Saturday, December 26, 2020

1/10/21 Through 1/16/21

 1/10/21 Through 1/16/21

What more could He, in loving do,
Then send His only Son to you?
One humble, poor, and with disdain
For human pride or earthly gain.

He showed how many ways we could
Obey the Father as we should,
And love our brothers here below
To show, the Father's will, we know.

The wicked too, deserve our love
For that's a telltale signing of
What God has done for sinful man 
And how to live within His plan.

For generations long of old
In partial ways, the prophets told
Of how Messiah's reign would come,
But now, to us, speaks through His Son.

No more in veiled, fragmented ways,
But clearly in these latter days,
We've seen and heard from His own Son,
The meek, and humble, chosen One.

The Lord of all the universe
Direct to all, will now converse.
The One who on the cross that wins
Salvation from our many sins.

The One that feeds our hungry souls
His flesh and blood, now all controls.
For love has conquered over sin,
Let all creation worship Him.

They taught but lacked authority,
The teachers of that day.
For then the vast majority 
Would do not as they say.

But then He came in truth and love,
A harbinger of fame.
A man without the presence of
An evil to His name.

For none before ere spoke as He,
Our God, in flesh, concealed.
Obedient the spirits be
When Truth Itself revealed.

The demons too, have faith you see,
But any love, they lack.
In Jesus, truth and love are free
And nothing is held back.

A priest like us in every way
Except the stain of sin.
That He might be like those of clay
And their salvation win.

For us He freely bore the cross
To show His boundless love.
Of everything He suffered loss,
To bring us home above.

If You wish, You can make me clean.
The power of Your word I've seen.
So harden not your hearts and see
The many gifts He has for thee.

Healing too, He wants to bring,
He wants to hear the lowly sing.
To bring them to a place where they
Will humble be, and daily pray.

The place of rest prepared for thee
Is only for the truly free
That leave behind the chains of sin
And find that they are welcomed in.

Twas sin that paralyzed the man,
But faith and trust in Jesus can
Restore the use of withered limbs
And give the soul rejoicing hymns.

No obstacle should be so great,
No time of life should be too late,
For one entrapped to be set free
By turning back, and unto Thee.

The wicked look at those as weak
Who simply true repentance seek.
Yet they're the ones who cannot move,
Locked firm within their sinful groove.

How rude I've been for many years
Your words of love upon deaf ears
The Christmas season come and gone,
Unopened gifts left frowned upon.

A man like me He came to show
Repentance as the way to go,
But I just see where others fall
And fail to hear, for me, the call.

This year be different than the rest
No packages, unopened, left.
Each gift received, and acted on,
Then closer to my Savior drawn.

Then seeing clear, these faults of mine,
I beg your mercy to incline,
And snatch me from the prideful maze
To turn my heart to humble ways.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

1/3/21 Through 1/9/21

 1/3/21 Through 1/9/21

Lord, every nation shall adore
Both near and far, Your love implore.
Light has shone, the dark dispelling,
Poor and weak, the Good News telling.

Wicked seek to quell your rise,
Yet dawn has broken on the skies.
Men of wisdom from of old
Come with incense, myrrh, and gold.

Receive a gift from me this day
To follow in Your loving way.
To make as newborn babe anew
My love of brother and of You.

What pleases Him we do each day,
And so, He listens when we pray.
The world though will never hear,
And so refuses to draw near.

The Spirit that He gives to you 
Will guide you in the things you do.
But that which guides the other way
Is only flesh and worth no pay.

The world with its thin delights
So superficially excites, 
But never finds the peaceful core
And always has them grasping more.

Give of self and love the other.
Trust each one as precious brother.
Acknowledge Jesus as the Christ,
And find your deepest soul enticed.

For those that hear and then obey
He answers every time we pray.
But those refusing truth to hear
Are those of darkness, doom, and fear.

A hunger deep inside of me
A longing to be truly free
On earth, cannot be slaked by things,
But only what our Savior brings.

A love so pure and undefiled
That came to earth as little child,
That calmed the sea of Galilee,
And died upon that rugged tree.

The Bread of Heaven, true is He
His flesh and blood He offers me.
True food and drink to satisfy,
My heart and soul to occupy.

Depart, for I must go to pray.
He told the crowd that special day.
For after feeding them with bread,
Our Lord, to private prayer, was led.

To contemplate His role below
And clearly, Father's will to know.
For flesh could not such wonders do,
But in the Father's will could you.

He promised such, I heard Him say
That greater works we'd do someday.
By unity within His will
Our work be even greater still.

To calm the seas and raise the dead,
Or on one loaf, have all be fed.
For love transcends what flesh can do
And love, the Father has for you.

Lord, help me look beyond today,
And hear the words Your scriptures say.
Help me to love those lost in sin,
And let Your reign on earth begin.

For only when I love like You,
 Will honesty and faith accrue
And sinners lost, will then be found,
With songs of praise the common sound.

The Spirit be our witness now
That God, as man, has come somehow.
Born of a virgin, humbly grown,
Most of His life remains unknown.

But that we plainly see today
Is that which shows His Godly way.
The love He shows for those in need,
The lepers cleansed, and captives freed.

For you, it's written that you know
Eternal life is what you owe
To Him who died for love of you,
And Him who makes the leper new.

Eternal life is this I know
It came so many years ago
In flesh and blood upon the earth
A babe of holy Virgin birth.

This truth must grow within the soul
To make the saint and sinner whole.
The Groom will come to meet His bride
And in their love be unified.

True, He is great, and we are small
Yet if we answer well His call
Begotten, each of us shall be,
For life with Him eternally.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

12/27/20 Through 1/2/21

 12/27/20 Through 1/2/21

She pondered on the things she heard
And sifted well each sacred word
She learned to recognize His voice
That guided her in every choice.

