Sunday, January 12, 2025

1/26/25 Through 2/1/25

 1/26/25 Through 2/1/25

By opening the scroll we see
How wicked every man can be
So blinded by our selfish pride
With none but greed to be our guide

Without His word, we drift away
From all that's good we should obey.
Then by the time we've gone so far
We lose the sense of who we are.

We seek the pleasure, shun the pain
And search for only earthly gain
But none can satisfy desire
Without a holy cleansing fire.

The word exposes who we are
But also heals the deepest scar
If we but turn, and love embrace
Our sins the Lord would all erase.

His love exceeds our every sin
If we just crack and let Him in
Our sufferings He turns to joy
If we, His ways, would then employ.

His love so deep and oh-so-wide
It shows how futile human pride
Allow His love to flood your soul
And fill that nagging gaping hole.

How can a house divided stand
When that below is shifting sand?
We need the rock to anchor well
With truth the story that we tell

Our priest not one like those before
But One who opens Heaven's door
With not the blood of sheep or lamb
But Perfect Love, The Great I AM.

His house forever stands for thee
And all will choose their place to be
Within the flimsy walls of pride
Or with our loving perfect Guide.

His family does His Father's will
In Summer's heat or Winter's chill
No sacrifice of lamb or bull
Could ever make atonement full

Those shadow sacrifices pale
When seen the truth behind the veil.
Those offered every year in vain
Could not forgiveness ere obtain.

But One of Perfect Love has come
To give His flesh for all, not some
A sacrifice so good and true
One meant for all, not just a few.

His family we can all become
Obeying Father, like the Son
Atonement full, on cross was made
Such not to wither, wilt, or fade.

One lasting sacrifice to win
And conquer over death and sin
Those standing have yet more to do 
One priesthood that alone is true.

The Mighty One whose work alone
Has earned His seat upon the throne
The old succeeded but the new
A One as fresh as morning dew.

Firmly there at God's right hand
The flame of love forever fanned
Each heart engraved with right and wrong
Forgiveness as the special song.

Even more, as time draws near
We act in Wisdom, not in fear
Unwavering with conscience clean
Arousing men to One unseen.

We long to see Your holy face
With eyes of love and perfect grace
A glance enough for hope to live,
But loving gaze on each You give

A light for each You give to shine
A lamp of love akin to Thine
Not kept within some hiding place
But raised to shower love and grace.

All with ears should listen well
Then you again the story tell
For as you measure, so receive
And lead the others to believe.

Your confidence don't cast aside
But in His care you must abide
For perseverance pays its gain
And drawing back eternal pain.

Trials here below are vexing
Often holy minds perplexing
Yet we know our one possession
In the end will heal and freshen

In a brief and passing moment
Faith and life begin to foment
Tis then we see our native land
And all the good that Love has planned

Turning back no joy providing
Only evil there is hiding
Pleasure brief and unfulfilling
Dire consequences chilling

A One whom wind and sea obey
A One who teaches how to pray
He cures the sick and heals the lame
Upon the soul, He lays His claim.

To Him the all we have belongs
He came to save us from our wrongs
A will that's free He gives to know
The faithful friend or wicked foe.

Are we like those who need a sign
Or can we follow God's design
Like Abraham who trusted still
When told his promised son to kill?

We walk by faith and not by sight
In trusting so, we see the light
How man for love alone was made
And how the Cross our debt has paid.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

1/19/25 Through 1/25/25

1/19/25 Through 1/25/25

Abundance in His love for man
Our Lord has shown since time began
A garden rich with running stream
A gift for man, from Love Supreme.

A wedding feast with wine to spare
Most delicate and finest fare
Abundantly His gifts bestowed
And free to all His graces flowed.

But foolish men have turned away
And tried to find another way
With independence, pride, and greed,
Away from Purest Love, they lead.

The Cross, for love, the greatest sign
His Blood, the choicest ever wine.
No less than all He gives to man
His love supreme since time began.

Make of me a wineskin new
One willing to expand with you
Fill me with Your grace today
That I may follow well Your way.

Anchored in the hope of glory
Perseverance is my story
Firmly gripping to His promise,
Perfect Love, my joy and solace.

Nothing here of value lasting 
All our choices here are casting
Molds for living life eternal
See within, beyond external.

Melchizedek, no line beginning
King of Peace the title winning.
Priest forever without end
One like you will Father send.

A Son of God this priest resembles
Jesus, far more proof assembles
Death He proves cannot destroy,
Life eternal we enjoy.

In synagogue the wicked scheming
Christ about His work redeeming
Nay a rule forbidding good
Check again, the leaders should.

