Saturday, December 28, 2019

1/12/20 Through 1/18/20

1/12/20 Through 1/18/20

Baptized and claimed for God alone
A furrow where the seed is sown.
A gift beyond the mind of man
To enter in the Father's plan.

The waters wash away the sin
And let a life of love begin.
Repentance leads to life anew
Forever drawing close to You.

The oil an aromatic seal,
Not only sign, but truly real,
To claim us as the Savior's bride,
And grant us victory over pride.

Barren long, but fruitful be
The one who puts their trust in Thee.
For those who trust in all He said
Will always have their daily bread.

Not always what we have in mind,
Sometimes a very different kind,
But always what is good you see,
Some gift for all eternity.

This is how things came about,
A prophet pure, and clean, devout
A ready will to stop and pray,
To listen well and then obey.

Great discipline from time of birth
One trained to shun the things of earth,
But also trained to listen well,
And of the Father's glory tell.

In silence comes the Father's word
In quiet are instructions heard.
In stillness watch the waters flow,
His voice you then will come to know.

Are you truly listening?
What does this time of silence bring?
A full communion with the King,
Or just another song to sing?

This time I need to just survive
To hear Your voice and then derive
The path to walk throughout the day
And find Your peace along the way.

So why is our defeat allowed?
To punish sin, or humble proud?
To teach you all to listen well,
And let My word within you dwell.

Not service of the lips alone,
But in the heart, My word made known.
So all could see and thus declare,
"He listens to the humble's prayer!"

No earthly king could ever bring
Prosperity to reign
No sovereign here could thus endear,
But rule with ball and chain.

The sovereign Lord of love outpoured,
The Mercy Seat alone
Forgives the sin, and welcomes in
With kindness freely shown.

Unworthy everyone that's called.
The prophet and the king recalled.
Wealthy leaders, humble poor,
The likes of you and me, for sure.

Tax collectors, pharisees,
The prostitutes, and such as these.
The bishops, pope, and every priest,
All the greatest and the least.

Yet those who trust and follow well,
He chooses to within them dwell.
To lead through every darkened way,
And be their strength for everyday.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

1/5/20 Through 1/11/20

1/5/20 Through 1/11/20

Men of wisdom, men of old
Bringing gifts of myrrh and gold,
Frankincense and praise to Thee,
Spark such wondrous love in me.

Help me see the signs and know
Clearly how my steps should go.
Let me offer all to Thee,
And may my gifts, accepted be.

The Kingdom of heaven is near
The time for repentance is here.
A great light has shown, and Christ is made known,
Cast out is the darkness and fear.

True poverty children is this
To recognize Him and not miss
There is nothing we own, if the truth be made known,
All comes from the One we dismiss.

Within our grasp yet far away
The grace sufficient for each day
The food to feed the masses there
In Catholic churches everywhere.

Yet only few will come and dine
Partaking of the bread and wine
That blessed, became the flesh and blood
To bring about the graces flood.

Yet even many gathered there
In spite of what, in truth, they share
Will fail to recognize in bread
The Word by which they're truly fed.

Receive no more with doubt in mind,
This food is far a different kind.
A food to join with Love Divine
And welcome in this heart of mine.

He sent them all along their way
Then took some time alone to pray
To clearly hear the Father speak,
Then on to save the frail and weak.

His time alone to pray would be
His strength throughout His ministry,
To mold unto the Father's will,
And for our sins, His blood to spill.

We too must listen everyday
To hear and know the proper way.
For flesh, with pleasure, oft deceives,
But one who listens well receives.

A daily fiat paves the way
For God to brighten everyday.
To cure the leper, heal the lame
And magnify His Holy Name.

If you hate the one you see
How can you say that you love me?
For there before you I abide,
No matter what the flesh may hide.

That you may know, I write these things
That tell of what the Savior brings.
A cleansing mercy everywhere
Repentant sinners will but dare
Confess their wrong, and seek to change
And love, for selfishness, exchange.

What mercy is extended there,
What healing of our every care.
The leper cleansed and overjoyed
When Mercy grants to fill the void
With love and kindness undeserved
And dignity, at last, preserved.

If we ask within His will 
The Lord is faithful ever still
To hear and grant our every need
And in the process, faith to feed.

But He must increase everyday
And I must learn the humble way.
For but a messenger am I
To point the way and testify.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

12/29/19 Through 1/4/20

12/29/19 Through 1/4/20

Each member's obligation known
To make the family fully grown.
To strengthen bonds of love within
And claim the victory over sin.

The father's job to sacrifice
His leadership, should love entice.
His steadfast love must anchor these
When storms are spread across the seas.

And mother's love should ready be
To warm the chill or bandage knee.
Submitting to the Father's plan,
In service to their holy clan.

