2/10/19 Through 2/16/19
When I see Him face to face
I'll understand my sin.
How far away I strayed from grace,
And sin's effect within.
The weight of these can crush the bone
And lead one to despair.
Forgiveness comes from Christ alone
Who answers every prayer.
Each day is better than before,
Our God is giving evermore.
New graces everyday received,
Through one immaculate conceived.
When I see Him face to face
I'll understand my sin.
How far away I strayed from grace,
And sin's effect within.
The weight of these can crush the bone
And lead one to despair.
Forgiveness comes from Christ alone
Who answers every prayer.
Each day is better than before,
Our God is giving evermore.
New graces everyday received,
Through one immaculate conceived.
The light of day and stars of night
Portend a future ever bright
For those, by grace, who's hearts are stirred,
Who learn to trust His every word!
Is my heart near or far away?
Did I just hear and not obey?
Is my heart where my lips proclaim,
Or mired in a land of shame?
That from within defiles the man
As nothing touched, or eaten can.
When pride controls what we would do
Our hearts grow far away from You.
Those fallen as the Devil's prey
Would doubt the things the Lord will say
And follow their misguided will
To wallow in the Devil's swill.
But love desires only good
And wisdom sees what all men should.
That God made man to live in love,
And dwell in heaven's light above.
Flesh of flesh and bone of bone
Made so man was not alone.
Given to the man as wife.
Given for the gift of life.
Though naked with no shame or lust,
The two in purity and trust.
Become one flesh as meant to be,
And thus a child comes to be.
This beauty God has made for man
Within His Trinitary plan.
Reflecting wonders of the love
Among the Godhead, up above.
With that first sin we chose our shame.
A lying serpent, now we blame.
But what, in truth, has caused the fall
Are pride and hubris, most of all.
The gates were closed and man shut out,
Then sin was raging all about,
But One was promised from above
To show again the ways of love.
He came as one akin to man
According to the Father's plan.
In poverty he grew to be
Our model of humility.
He opened ears, and loosed the tongue
Of deaf and mute He walked among.
Then on the cross He opened wide
The gates once shut by sinful pride.
How sad, for all, the Garden lost.
For every sin a frightful cost!
What looks attractive to the eye,
May not be something we should try.