Saturday, January 25, 2020

March for Life 2020

March for Life 2020

My Jesus, look upon this land,
And see the many dreams we've planned.
A slice of heaven for each man
As liberty and freedom can.

This gift of freedom blesses so,
But all our citizens must know
How fragile is what we enjoy,
And what our actions could destroy.

The cause of right and common good
Require loving as we should.
Respecting life in all its forms,
With love and care as common norms.

No land oppressing poor and weak
Will find prosperity they seek.
For one day all will be in need,
And reap what's grown of selfish seed.

So stand erect and boldly say
It's time to try the Master's way
Of love and sacrifice for all,
True liberty and freedom's call.

A nation strong and self-sufficed
So easily, by sin, enticed,
To think that they can change God's rules,
But prove themselves as only fools.

A nation great, again we seek
But not a one that kills the weak.
A nation under God's right hand,
Obedient to His command.

A place where life has dignity
That honors blest maternity.
We must abolish infant hate,
To make this land again be great!

2/9/20 Through 2/15/20

2/9/20 Through 2/15/20

So many paralyzed by fear
Have no conception who is near.
They sense not in the gloom's despair,
The Lord of all is present there.

Their grief and woe will make them shrink
And in that state of sorrow think,
A torch to light the way to dawn
Is what is needed to move on.

But that's not in the Master's plan
From when the dawn of time began.
He calls for trust, but evil sways,
And draws us into sinful ways.

A simple spark can light the way
If we resolve to just obey.
The next step forward he will show,
But often, only that, we'll know.

Scurrying to see the Lord
His healing graces wealth outpoured.
Come touch the tassel, be set free,
Of every rank infirmity

We honor well the dwelling place
The Virgin Mother, full of grace.
For where He dwells is peace and joy
That trials here cannot destroy.

No closer one has ever come
Than mother to her infant son,
That feeds upon her tender breast,
And in her arms will find his rest.

He chooses who is truly clean
The Virgin pure, and Mother Queen.
How lovely is His dwelling place,
Our Virgin Mother, full of grace.

Wisdom seekers suffer much
To find the holy way
They're willing to abase themselves
And learn just how to pray.

For what they seek is worth far more
Than wealth of any sort
And they will sacrifice the more
For time within her court.

What's asked is freely given those
With faith and not a doubt.
The ones, humility, have chose
And cast the sinful out.

Unsettled in our emptiness
Desires unfulfilled,
But there amid the lowliness, 
The sinful way is chilled.

Desire not, the things of flesh
That comfort here below,
But seek the wisdom always fresh
He wishes to bestow.

The one most wise becomes a fool
If he forsakes one simple rule.
There is but one to have our praise
One God alone, to whom he prays.

A jealous God, the One must be.
For if He let us stray to these
The truth be lost and never found,
No place to find unmoving ground.

The faith we place in Him alone
Will never become fully grown,
For He with no begin or end,
Created, cannot comprehend.

But little crumbs or scraps that fall
Can help us clearly hear the call
To worship God, and God alone,
And let true wisdom then be shown.

Ephphatha!  The Lord commands.
Be now the eyes, and ears, and hands
That open wide to hear the word
And preach it well till all have heard.

So act upon the grace He gives,
And show that He, within you, lives.
That all you meet would ever know
His way of righteousness to go.

Think of what just happened here
That Jesus Christ should draw so near,
In simple form of bread and wine,
I would receive the Lord divine!

The broken bread we thank Him for
The oath to man the Savior swore,
To never leave us orphaned here,
But always to be very near.

Though often we have gone astray.
He finds us in our wand'ring way,
And leads us back to pasture green,
If we but on, His presence lean.

So turn away from other gods,
And be not fooled by false facades,
But trust in One whose way is true,
And always wants what's best for you.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

2/2/20 Through 2/8/20

2/2/20 Through 2/8/20

Sharing in this earthly flesh
He came to sinful souls refresh
Alike in every way but sin
He blazed the path to enter in.

Destroying death upon the tree
He conquered sin for you and me.
His perfect love, through suffering,
Would all mankind, redemption bring.

If perfect love should suffer so,
Then sinners all around should know,
That none escape some trial here
But perfect love destroys the fear.

To all the nations bring the word
Till everyone on earth has heard.
The kingdom time is near at hand,
So now repent throughout the land.

Spread the word both far and near
That Christ, our Lord is present here.
No more with shackles bound in chain,
For now, at last, is evil slain.

Grant faith like she who touched the hem,
Not ridicule, like some of them.
For faith and trust will win the day
And good things come to those who pray.

Where faith is lacking, none will see
That blessed day of victory,
But only gloom and more despair
Without His tender loving care.

So trust in Him and banish fear
The Lord your God is very near.
He comes to heal and raise the dead
And keeps His children all well fed.

If we had such a faith as those
Who in the face of torture chose
To place their trust in only He
Who calls us to humility.

Then signs and wonders would abound
With nary sick or crippled found
And pride would simply melt away
In favor of the humble way.

But still they doubted every one
Just what the Lord had now begun,
When there upon the mount He said
Behold, I live, I am not dead.

So go and preach this mighty word
Till every soul on earth has heard
But have no fear, I will abide,
And for your every need provide.

Baptize and set the captive free
By naming all the Godhead three
The mission now is yours to claim.
That you might learn to love, I came.

Meditation on Hell
The place of damned depravity
Prepared for sinners just like me
Is far beyond what mind can bear,
With evil running rampant there.

The fires of bitterness and gall
Envelop and surround them all
No place to run from scorching flame
And none but just themselves to blame.

