Saturday, June 15, 2024

6/30/24 Through 7/6/24

 6/30/24 Through 7/6/24

We're made for life and not for death
By God alone we take each breath
He came that we might have it full
And turn away from evil's pull.

Arise He calls and live again
Let not the darkness ever reign
The Lord of life has come to Earth
To bring His people second birth.

Oh, you who never think of God
And then to wickedness give nod
You say one thing, another do
And cast His ways in back of you.

All discipline for you despised
The truth in all your words disguised
You hurry on in evil ways
And never turn your lustful gaze.

Because you trample down the weak
And crush the ones that daylight seek
The axe that felled the mighty trees
Will leave you naked on your knees.

Not one escapes, to all it comes
For evil men that day becomes
A day most dreaded, filled with fear
When He, the Crucified draws near.

So, turn around before that day
Be humble and begin to pray
Admit your wrong and make it right
To thus avoid the endless night.

Prepare to meet your God today.
Would now look good as your last day?
If not, you need to turn around
And let the proper path be found.

But those with Jesus in the boat
Regardless if they stay afloat
Have none to fear from wind and sea
When they've been walking close to He.

Don't wait for storms to come your way
To call on Him to light your way
The light you gain when seas are low
Must be your faith when storm winds blow.

Don't waste the time before the storm
And fail to evil ways reform
For those He meets without the key
Of faith will find an angry sea.

"My Lord, and my God" are the words of his fame,
And after that point was proclaiming His name
Probing hands with his fingers and side with his hand
He offered himself to His every command.

The Lord of all lords, and the King of all kings
A faith to the faithless, and doubters He brings.
If they are but open and ready to hear
Encounters as such will cast out every fear.

But action must come, or encounter shall wane.
Without moving forward, there's nothing to gain.
His will is for action to spread far and wide
Christ is arisen!  It can't be denied!

We must repent to save our land
And follow well the Lord's command
So blest this land for many years
But evil grows and judgment nears.

Our independence, meant for good
Our flag, for righteousness, once stood.
The rights for all we so pursued
But now the weakest ones exclude.

The lifting of downtrodden men
A goal among the founders when
Our nation was in infancy
But not in what it's come to be.

Today, in plenty, greed abounds
And still the call for "freedom" sounds
But "freedom" to partake of sin
And never let correction in.

So proud, we think that now we can
Invent a truth for every man
Refusing thus to bend the knee
Regardless of reality.

Such nation cannot long endure
A reckoning shall come for sure
If we don't turn and toe the line
We'll surely face a wrath Divine.

Listen now or never hear
The voice of God is sounding near
But if we hearken not we find
His speaking not so oft inclined.

The more we turn a deafened ear
The less we're likely e'er to hear.
We tune Him out and fail to see
The food He offers there for thee.

And so, amid a banquet feast
The starving soul becomes the fleeced.
The Devil laughs for all we see
Is sacrifice and misery.

But rich and juicy food is found
By those who hear the whispered sound
And act upon the Master's voice
To make His way their daily choice.

Acquired taste we soon shall gain 
And see beyond the temporal pain.
The Master's voice we come to know
And see the Devil's empty show.

Let not the famine come your way
But listen well and then obey
The more we hearken to His will
The more our lives, with joy shall fill.

Down the mountain juice shall flow
The wine of Him that all should know
Abundant gifts He gives to all
Who hear and answer well His call.

The house in ruins, He repairs
A banquet feast our Lord prepares
For those in hope, that persevere
And every word of His revere.

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