Saturday, June 1, 2024

6/16/24 Through 6/22/24

 6/16/24 Through 6/22/24

A tender shoot from branches high
He plants to teach and edify
To grow into a cedar strong
As shelter for a winged throng.

As scattered seed in furrow lies
Beneath a loamy rich disguise,
No sight or sound the farmer hears
And yet somehow, new life appears.

Just why it happens, no one knows
Except the One who makes what grows.
In such as these the Lord provides
And such as these a mystery hides.

Your heritage is not for sale
In terms of wealth, all riches pale.
Your heritage from God alone
No other on the earth can own.

This gift alone is not for sale
But juxtaposed another tale.
A tale to turn the other cheek
And love for enemies to seek.

The difference is clear to see
The first involves integrity
The other, all that we acquire
To freely give at His desire.

The Father's love is like the rain
It brings to all alike the gain
It waters fields of weeds or wheat
So blessing bitter and the sweet.

So, we must also love this way
And learn, for enemies, to pray
To bless the ones who curse and swear
And demonstrate this love so rare.

I want to want no form of praise
But time and time again I raise
My voice above to be so heard
And so the praise of man be stirred.

So humble that I wish to be
One thought of with integrity
Enjoying accolades I hear
To such a holy one appear.

How foolish are these thoughts of mine
For all I have is truly Thine
And none I own or e'er possess
Has come from me, but how You bless.

So, good it is to raise the voice
And in Your many gifts rejoice,
But help me always give what's due
For all I have has come from You.

Lead us not into temptation
Save our wicked sinful nation
Change our hearts to choose the good
Help us act the way we should.

Your name be held in greatest awe
From every victory we saw.
Your Kingdom comes to Earth below
When all Your children, Jesus know.

Elijah saw a sinful nation
Called them to make reparation
Still, they chose the quick and fleeting
Now our nation, such repeating.

Help us choose Your daily bread
And on Your every word be fed.
Let us not repeat the ways
That led to exile many days.

Your Kingdom is within our reach
If we but follow what You teach.
If we forgive and love like Thee
Your Kingdom here on Earth can be.

The store of treasure set aside
By Jesus for His Holy Bride
So far exceeds the all of Earth
As when a child comes to birth.

The world explodes in brilliant light
The womb no longer holds us tight.
The air surrounds, the sound is clear,
Initially, we're filled with fear.

But soon we feel a mother's hand
The welcoming that God had planned
Now treasures held on Earth below
All melt away like Springtime snow.

How sad it is to fall away,
To turn from God and fail to pray
When oh, so much He freely gives
And oh, so much His love forgives.

I know in weakness oft I fail
And into selfish traps, I sail.
Concerned for more than just today
And turning from the narrow way.

But oh, how richly You provide
To faithful who with You abide.
Through every hardship You sustain,
Through every loss, You lead to gain.

Lord, in my failings, turn my ear
To hear Your whispered voice quite clear,
That I may trust in You alone
And find my selfish ways outgrown.

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