the Word,
And worked to make His Gospel heard?

Is grace on grace bestowed on me
In such a way that others see
I walk amid the shining light
If it be morning, noon, or night?

If not, then throw the trash away,
And start upon a brand new day.
You know the Truth, there's no mistake,
So let it now, a difference make.

Mind can barely grasp the thought
That God has come to earth.
Much less to think that we've been taught
A woman gave Him birth.

The solemn truth is so it is,
The Virgin did conceive.
Now Son of Mary, Jesus is
As bread that we receive.

Preposterous, it seems to me,
No way to understand.
Created Mother shown to be
The vessel God had planned.

All honor must be given thee,
The chosen of our race.
For God has chosen you to be
The vessel of all grace.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

12/19/21 Through 12/25/21

 12/19/21 Through 12/25/21

Lord Make us turn and see Your face
Be filled with shame, yet joy,
For in the presence of this grace
Though shamed, we love enjoy.

The radiance of truth we see
Reflected everywhere.
The scars of crucifixion be
The burden we must share.

Though sinful, yet You love us Lord,
Make clean this heart of mine.
Through fire be at last, restored,
Engrafted to the Vine.

How privileged that as babe You came,
The Word, the Great Amen.
So humble and without acclaim
To rescue sinful men.

So little you expect of Me
When just a word would set you free.
My grace can snap the heavy chain
That's keeping you from blessed gain.

But all I ever hear from you
Is just another vain review
Of what you think would make you feel
Accomplished, and your faults conceal.

Yes, Lord, in truth, I know I've failed
And flesh in me has oft prevailed.
I beg that now Your love obtain
For me the gift of blessed gain.

A gain where love will reign supreme,
And all before, shall useless seem.
Where Yours the voice I seek each day,
And Yours the call that I obey.

( Can be sung to the tune of "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus")

Searching for a love to sate us,
One from whom new life is drawn,
One in beauty far surpassing,
One whose eyes eclipse the dawn.

Yonder springs across the mountain
Leaping over grassy hills,
There a ready, fruitful fountain,
Quietly, the heart now stills.

Rise my dove, my favored blossom,
Long the winter now is past.
To the living water, you come,
Quenching arid thirst at last.

Here the fragrant vine now flowing
Nourished by a steady stream.
Fruitfulness is ever-growing
Always giving love supreme.

The humble see with vision broad
And recognize the wicked fraud.
Temptations of the flesh are seen
As actions that the whole demean.

Possessions, just a tool that's used,
And not a thing to be confused
With that which is our final end,
And He on whom the poor depend.

The glory here upon the earth,
Not much for those of noble birth
Who see beyond this temporal veil,
And see all earthly glories fail.

The lowly see with vision clear,
And always have attentive ear,
Then act upon what they've been told,
And see the Master's plan unfold.

Wednesday Adoration

Listen for a word today.
Be sure to listen, and obey.
He longs to speak to willing ears
And beauty found may garner tears.

He gave His own begotten Son
Who prayed that man would be as one,
But only will that prayer be true
If folks will listen up like you.

Silence builds a thoroughfare
That's singular and very rare.
Where God and man can both commune
And solid bonds of love are hewn.

That Silent Night in Bethlehem
Where none around had room for them,
Was spoken the Eternal Word
That myriads on earth have heard.

And if they listen and obey,
That Word will guide them on their way,
And lead them to their home above,
Eternally in peace and love.

Lord let my life an advent be
Preparing for the Christ to see.
May every day I closer draw
Until, at last, I stand in awe.

Before a humble manger bed
Where goat, and ox, and ass are fed,
And see this babe, the Bread of Life
Born into poverty and strife.

Even if a one could bring
To mind that such a child is King,
No mind could comprehend His cross,
And what to gain, He counted loss.

If One so great can humble be,
For love of man, then why not me,
For One so far beyond the fray
Who lives in everlasting day?
A house of everlasting fame
In time, King David's house became.
For though he sinned, repentant be,
And God is merciful, we see.