By far, more precious life for living
Than the rules, but outline giving.
Use the brain He's given you
Find what's holy, good, and true.

A priest unlike another one
The Holy, Spotless, Only Son
A sacrifice so pure and clean
A one like this before unseen.

No copy, but the Real McCoy
A One with power to employ
To heal and bless and cleanse of sin
To wash away our filth within.

To such a One I come in praise
I wish to follow all His ways
His will alone will bring me peace,
Contentment that will never cease.

Among the chosen, twelve were named
But one of them was traitor famed
Ten martyred in horrific ways,
One placed in exile many days.

Of traitor's death in much despair
The soul with Wisdom must beware.
Christ suffered death to free from sin
And purify what's deep within.

The others persevered to see
Though weakly cowards, most would be,
That resurrection was to come
And by the Cross is vict'ry won.

Embracing every cross that comes
We prove ourselves adopted sons
So don't despair but persevere
And know His help is always near.

A brightness all around him shone
But blindness struck to him alone.
They led him on to shelter there
Three days he spent in silent prayer.

In silence there it was revealed
The truth which was before concealed
That Jesus was the Son of God
And Saul must preach to lands abroad.

For Jesus changes everything.
The crying voice will learn to sing.
The scales of blindness fall away
And Spirit leads with what to say.

Damascus moments may be rare
But all somehow become aware.
That Jesus chose us all to be
His witnesses so others see.


Saturday, December 28, 2024

1/12/25 Through 1/18/25

 1/12/25 Through 1/18/25

"You are My Beloved Son"
This grace of graces Jesus won
The Perfect One of sinless stripe
Was born to Earth when time was ripe

One born a man in Bethlehem
The Promised One of Jesse's stem
One donning flesh and blood to show
Adopted brothers where to go.

He showed what's possible for man
That humble love and mercy can
Renew a world that's lost in sin
If we but let His Spirit in.

With grace received in Sacrament
Each Baptised soul, by Heaven, sent
To spread the news, God's precious Son
Upon the Cross, our victory won.

In days of old were people told
In riddles and in ways.
But now so bold, all men behold
The King of all the days.

He comes to show what people know
Is far from all that's true
He comes to sow and make us grow
Into the life anew.

A dozen men were chosen when
His time to preach began
The word back then, and now again
Confounds the common man.

His way declares that one who dares
To love will find the way
The Cross He shares with one who cares
To listen and obey.

So far again from thoughts of men
This sacrifice of love
But as back then, He shows again
The way to home above.

He taught as with authority
As One who knows what's good for thee
As One who sees the hidden things
And light to darkened spaces brings.

As none before, His word would pierce
But not as Master strong and fierce.
As One with love ne'er seen before
As One of goodness to the core.

His way of touching human hearts
A flood of Heaven's grace imparts
A vision true and clear as day
He paints for faithful to obey.

Not like the others, crass and loud
Who speak among the gathered crowd
His voice allures the thoughtful mind
To open eyes which 'fore were blind.

Getting up before dawn His voice can be heard
In quiet and stillness the Spirit is stirred
Alone with our Lord before breaking of day
The ears are attuned to the things He will say.

Much busyness blinds to the world that's unseen
In quiet and stillness much Wisdom we glean
Our lives can pass by in the blink of an eye
And there's nothing beyond that money can buy.

Stock up on the currency needed above
The tender beyond, of forgiveness and love.
Make time to commune with the Maker of all
Without taking long, you'll be hearing His call.

If then you would answer, "To me let it be."
His glory, and power, and might you would see.
His will is the life and the truth and the way
Our joy is to listen and then to obey.

So simple the path we can follow to win
But often we're tempted away into sin
Still worse, is indifference, not thinking we need
A will but our own in this life to succeed.

Just try it.  I beg you  to sit there alone
And see if His will not to you is made known.
There's none persevering who hear not His voice
But to hear and obey is always your choice.

He always will give us what freely we choose
But choosing our will over His we will lose
His will is the best as the eons have shown
So quiet yourself, let His will be made known.

The leprosy is but a sign 
Of how we stray from His design
He wishes cleanliness for all,
But we must hearken to His call.

Not if, but when He calls to you
The grace to hear and act pursue.
For when we act on what we hear
We know His Spirit hovers near.

So when He calls be hardened not
The docile one is not forgot
He feeds with every grace we need
To in His mind of love succeed.

His way may seem a total loss
Akin to One upon the Cross
His ways so far above our ways
We see as through a milky haze.

But when the morning sun shall rise
We'll see with ever clearing eyes
His way of love has conquered sin
It's time to let the sunshine in.