The blasphemy and cursing rise
Then fall again in sour cries.
Iniquity at every turn
From souls that everlasting burn.

With hatred, greed, and avarice
All common in a place like this.
Lust and envy, sloth and pride,
Await the soul on every side.

No shred of hope, the damned be damned.
In darkness, filth, and squalor crammed.
The stench of gross atrocity
And taste of immorality.

This place of untold misery
prepared for sinners just like me,
Who spurn the call to now repent
And find themselves, to Hades sent.

The cowardice of such a king
Will only, on his people, bring
Disgrace for all the masses know
He has no wisdom to bestow.

A little girl can stump the king
By asking such a brutal thing,
And yet the king has no reply
Except to with, the crime comply.

He should learn from Solomon
The ways to thwart the evil one,
And act with justice top of mind.
Benevolent, and true, and kind.

What have You to say to me?
My quest at every morn, You see.
For what You say, will guide my way,
And take me where I want to be.

Grant wisdom fresh and new each day
That I may better learn to pray.
And when I seek, to let You speak.
Then listen well, and well obey.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

1/26/20 Through 2/1/20

1/26/20 Through 2/1/20

Before all else, we must repent,
And turn from sordid sin.
If we, by Jesus, would be sent,
To others gather in.

Prepared must each disciple be,
To hear and then obey.
To leave their nets beside the sea,
And follow in His way.

No house divided thus can stand
A house of unity He planned.
To last to endless days of light,
And drive away the dark of night.

Gloom will but replace the gloom
While light will brighten up the room.
So none will stumble, trip, or fall,
But find in light, their all in all.

As David danced in joyful glee
No better thing, I must agree,
Than being in His presence now,
So filled with awe and joy somehow.

His gift of flesh and blood to man
If recognized, receiving can
Transport us to the throne of grace,
And let us feel His warm embrace.

A mother, brother, sister too
Can all be family to you
If they just listen and obey
And take the time to stop and pray.

I wish to make my heart a home
A rich and fertile land of loam.
A place where seed takes root to grow
A place where all, God's love would know.

Tilled and harrowed in pursuit
Of ground that bears abundant fruit.
Free of thorns that choke the grain
Or stones that cause the roots to wane.

So let me hear and then obey
Each cherished word, to me You say.
For only when I follow You
Will grace abound and fruits accrue.

Lord make my lampstand tall and strong
Bless this house forever long.
Raise up bold and faithful men
Who pass the blessing on again.

Daughters pure and undefiled
With disposition meek and mild.
With loving hearts from God alone
That as a hearth, will warm the home.

May the measure always be
A total gift of self to Thee.
With nothing left upon the shelf,
A full and total gift of self.

My sins are overwhelming Lord
The dignity of man ignored
The lash of tongue impatiently
Will just destroy propriety.

Who can this be, that orders the sea?
None who have sinned, could govern the wind.
There in this boat, on a cushion, afloat
Sleeping, there lies, the Lord of the skies.

So why be afraid, of the creature He made?
Your faith under-grown, and fear overblown.
His hand is upon the boat that He's on
And those with the King, to safety, He'll bring.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

1/19/20 Through 1/25/20

1/19/20 Through 1/25/20

To do Your will is my delight
To wait and trust throughout the night
For You will hear my simple plea
And grant a brand new song to me.

Ears that hear and eyes to see
The gifts that You have given me
To serve and do the Father's will 
Obeying always, ever still.

Obedience to what You say
The only sure and proper way
To rid us of the plague of sin
And usher true abundance in.

No sacrifice can take the place
Nor offering can thus erase
The dearth of love that deafens ears,
And leads one in the way of tears.

Baptized, anointed, called for Christ,
To higher height the soul enticed.
All called to live as priest and king
And to our clan, salvation bring.

The role of every baptized one
Is bring the masses to the Son.
That they might learn to live aright
And conquer in the darkest night.

You come at me with sword and spear
But unaware that God is near
To guide my hand and sling the stone
And prove there is one God alone.

One God to show the way of truth,
One God to guide both old and youth.
One God to fill our every need,
One God we listen to and heed.

No pow'r of darkness on this day
Could ever hold eternal sway.
The courts that loosed this awful scourge,
Have thus composed their final dirge.

For when He comes and truth is known,
The lives of millions then will groan
For justice in His Holy Name,
And unrepentant, lasting flame.

So lift this veil of darkness now
And change each person's heart somehow
To see the gift of those unborn,
And end this hateful, sinful, scorn!

In jealousy we find a sin
However small it may begin,
That draws a veil to shield the eyes
From where the truth of conscience lies.

We see quite clear what they possess,
But look beyond how we've been blest.
No gratitude for that received,
But by our selfish way deceived.

A grateful heart can cure this ill,
If we would stop to count our fill
Of blessings granted by our Lord,
And recognize His grace outpoured.

Each summoned and sent in some special way,
To do of His work in each passing day.
Apostles and teachers, the slave and the king,
All to the Lord, their services bring.

No jealousy found if humble all be
And recognize Christ in the persons they see.
Yet even among the apostles and kings,
We see the destruction that jealousy brings.

Beware of the sins of the haughty and proud
They come to the greatest and least in the crowd.
The way of salvation is humble and meek
Regardless if whether you're strong, or you're weak.

With scales that cloud our earthly eyes
We fail to see the dim disguise
Of evil in our righteousness,
And fail to many sins confess.

So if we just prefer the dark
And never, on the trip embark,
We waste away as evening light
And never find the source of might.

But if we have an open mind
No doubt, the truth, we'll surely find.
And if the truth is thus obeyed,
Another Christian, then is made.