God is love beyond all telling,
Humble greatness, pure hearts swelling.
Born without a house to dwell in.
Angels, of the birth, were telling.

Our God, in flesh, descends to be
The poorest of the poor for me.
One raising flesh from sin's dark hold,
That men, at last, could love, behold.

This day the Virgin bears a Son,
The long-awaited Holy One.
The inns were full, but now the time
To break the age-old paradigm.

A virgin birth, before unknown,
A light amid the darkness shown,
The Bread of Life to feed mankind,
In Bethlehem, the shepherds find.

What child is this, the angels sing,
Adoring as a newborn King.
From David's line the King descends,
And on this King, new life depends,

Saturday, November 27, 2021

12/12/21 Through 12/18/21

 12/12/21 Through 12/18/21

Over you, He shall rejoice
Fear not.  Be not down-trod.
Make of Him your solemn choice,
Behold your King and God.

Rejoice again, I say rejoice,
Your kindness should be known.
Praise the Lord with joyful voice,
For light in darkness shown.

Raise a prayer and have no fear,
Make known requests to God.
Peace and joy be ever near,
The Mighty One applaud.

Only eyes of truth behold
That of which, the prophets told,
That reveals the mind of God,
That of which the saints applaud.

Darkened mind can't understand
Ways in which the Lord has planned,
Turning evil ways to good,
Hanging Love on rugged wood.

Think again of what you do,
Of what, in haste, you say.
Is this the proper thing to do,
Or this the Master's way?

Reflection shows the humble how
The flesh can rule the day,
And well-intentioned folks may bow
To evil in the fray.

But light will shine on all someday,
And humble hearts be changed.
On reconciliation day
No longer be estranged.

One God alone who sends the dew,
One God designed this all for you.
It's not a home of barren waste,
But one where truest love we taste.

Awake and see what God has done,
He sent His spotless, Holy Son,
To be our Savior, King, and Guide
To lead us through the great divide.

He heals the sick and raises dead.
The crippled one picks up his bed,
The leper's cleansed, and blind can see.
No doubt, my friend, that this is HE.

Your plan for me, Oh Lord, fulfill
According to Your holy will.
In sorrow here I turn from sin,
And welcome now Your Spirit in.

Repenting of my former ways,
Preparing for eternal days.
I turn to Thee of steadfast love
In hopes of finding home above.

With wisdom be the king endowed
And Christ proclaimed to all aloud.
Truth be known through ancestry,
Unbroken be the family tree.

A thousand years, a trifle be
For One who lives eternally.
His plan be woven through the years,
In times of joy, and times of tears.

It's hard to see His plan unfold
When all around we sin so bold,
Uncaring of the end we face
For all the evil we embrace.

Fulfilled in time, His coming was,
And we must be alert because
In time again, the end is near,
And what awaits is love or fear.

To govern wisely, man should know,
And love for all the people show.
Great leadership will come from he
Who models what he does on Thee.

With Joseph as our humble guide
We offer self forsaking pride,
And follow where the Spirit leads
To see what selfless loving breeds.

Each little choice a steady way
To hear God's voice amid the fray,
And find the wisdom to succeed
Forsaking self, in every deed.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

12/5/21 Through12/11/21

 12/5/21 Through12/11/21

The captives free, the hills made low
The valleys filled that all may know,
The glory of our Savior King
Whom all the exiles, home did bring.

One day, renewed all creatures be
And straight the path that leads to Thee.
No lion, bear, or jackal there,
But faith and trust beyond compare.

For in Your presence healing comes
The depth of truth the Spirit plumbs,
And all is in the hands of Thee,
Who, out of love, created me.

No longer lame with weakened knees, 
But one who from temptation flees
The lies that cripple, blind, and maim,
For Truth and Love of ancient fame.