And Joseph too, alert was he,
Attentive to each word from Thee.
These two examples show us well
How we, as parents could excel.

By taking time each day to hear
Where God is calling, "Come more near."
And acting on His loving call
Until we find we've given all.

Still to this day, has evil gripped
The minds of sinful men,
And little ones, so ill-equipped
Here suffer once again.

Torn away from mother's womb,
A lie that rules the day.
The force of evil, dark, and doom,
Has gotten now its way.

At least it seems as though it's so,
For slaughtered every day,
Are thousands more, of which we know
Who never get to play.

Will ever be a day that comes,
When men will see beyond,
The temporal world that often numbs,
To life within that's dawned?

The Cross is what it means to love,
That gift of self from God above.
This love we're called to imitate
And so, with Him, participate.

His mother pierced by seven swords
By her example, leads us towards
The union we are called to know
With Love's example here below.

To love our brother means the night
Has passed away, and all is light.
For love illumines how we see
Each soul a precious gift from Thee.

The world with its enticements
So soon will pass away.
No more, with its excitements,
The weakest ones to sway.

For soon the world of darkness,
No longer will it hide,
Its treasure trove of emptiness,
Of wickedness, and pride.

But prayer and fasting fill the good
Who wait in patient hope,
With wisdom, that alone has stood
When others cannot cope.

Whose eyes beyond the child see
A promise now fulfilled.
A Savior of the world is He,
Whose kingdom now we build.

Detaching from the lower things,
To reach for those above.
To welcome now the King of kings,
Whose way is simple love.

Not because you're ignorant,
But just because you're not.
No one should be indifferent
To what, in faith, you've got.

For God has given all to you.
No more a man could ask.
The question now is what you do,
And will you meet the task?

For Light has come where darkness reigned.
No more the eyes be dim.
A life for you, His death has gained,
So set your eyes on Him.

Rejoicing that the shepherds heard,
Reflecting on their every word,
In cold and humble stable there
Where warmth and love had come to bear.

With mercy blest by God our Lord,
The way of love, to man, restored.
A Savior in the manger lay,
A brightness for the coming day.

No longer slaves, adopted sons.
Heirs as now God's chosen ones.
The captive now has found release
For here has come, the Prince of Peace.

A voice cries in wilderness,
"Prepare Messiah's way."
For soon will be made manifest
The errors of our day.

Repent of all your wickedness,
Be fervent, just, and true.
So many sins we must confess,
And give our God His due.

No matter what the tally be,
We cannot, wrong make right.
We must look to our God and see,
The truth in clearest light.

The Cross, that brutal sign of shame.
Conviction of our wrong.
The only source from which to gain
The lyrics of our song.

So make of me a melody,
A catchy little tune,
To help the poor and blind to see,
Our God is coming soon.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

12/20/20 Through 12/26/20

 12/20/20 Through 12/26/20

His way so far above our own,
He uses man to make it known.
The weak and frail, the humble poor,
The ones you'd think would fail for sure.

But victor is the shepherd boy,
And virgin would the snake destroy.
We too could win in every way,
If we just listen and obey.

A love the mind cannot conceive
Is given those who will receive
His word and treasure deeply there
This love that's far beyond compare.

Patience we must have to see
The glory of the Trinity
And those in faithful service learn
That giving all will give return.

Lord, I offer here this day
All that I have in every way.
Take what You will, but leave me this,
Your love alone, do not dismiss.

For all I have has come from You
And all I have is but Your due.
For You have given all to me,
And all I have is naught but Thee.

May this soul exalt Your name
Be ever here and ever same
The always loving, always good,
Who gave Himself upon the wood.

Just how does the prophet see?
What gift from above has he?
Even when in the womb, the gift comes to bloom,
And heralds One coming to thee.

Would that I be such as he,
So attentive, and clearly to see
In the course of each day, how He shows me the way,
And act on the gifts given me.

Each man is unique, that is clear.
And all have been called to draw near.
In their various ways, a symphony plays
When allowing the leader to steer.

So worry not what you should do
Just be ready in any way to
Play your note there in time, and don't worry of rhyme,
The Conductor knows far more than you.

A house of proper form and place
Exceeds what simple minds embrace
For how could He who made the skies
Be held in such a dim disguise?

Instead, a house He builds for thee
That down along your family tree
Shall come the morning dawn of grace
When God Himself inhabits space.

Far greater than a house of gold
That man can actually behold
The God of all in time and space
Who makes our hearts His dwelling place.

But in the town called "House of Bread"
Laid in a trough where cattle fed
There lies the Bread of Life Divine
That comes to feed this heart of mine.

Lord grant my house would ever be
A house of love to welcome Thee
That down through ages yet to pass
A house of gold, my house surpass.

A Savior still, we need this day
So many here have lost their way. 
They cling to sin, although it's fake
And wrong to right, they try to make.

They look upon a manger scene
Yet fail to its importance glean
That God Himself, as babe was born
Of spotless Virgin on this morn.

Break through this year, the bonds of sin.
Let men now welcome Jesus in
That those we see but twice a year
Be closer drawn, and to Thee near.

Friday Evening Adoration

A little bit of bread we see
But far more is that bit for me.
A path of holiness to tread
When feasting on that sacred Bread.

Each morn I rise to take it in
To wash away my venial sin
That I might start the day anew
And see it from the Father's view.

He that endures will be saved,
With blood, the martyr's way paved.
St. Stephen the proto, showed how we should all go.
In peace and love, he behaved.

May our lives be models of his
Giving answers whenever they quiz.
Showing love as we go, so the pagan will know,
Our God is this Jesus who lives.