Monday, June 24, 2024

7/7/24 Through 7/13/24

 7/7/24 Through 7/13/24

That they might know You speak to me,
I pray my soul might ever be
A one that's humble, weak, and graced,
All trust and care within You placed.

One with no grandeur, pomp, or state
But one to always celebrate
How God provides our every need
And expectations all exceed.

The weak are strong, the last are first,
The little infant gently nursed.
All trust is placed in God alone
And those in desert drink from stone.

Lure me on, then fill my heart
And never let Your love depart
Let me be a smitten one
To ne'er turn back from that begun.

A simple touch to heal the soul
A tassel drop to make me whole
A hand reached out in humble plea,
Oh, Lord be merciful to me.

Arise, He calls to little ones
For in His presence evil runs.
So, fill your time with Him revealed
And let your maladies be healed.

There's One and only One for me,
The God of gods who made us free.
All other gods of man's desire
Are destined for eternal fire.

I pray to be one strong and true
One totally in love with You.
One willing to endure the pains
That lead to everlasting gains.

A one to see beyond the shell
And boldly all the Gospel tell.
That all may see the brilliant light
And step away from darkest night.

I pray for strength in time of need
To proudly scatter precious seed,
And water with a gentle flood,
If necessary, with my blood.

I know I'm weak and cowardly,
But if Your Spirit dwells in me,
He uses humble, weak, and flawed
To lead the pagans back to God.

A laborer, I want to be
To gather harvest rich for Thee,
To bring the sheaves rejoicing in
And so, a crown of glory win.

Proclaim the Kingdom here and now
Before the One and only, bow.
The Timeless enters time today,
He hears and answers when we pray.

Don't try to make Him form to you
He's pure and good, and all that's true.
The key is that we turn His way
Abandoning what turns astray.

Our happiness is Him alone
His death, for man, did all atone.
So model what the King would do
And find your resurrection too.

Forgiven, freed, and made anew
This life of love was meant for you.
The gift of self we give away
Brings happiness for which we pray.

How well beloved by God is man
Since ever was that time began
In pride, we turn away from Him
But find alone, we cannot swim.

You stoop each time to rescue man
And so, the dark abyss to span.
Yet still we fail Your love to see
And turn again away from Thee.

Oh, shield us from Your blazing flame
And call the poor and weak by name
To turn and see what lies above
If we embrace Your cross of love.

What can we show to save our souls,
What in our triumph, God extols?
The works of man how great they be
Are but a trifle unto Thee.

The fortunes earned and houses built
Are but a harbinger of guilt
The toys amassed in pleasure sought
No peace or joy have ever bought.

How long before we see the light,
For His the power and the might.
Return with humble words and see
The Lord be merciful to thee.

Oh holy fear, let God arise
In darkness open wide my eyes
For woe is me when You  I see
Oh God, be merciful to me.

So cleanse my lips and purge my soul
Obedience my greatest goal
Then send me where Your will desires
To you alone my heart aspires.

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