Day is coming ever nearer
When our view of God is clearer.
In the desert, make the way,
Rend your heart from sin away.

All that lives will wilt and fade
"Come to Me," the Master bade.
Feel the warmth amidst the cold
Share until all men be told.

Let none be lost that final day.
Rescue sinner, find the stray.
Gather wanderers that roam,
Help the wayward find their home

Without a single trace of sin
Immaculate and pure will win.
The serpent crushed beneath her heel
By love, and trust, and holy zeal.

We see in her what man can be
In spite of all the sin we see.
One set apart from earthly ways
That walks amid the murky haze.

Reflecting light that clears the air
And makes the soul so pure and fair.
A light of pure humility
That shows what man can truly be.

So call on her in every need
To help the plan of God succeed
And make of you one pure and clean
Just like our pure and holy Queen

Pay attention to the signs
The Lord is coming soon.
You know not of His grand designs
At evening, morn, or noon.

Blessed maggot, favored worm
Fear not, the Lord is near.
His love for man He will confirm
And show His people dear.

Thirst and hunger satisfied,
And watered well the land.
No longer barren waste deprived
Protection of His hand.

Lord You teach and Lord You show
How to live and where to go.
Let me know of Your commands
And what a life of faith demands.

Speak with regularity,
Help my feeble eyes to see.
Grant the grace to act upon
Your word, and many saints to spawn.

Wisdom sees no hurdle there,
Truth will make us well aware.
Seek the truth in all you do,
And Wisdom waits with gifts for you.

Elijah's chore, prepare the way,
Make straight the path to brighter day
Repent and turn away from sin,
Bow low and welcome Jesus in.

The sin we cannot see we own
Will make a comfy little home
Within the heart of blinded man
To foil there the Master's plan.

But make me see the sin I own,
And to Your priest, my sin make known.
That in humility I find
Forgiveness, and a peace of mind.

Then cleansed the temple once again
Will bring Thee fitting worship then,
And well-prepared the place will be
To welcome in a King as Thee.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

11/28/21 through 12/4/21

 11/28/21 through 12/4/21

Come, the cry of hungry hearts,
Filled with grace our God imparts.
Ever thirsting, ever filled,
Only more of Christ is willed.

Oh, the holiness it feeds.
More, the soul of Christ ere needs.
Infinite is God alone,
Never love as His was known.

Come Lord Jesus, ever new
Mold me into one like You.
One whose love is never bound,
One who truest love has found.

Oh. Lord I am not worthy
The words of faith proclaimed,
To under roof to have Thee
The Word, Messiah named.

How, dear Lord, unless they hear,
Will faith be found to draw men near?
The word is spread by what we say,
And how we act throughout the day.

How beautiful the feet that bring
The message of our Servant King
That love will handle all our needs, 
And acts of love are precious seeds.

Each one a gospel in the deed
That sprouts to hungry people feed,
And draw them to the King of kings
Who, on the cross, salvation brings.

On this mountain here below,
All on earth shall come to know
One who heals the blind and lame,
One of legendary fame.

He shall lift the woven veil,
Cure the sick and strengthen frail.
Tears removed and death destroyed,
Love to fill the massive void.

Food of rich and juicy kind,
All shall eat with choicest wine.
Rejoice, be glad, the King has come,
All enemies are overcome.

Build upon the Solid Rock
Although the proud and boastful mock.
Firm in purpose, dwell in peace,
Never shall your gladness cease.

Come to know and trust the Lord,
Make your will with His accord.
Let Him be your bank account,
See compounding blessings mount.

Otherwise, on shifting sand
The daily cares of wealth demand
An ever growing want or need
Of avarice and pride to feed.

So when the gathering storm shall break,
And mighty flood the tempest make,
The sand will simply flow away,
And lost be all you built that day.

The blind that know they're blind can see,
And seek the light to be set free,
But those in gloom and darkness grope,
Without direction, light, or hope.