The children too, a part must play
As they, their parents, well obey.
And reconcile when bonds are frayed
To fix what damage sin has made.

This holy clan can take a stand
To thwart the evil sin has planned,
And make this world a loving place,
But we must answer to His grace.

A life of fasting and of prayer
Was Anna's gift in temple there.
A life expectant, filled with joy,
When gazing on that little boy.

We too can find that holy gift
If daily we would search and sift
For how He speaks to us today
And follow in that very way.

We'll meet Him unexpectedly
At work or home, or on the knee.
And quietly He'll show the way
For us to follow and obey.

The many stops along the way
May seem to take us far astray,
But if we follow where He leads
Our every need He fills and feeds.

Light true Light illumine here
The want of dark, and gloom of fear.
The emptiness of those pursuits
Which lead to factions and disputes.

Light the path and show the way
Find the lost, return the stray.
For only in Your light we see
The answer to our humble plea.

Ironic how the Queen of Peace
Should have to run and flee police.
Not for some wrong or evil crime
But just to save the Son divine.

The Son who came to speak the word
Before, that only prophets heard.
But now great kindness here would come
The word of God's most holy Son.

The word of peace and epic calm
The blessing and the healing balm.
But word dividing, word of heat,
To separate the chaff from wheat.

What does Messiah truly mean?
Has man before Him ever seen,
A leader anything like He
Who died upon Mount Calvary?

Though many good have passed this way
They are in fact, but jars of clay,
That carry what of Him they hold
The One far greater than the gold.

Mistake me not for one like He.
For I am but a servant, see.
Unworthy to His sandal loose,
Or any good, of mine produce.

A voice that cries, "Prepare the way."
Repent, and learn to daily pray.
Then listen well, and well obey
His word to guide throughout the day.

In His wondrous Holy Name
Jesus Christ, our King became,
Model, guide, and source of love,
Drawing to the One above.

Revealing what the prophets knew
The depth of love, of God, for you.
The breath of God to fill the sail
And lift the hearts of weak and frail.

That precious name, so good to me,
Has warmed my heart and set me free.,
To love in ways beyond my will,
And chase away the cold and chill.

Destroy the Devil's works this year,
And closer to the Lord draw near.
Come and see just where He stays
Then follow Him throughout your days.

Be not ashamed to call Him Lord.
Let pride be hushed, and grace outpoured.
Be witness for the wisdom found
When daily, Christ as king is crowned.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

12/22/19 Through 12/28/19

12/22/19 Through 12/28/19

Lord change my plans to match Your way
Let not my thoughts get in the way
I see too often only flesh
And need Your Spirit to refresh.

Give me the ears that Joseph had
And let my life, in faith, be clad,
That I may hearken to Your voice,
And make obedience my choice.

The herald of our Savior King
To throngs of ready souls will bring
The news to turn, and then repent,
To hear the word and then be sent.

To sacrifice in pleasing ways
As once was done in olden days.
To give to God with motives pure
And blessings for beyond secure.

To turn the children back to Him,
Away from darkness, drear, and sin,
And to the fire that purifies
The gold and silver of our lives.

The greatest prophecy to man
Revealed the Savior's mighty plan
To conquer evil's long, dark reign,
And bring about true love's domain.

A kingdom everlasting where
True love and peace are present there.
Where strength and courage dare to love
And fleeting pleasures, rise above.

That King will come in humble form
In manger laid on Christmas morn.
With ox and ass amid the chill,
To those that will receive Him still.

Life so precious squandered where
Our selfishness will breed despair.
So great the gift of Christ the King
To stoop as man and knowledge bring.

Of how they walked in cool of day
With God beside them on the way.
And how it was before the fall,
When they would hear the Master's call.

Oh bring this Christmas day to man
The wonder of the Master's plan,
That peace and love would rule the earth
Once Christ the King had come to birth.

But more than just a babe at rest,
This babe would grow and face the test,
Of what it means to truly love
When nailed upon the cross above.

So savor well this blessed day,
And how He came this humble way.
For this is Love before our eyes
Who humbles self and freely dies.

Stephen first among the flock
To follow in His way
The first to show his strength of stock
In hopes of brighter day.

Give us the courage in our time
To do as well today.
To face in love the evil crime,
And show the lost the way.

St. John, you recognized the love
That comes from God, and God above.
You found in love your daily rest
And laid your head upon His breast.

To just be close, your daily goal.
To let His heart, your heart console.
To give direction to your day
And follow in the Master's way.

Each babe a sign of purity,
A wondrous gift of poetry.
Knit well within the mother's womb,
A flower now in perfect bloom.

A miracle is every one
Each daughter, precious, and each son.
The handiwork of God most high,
A gift to bless its parents by.

Protect these holy innocents.
With all you have, spare no expense.
Each one a magnum opus fine,
A masterpiece of God Divine.