A wayward and rebellious one
Will not be there when day is done
For only faithful find the way
To rest with Him at close of day.

His works are brought to mind each day
Another step along the way
In Him alone, our hope abides
In flesh and blood, our God resides.

Too hard for some to so believe
But they, of love, are so naive
No bound'ries for this love sublime
Eternity who enters time.

Forgiving sins and healing lame
To call the sinners forth, he came
To bring His Kingdom here on Earth
And offer man a second birth.

Our God has come within our midst
But many here, His presence missed.
Remember all our Lord has done
You too, can be to Him, a son.

Him to whom we all must give
Account for how we work and live
Sees all as naked and exposed
There's none to Him is undisclosed.

So let us hold to what we know
And follow where we're called to go
Our every weakness He has known
And how to overcome has shown.

With confidence approach the throne
Our God is God and God alone
All grace and mercy finding there
With peace and love beyond compare.

The words, "Come follow." clear are heard
But some consider this absurd
For who with sinners here would dine,
For sure no king or god of mine?

But so it is our humble King
To every kind of man will bring
The words to set the captive free
The words for you and words for me.

Come follow where the Master trod
The Humble One our Lord and God
Scourged and naked, hanging there
Crowned and beaten, man to spare.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

1/5/25 Through 1/11/25

 1/5/25 Through 1/11/25

Why is it some can clearly see
And so, some others blinded be?
What calls the one from far away,
Or leads the other one astray?

A will that's free was given all
But some will hear and some will fall.
Why is the evil one so loud
To turn the weak and fool the proud?

But far away if we are still
We see the beauty of free will
For love is only love when free
And only eyes of love can see.

The Magi watched the stars at night
But Herod looked to pick a fight
The Magi gold and myrrh would bring
But Herod to his wealth would cling.

The quiet ones could hear the call
But loud and boisterous ones would fall.
For in the noise, the evil nears
But stillness is where love appears.

Repent for the Kingdom is here
Our God in the flesh has come near
The darkness of death overshadowed by light
The Son has arisen to banish the night.

Rejoice oh lands so far away
At last has come the promised day
His Kingdom has come and the sick all around
All rejoice because now our King has been found.

God is love, so easy said
He takes the form of simple bread
But when we see what love demands
We often have a change of plans

He came to Earth in human form
To ways of sin and death reform
He gave us all He had to give
To show the masses how to live.

But we, like those who've gone before,
We see that Love is at the door
And often just ignore the knock
Refusing to the door unlock.

The choice is present every day
To welcome in, or turn away.
In little ways we choose our path
To peace and love, or rage and wrath.

The perfect love which drives out fear
Seems far away and rarely near
I think of judgment yet to come
And how, to sin, I still succumb.
How undeserving I must be
And why such Love would care for me.

My understanding clearly shows
A fear of all the Earthly woes
But Earthly woes cannot compare
To joy and beauty seen up where
His love alone shall reign supreme
And sinful souls are all made clean.

To trust in love would drive out fear
Make Earthly wealth, as dross appear
The shadows sin would try to cast
Within Love's light would never last.
For sure a judgment there awaits
But Perfect Love our sin abates.

We all must see in every man
The work of art the Father can
If we expect to see our Lord
His way of love must be explored.

Not lips alone can make it so
But words of love that all may know
The world is subject to our will
And faith provides our daily fill.

No way to love except in Him
And shed His light where dark and dim
Not burdensome His loving way
But joy for all who would obey.

"If You wish, You can make me clean"
My wrong that all before has been
I want no more the ways of sin
I want to welcome Jesus in.

The filth and rot which wrack my bones
A hoard of choices bad bemoans.
Another chance, a soul made clean
By One behind the simple screen.

A gift so great that all should know
But few, at best, will choose to go.
So many think they're pure and clean
With all their filth and rot unseen.

The Savior shines a piercing light
On all the deeds of darkest night
There's none can stand when Truth reveals
What pride and selfishness conceals.

So, why not be that leperous soul
Who pleads to be a one made whole,
Who wants to shed his life of sin
And so, a life of love begin?

We come in repentance to worship the Lord
The graces of Christmas by humble explored.
For all of us sinners must turn to His way
Allowing The Potter to fashion the clay.

We must be on guard against idols of stone
And trust that it's true, there is One God alone.
Then know that our brothers once lost in their sin
With repentance can turn and a new life begin.

We pray that Baptism, the gift of our King
Would wash away sin and humility bring
For Christ must increase if we hope to survive
When self is abandoned, it's then we're alive.