Lord let me see how blind I am,
And thus become a seeing man,
Who understands just where I've been,
And turns my back on dark and sin.

 (This verse can be sung to the tune of  
"Lord whose love in humble service")

Be that voice to give direction.
Daily, clearly point the way.
Show to me Your kind affection
Help me follow all You say.

Make of me a patient servant,
Dutiful while you're away.
May my prayer be ever fervent,
Always willing to obey.

Show me how to use my talent,
Every gift received from You.
Faithful in Your service, gallant,
Multiplied on Your review

Harvest here, but where the labor?
Few to gather ripened fruit.
Master sent a willing neighbor
Here to help in this pursuit.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

11/21/21 Through 11/27/21

 11/21/21 Through 11/27/21

Only One is truly King,
No other can credentials bring.
For who controls the earth and sky,
The saints and angels glorify.

But fools below will always seek
Some way to dominate the weak,
And make a kingdom all their own,
Albeit on a worthless throne.

Our King has conquered death and sin
To welcome humble servants in,
But fools below with all their bling
Will find themselves a nothing king.

There's power in the widow's mite
That goes beyond our earthly sight.
By trusting God with all she owns
Her gift of faith and trust she hones.

Proud could learn by her example.
Having naught, she has what's ample.
Trusting in our God alone,
Her gift, the wealthy's gift out-shown.

Awesome sights and mighty signs
Will come before the end.
The earthquake and the flood combines
To quite the message send.

For all the knowledge we have gained,
We still have no control.
And naught is all we have obtained,
And naught can save the soul.

For God alone's the only way
To cross the troubled sea.
Fire by night and cloud by day
Will lead you to be free.

So seek His holy will each day
And act according to, 
The path He lights along the way
To save the faithful few.

Joy amidst the tortures thrown,
Peace beyond what man has known,
Perseverent martyrs shown,
When they claim as Christ, their own.

None resist the word He gives,
Wisdom from the God who lives
Hated for His precious name,
Everlasting saints became.

See the writing on the wall,
Answer well the Master's call.
Be not one to turn away,
Place your cares on Him today.

The day is coming when we choose
Eternal life, or life to lose.
To face the hungry lion's jaw,
Or violate the sacred law.

Either way a life we lose,
So wisely now we all must choose,
A paltry temporary thing,
Or that eternal life will bring.

Be not afraid when trials come,
And follow not the wicked drum,
But heed the Master's guiding call.
Be not afraid to give your all.

Look and see the seasons change
This is why I find it strange
We see the bud and recognize
The winter's coming soon demise.

Though billions all before us came,
Not one, of everlasting fame.
All have passed as just the wind,
Including saints, they all have sinned.

So looking from eternity
The brevity of life we see,
And know the end is coming soon,
Quite possibly, this afternoon.

So why not try this very day
To live in our most holy way,
And be prepared with ready feet
The risen Lord, our God to meet?

For all on earth, that day will come
When loudly beats the final drum.
When all of who we are we see,
And stand before eternity.

How far we've strayed will then be known,
But time has passed for mercy shown.
Our judgment now before the King,
Great fear and trembling all will bring.

Deserving of a damning blow
For all the sinfulness we know,
But love will cover many sins
And show to all, at last, love wins.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

11/14/21 through 11/20/21

 11/14/21 through 11/20/21

My fear is that I fall away
And choose the flesh that awful day.
A weakly and a troubled soul
Without the strength to be made whole.

I know beyond a doubt it's true
Yet still I turn away from You,
The source of all I know and love,
The King of kings enthroned above.

Your sacrament, my daily bread,
Your very flesh, by which I'm fed.
The angels look with awe upon
The Eucharist phenomenon.

Give me the grace through daily food
To have at last, the strength imbued.
To turn from all my earthly gain,
To You, my all, at last obtain.

We cannot make Utopia
Apart from God alone.
The fruit of such myopia
Is always overblown.

Where God is gone and man shall reign
Their "freedom" makes all slaves.
The scriptures burned, and prophets slain,
With desecrated graves.

The faithful call for eyes that see
And men that will obey,
For those that keep their eyes on Thee,
 And follow what You say.

Great wisdom that we clearly see,
And not through clouded eyes.
The errors we must quickly flee,
For truth instead of lies.

May I persevere in love
To gain with Christ, my place above.
I fear, in weakness, I may sin,
And choose my comfort over Him.

Saints that died in utter shame
Remembered now for steadfast fame,
For how they faced their blows in love,
To gain their place with God above.

Would I my sycamore descend,
And with my life, the faith defend,
Or cower and remain aloft,
To end as one despised and scoffed?

His call I pray to clearly hear,
And let His narrow path appear
That I might follow well and find
A place for me, above assigned.

A mother strong in faith and love
Who set her eyes on things above
Encouraged well her sons to serve
Their God alone with manly nerve.

She watched while each in brutal ways
Was tortured but, still God did praise.
Her life a worthy sacrifice
Her faith her key to paradise.

For eons now her story told
Her faith more rare than finest gold.
While none remember those who caved,
But only those whom faith has saved.

How sad that men don't recognize
The Christ in bread before their eyes.
If only they could see Him there,
And lift their spirits from despair.

Days are coming soon, it's true,
When enemies encircle you
And hem you in on every side,
For none from Truth, can ever hide.

Far too long has sin had reign.
Cleanse this temple once again.
Drive the demons far away,
Rule in me with perfect sway.

Make my heart as new and pure.
Give me strength to long endure
All that evil throws my way,
Teach me fervently to pray.

No word without a ray of hope
For those who in the darkness grope.
For mercy in their time of need
In spite of many evil deeds.

We see not as our maker does,
The all that is, and all that was.
His love surpasses all we know,
And pays the mighty debt we owe.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

11/7/21 through 11/13/21

 11/7/21 through 11/13/21

Few are asked to trust the way
The widows often do.
Each meal, or when they get their pay
They offer Him His due.

They know without a doubt He lives
And meets their every need.
In many varied ways, He gives
To help the children feed.

The generosity they show
Compassion knows it well,
But wealthy may not ever know,
Or such a story tell.

The many gifts each day received
Acknowledged from the Lord.
The price beyond what man perceived,
 Or what one could afford.

We rise or fall to meet our friends.
Truth, a lying world transcends,
For Wisdom flees deceitful hearts,
And from the fool, she soon departs.

The evil heart she enters not,
To those the rule of love forgot,
But Wisdom kindly soon forgives
The one in light of truth who lives.

Repentance be my daily road,
For she forgives and lightens load.
To flee the sin my one desire,
And Wisdom of the saints acquire.

The temple is that holy place
Reserved for God alone.
The site of mystery and grace
Where seeds of love are sown.

Come enter in and find the peace
That stills a restless soul.
Come find the Lord that brings release,
And makes the sinner whole.

Come see within your neighbor too
Our Lord who dwells within.
For He's a temple, as are you,
A refuge, both akin.

Your words in all I do I seek.
The words of One so strong, yet meek.
The guide for all I say and do,
The guide for all, because they're true.

In truth is where all peace is found.
The truth becomes that ringing sound,
Proclaiming loud to all the earth,
In truth, we have our second birth.

If you were but aware, You'd see,
His constant presence guiding thee,
And all you have a gift He gave
To you, and many others save.

His judgment on the privileged one,
Much harsher than the lowly one.
From those with much, He much demands
For truth is in all His commands.

Mobile beyond motion,
Mirror of our God,
Deeper than the ocean,
Reflecting Him unflawed.

Intelligent and holy,
Tranquil and secure,
Aura shining boldly,
Nothing ere so pure.

Manifold and subtle,
Agile and unstained,
Glowing as a scuttle
For the truth obtained.

Fairer than the sun or moon,
Surpassing every star.
From the Rock of ages hewn,
Endless reservoir.

Image of integrity,
Age to age, of fame.
Model of tenacity,
Wisdom, is her name.

The fool alone is blind to see
The Maker in His majesty.
For all proclaims His mighty hand,
And beauty bows to His command.

In fire, wind, and water strong
All nature sings a praising song.
Exalting One who made them all,
And acting on His every call.

What humble poor can plainly see,
The wise and learned claim to be
Colossal happenstance above,
Instead of mighty works of love.

Their willful ignorance is bliss,
But none the Master will dismiss,
For in each heart the truth is planted,
But denied, no pardon granted.

Persistent prayer, four hundred years?
Untold the cries and many tears.
The Judge will hear, someday relent,
A One to save, from Heaven sent.

His time is not the time of men.
We see it green, but He knows when
The fruit is ripe and ready for
His mighty hand to then restore.

Persist in spite of what you see
For land will rise above the sea.
A way be made both straight and true
To all the weary souls renew.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

10/31/21 Through 11/6/21

 10/31/21 Through 11/6/21

The Lord of all, or Lord at all,
A choice we have to make.
If just a slice, what will befall
Remainder of the cake?

So offer all you have and see
The love He has for you.
Outgiven, He will never be
No matter what you do.

So take to heart the word He gives
In many varied ways,
For in your neighbor's soul He lives,
And prophecy conveys.

When Lord of all we see Him where
At times we least expect
And recognize He's everywhere,
And Him, does all  reflect.

The multitude shall sing His praise,
And all shall hear the anthem raise.
For He who sits upon the throne
Is God of all, and God alone.

The myriads that tend to Him
All singing their exultant hymn
Can see in now, their glory days,
The majesty of Him they praise.

It's funny how the poor and meek
Can now perceive the One they seek,
While proud and evil lock their gaze
Amid the dark and murky haze.

It's up to us to look beyond
The raging sea, or quiet pond,
And see in all that nature gives
Our Lord of all, and God who lives.

The way to see His sovereignty,
Is poor and humble spirits be.
For they that thirst for peace and love
Will sing in praise of God above.

For though their passing looked upon
As pure affliction, not as dawn.
Chastised a little, greatly blest
The ones in faith, who passed the test.

Although before men punished here,
Their hope will cast away all fear.
For immortality awaits
Within the land of golden gates.

Once proved amid the furnace flame,
The gold no longer suffers shame.
Its luster shines and darts about,
To fire in the stubble start.

His loving care with His elect
The humble He will not reject.
Forever in the land above,
The faithful will abide in love.

Calculate the value here
And then behold, dispel the fear.
For what is offered far exceeds
The all we have and all our needs.

The cross a daily load to bear,
But grace supplied to make it fair
A burden light, and easy yoke
Just as the Master often spoke.

But if we never pay the price,
Persisting in our ways of vice,
The tower never will complete, 
And all our efforts yield defeat.

The job complete demands our all,
Or we, as many others, fall.
Why hoard the things that will not last?
The end for all approaches fast.

He searches daily for the lost
To bring them back at any cost.
So valuable to Him is each,
This lesson, all, He wants to teach.

No throw-aways within the flock.
Such thinking we must learn to block.
For all. their value far exceeds
Their reputation or misdeeds.

And Heaven rings with joyful sound
When ere a sinner lost, is found.
So give not up on any man,
But see the side the Savior can.

The zeal with which the wicked try
To satisfy their needs,
For everything that pleases eye,
Or boundless ego feeds,

Is zeal the Master calls us to
In spreading Gospel word,
To make believing ranks not few,
And well the Gospel heard.

Be wise with all your earthly gain
For it, for long, shall not remain.
Trustworthy, with a temporal thing
Shall in the land eternal sing.

No way to love both God and gold,
And those detached from it behold
Their every need be met by Him,
When days are bright, or days are dim.